
Preguntas por mi Canadian amigos

Santiago - 11-6-2013 at 01:02 AM

OK, that made it Baja related:

Read an article written by a Canadian where he discribed his mother as "one of those Canadians who leave their radio tuned to the Canadian Broadcasting Network all day".
Is this a slam or a compliment?

Timo1 - 11-6-2013 at 07:14 AM

Either you love CBC radio or hate it

It's neither a compliment or a slam

shari - 11-6-2013 at 09:20 AM

I used to be one of those canucks who always had CBC radio on in the background when I lived on my boat and in the bush....most excellent programming and definitely a part of our culture....seemed more popular in western canada though.

motoged - 11-6-2013 at 01:42 PM

I don't listen to the radio for my music CBC is the station I listen to 99% of the time (to/from work)....for news, current event programs, good interviews....and some music in between.

It is educational and informative...AM and FM.

Kinda like for the thoughtful


So what does CBC say about..

neilm81301 - 11-6-2013 at 05:50 PM

.. the Toronto(?) mayor who copped to getting drunk and smoking crack? The US media is beating him up pretty bad.

Kinda unfair, I think. I mean there's a lesson there - you don't have to be poor and black and living in the crap end of town.. to get caught up in the bad stuff.

And he did 'fess up about it.


Timo1 - 11-6-2013 at 05:58 PM


He's just another politician that thinks he's above the law

Doesn't matter which country but he's getting pretty low ratings here too

An idiot is an idiot...Too bad he is the nation's mayor of the largest city

windgrrl - 11-6-2013 at 09:37 PM

CBC is our cultural and collective touchstone. It's our version of PBS mashed up with This hour has 60 Minutes, except it's radio and TV funded by our taxes which really delights many of us and ticks off some of certain political persuasions 'cause it can be the cross-country voice of those without a media machine. Our federal government is working hard to dismantle the CBC.

Love it. Got the app and listen to it in Baja. There that makes this thread more Baja-ish.


[Edited on 11-7-2013 by windgrrl]

motoged - 11-6-2013 at 11:27 PM

Well said :saint:

shari - 11-7-2013 at 08:26 AM

WG....what a grand idea....a CBC can take the girl out of Canada but you sure cant take Canada out of the girl eh!

CBC is one thing I miss about Canada....wild mushrooms, dried salmon, potlaches, wild berries and beer swillin canucks are some of the others!

redmesa - 11-7-2013 at 09:22 AM

Most of my news comes from CBC tv or radio. It is one of the things that unites this vast country. When I travel I read my CBC app online and listen to online CBC radio. I do not want to miss any new titillating info on Mayor Rob Ford or the Senate cheats. ;)