
BOLA report

Bugman - 12-3-2013 at 01:45 PM

Just got back from spending Thanksgiving week in BOLA. Not much to be had from shore this time but had a blast on the boat. We went out twice and both times there were plenty of schools of the Mexican bonita (the good eating ones with nearly white flesh and nasty teeth) with many fish pushing 10lbs. That was a ton of fun on light gear and good eating tacos and fillets when it was over. Both days we were back in after only a few hours as we had limited out and were tired by then anyway. On day two I switched to my light pole and had lots of fun reel ripping battles. Another good usual! :cool:

24baja - 12-3-2013 at 11:08 PM

Thanks Bugman, we are heading down on th 19th sure hope they are still around!

Hook - 12-4-2013 at 06:03 AM

Boy, this is truly the year of the Mexican bonita so far, over here. They are nearly unavoidable; trolling the shore or out in 400 feet of water. Ranging from 4-8 lbs. I think they make the best sashimi we can catch. They also chunk up nicely, almost like albacore, for tuna salad. Gonna try smoking a bunch tomorrow.

They are a welcome change from the incidental catches of barrillete that we usually have to deal with.

Pacifico - 12-4-2013 at 11:49 AM

I had some Bonita smoked for the first time this year and it was great! I had always thrown them back in the past.

woody with a view - 12-4-2013 at 01:08 PM

Bonita, it's the other white meat!

24baja - 12-4-2013 at 01:43 PM

We smoke bonita and finish it with a sprinkle of brown sugar.....smokey tuna candy! Yummy!

redhilltown - 12-7-2013 at 12:36 AM

Nice to see Bonito getting some respect!!!! I think it has always gotten a bad rap for being a pest fish in that people are fishing for Yellowtail and end up with Bonito...they are a strong fish and put up a hell of a fight...just not quite as smart. We did a blind Yellowtail vs Bonito fresh sashimi smackdown last Oct in BOLA and it was a push...attitudes were changed! Bleed it, put it on ice and it is a great great fish.

Just don't tell anyone :tumble:

Hook - 12-7-2013 at 09:26 AM

Unless you are catching small firecracker YT and taking only the best of the loins, my vote for sashimi goes to the bonita, hands down. It melts in your mouth, much like the farmed YT that you get at sushi bars.

Maybe it's because hamachi was the first sashimi/sushi that got me on raw fish, but I dont like YT to be chewy when it's raw.