
Bahia Asuncion Police get new uniforms donated by my hometown police chief

shari - 11-17-2013 at 09:41 PM

Our local police force loves the new uniforms that were sent down by my hometown's police chief. We have been working for 6 months to organize the donation and get it here. A huge thanks to Timo & Barbareno for bringing down 2 massive boxes full of shirts, pants, jackets and vests from Canada!

they especially loved the fancy, warm jackets and even the buttons have nice crowns on them and say Police(real canuck style eh) and the pants have maple leafs on the black stripe on the side.

The officers were so stoked to have fancy new uniforms to wear for the parade this week. I am pretty darn proud of Chief Dennis Poole for making it all happen and hopefully it will be a yearly donation. They want to send down 15 bulletproof vests now and so we are looking for a ride down for them now...any takers?

DavidE - 11-18-2013 at 11:55 AM

Bulletproof vests? Ah Jeez!

Nice work on getting the uniforms.

Bulletproof vests

bajaguy - 11-18-2013 at 12:36 PM

Mexican Customs will blow major snot bubbles if they find them...(I know from experience)...they might be a restricted item. If not, you still may have problems

CaboMagic - 11-18-2013 at 12:47 PM

Shari - see if any vessels are scheduled for travel .. So Cal etc. HTH

Udo - 11-18-2013 at 02:51 PM

Nice looking uniforms, Shari. They almost look tailored.
I would volunteer for the vests, but as always, I will pe packed to the gills when we come down next month.
BTW...we will be in Ba until January 10, a Friday. Jana is trying to get the first two weeks in January off as part of her 5 weeks vacation she has coming in 2014.

BajaLuna - 11-18-2013 at 03:10 PM

wow what a great thing, Shari!!

Bullet proof vests, u betcha, that's a good thing for every cop, no matter how small a town is! Public servants protect us, and they all need protection too, IMHO!

mulegemichael - 11-18-2013 at 03:16 PM

shari, i would hesitate to ask anyone to bring down the vests as they would really get their *** in a wringer if caught...i had to wear a kevlar vest everyday for 20 years and yes, they do offer some sort of security in the law enforcement business but boy would i hate to have them discovered in my vehicle at a military checkpoint...

shari - 11-18-2013 at 03:30 PM

the police force enclosed a nice letter on thier letterhead, phone numbers, photos of the chief and explained that the uniforms were donated by them in case Timo got stopped and checked.

A boat coming down is a good idea!

DavidE - 11-18-2013 at 04:02 PM

Only a military commander in headquarters of the zone you intend to import the "Military Equipment" in, can authorize the permit and generate the paperwork for the heavily restricted item. Personal armor falls among this category.

At a Puesto de Control, the soldados there may carefully fold the letter up and take it and you to the local bote. There is a base marinas de armada here, and it is strongly suggested you ask the commandante there what he thinks of this idea.

It would be a shame to screw up a perfectly generous gesture by having someone get charged with a gran delito.

In Michoacan when I jokingly remarked to a teniente that "It may be a good idea for me to dress in traje contra balazos", when crossing Sinaloa he blurted "No don't do that! You would be immediately arrested!"

Safer to check and be sure IMHO

BajaBlanca - 11-18-2013 at 04:21 PM

Those are awesome uniforms!

bajacalifornian - 11-18-2013 at 05:10 PM


BajaNomad - 11-24-2013 at 03:11 PM

Nice !!

captkw - 11-24-2013 at 04:15 PM

Just in time for a parade !! great timing !! Years back, would bring down for the ranchers and for the local cops !!! NOT TODAY !!!:cool:

DianaT - 11-24-2013 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad

That is the web-site that without permission lifted the wording and pictures from our web site. Then after conversations with the owner and after we belatedly gave him permission, we asked if the promos for some of the places could be rewritten and he said no. Instead, he wanted to come to Bahia Asuncion and have us introduce him to others in town to sell them advertising. As we told him, no one can or will pay for advertising. The woman who writes for Lonely Planet was involved in this --- As I told him, all they needed to do was ask and that the promos should be written as promos, not just as information. He offered to remove everything, but we did not want to see that happen. We have no respect for people who run their business that way and NEVER recommend that site to anyone.

Shari receives all of the advertising on that site for free because they made her a correspondent; that she speaks English as a first language, once again made it easier for her. It is good to take advantage of all the free advertising one can garner. She is a good business woman who knows how to work the system, and good for her. On the other hand, it is a shame that they wanted to sell it to everyone else who do not speak English. He kept saying they could advertise with him cheaper than in magazines. He just didn't get it.

We refused his invitation to introduce him around as we were not going to introduce someone to our friends who then wanted to sell them something they could not afford.

BTW The uniforms are nice, but we are surprised they would be allowed to wear uniforms that have the symbol of the British Monarchy on the buttons and the national symbol of Canada on the pants. The other stuff, sounds good. From photos, it looked like they were wearing their Mexican uniforms in the parade?

Bullet proof vests would be good if they can cross the border.

John and Diane

[Edited on 11-25-2013 by DianaT]

liknbaja127 - 11-24-2013 at 06:52 PM

Diana, Most people, would't even notice the buttons! so if every body is happy, whats the proplem? these guys make very little.

DianaT - 11-24-2013 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by liknbaja127
Diana, Most people, would't even notice the buttons! so if every body is happy, whats the proplem? these guys make very little.

Really, no problem at all. If they can wear and use these uniforms, that is great. We are just surprised it is allowed by the higher ups and we saw in pictures of the parade that our friends posted on facebook, it did not appear that they wore them in the parade.

Maybe they can make them Mexican by adding Mexican flags and symbols to the jackets. That would be a good thing

shari - 11-24-2013 at 08:43 PM

they only just got the requested uniforms and will have them altered and fixed up with thier own touches so werent ready for the parade...but if you could have seen their faces when they were trying them on...they certainly didnt notice the crown on the buttons but were really excited they said police....the black stripe on the pants is classy and no one will notice the maple leaf motif at all.... they want to save the classy jackets and pants for special occasions and the shirts they will be able to use for everyday wearing. The jackets are nice and was a lovely gesture from my hometown department.

DianaT - 11-24-2013 at 08:51 PM

It was a nice gesture

bajaorchid - 11-25-2013 at 03:50 PM

A very nice gesture amiga! Kudos to you and your country!