C-Urchin - 12-2-2013 at 05:37 PM
¡ Scuba Tek !
Dive Equipment repair and service – right here in Baja!
Regulators Repairs - Factory trained, Annual Service, Overhauls and Repairs
Cylinders + Valves – Hydrostatic Pressure Testing, Annual Inspections, Conversions and Repairs. Eddy Current NDT to test for cylinder cracks. We
service and repair valves.
Nitrox, Trimix, Oxygen gas fills – Specialized gas blending for science, aquaculture or filming.
Compressors + Filters – System design, installations, maintenance, repairs and service.
Emergency Oxygen Kits – Training, sales and service of oxygen kits, be prepared !
La Paz Cell: (612) 152-3435
Bi_LTO - 4-4-2014 at 03:01 PM
I had 2 tanks visualed and Hydro tested in Dec. Excellent turn around and great service. Great find so didn't need to haul them back to Calif from