
Fish, Surf, Friends, Family....FUN!

shari - 11-10-2013 at 08:56 AM

We have been having a wonderful week here in Asuncion. Insanely fantastic weather and my bro and sis in law are visiting as well as Sirena & Izaak so we got some great beach time in, surfing and fishing. GC fished with my brother Miguel and the rarest catch of the week was George's chinese abalone...put up a good fight!

Sirena got to jam with Juan a bit

Bryan MacKenzie graced our blowhole too this week

we had a great dinner at the new restaurant Keykos with the gang..they cooked up the fishermen's yellowtail al mojo de ajo! and have the bests pina coladas in baja!

another dinner at the new Los Arcos...Baja Luna got to meet the family! excellent garlic shrimp!

and of course the required grandson photo....Izaak taking my picture

BajaBlanca - 11-10-2013 at 09:03 AM

Izaak is the cutest boy ever! What a great smile and sparkly eyes!

If there is a new restaurant, I guess we have to visit soon! Jaime, his wife and I want to put together a clean up gang for Asuncion ( la bocana wd participate ) and then for our town another day. So, maybe clean up then a lunch?

shari - 11-10-2013 at 09:28 AM

sounds like a good plan Blanca! count us in

BajaRat - 11-10-2013 at 09:51 AM

Thanks Shari, I needed a beach fix. Starting to get cold here at night.........
Big Apache trout though, how's fishing there ?

DocRey - 11-10-2013 at 10:28 AM

Thanks. This my dream. Load the family in the R.V. and head down for a time.
Unfortunately, it's like pulling teeth getting them to get serious regarding needed paperwork, etc.
Hopefully we'll work it out. Send good vibes my way. :?: