
You are invited-off road TRIP REPORT today

willyAirstream - 12-10-2013 at 10:54 AM

So far there are 4 or 5 buggies going to La Purisima and back. Leisurely trip. All are welcome, razr, motos, whatever. Meeting at Tienda Paola at 10am. [Ice house road]
Trip is tomorow, Wed.

[Edited on 12-12-2013 by willyAirstream]

David K - 12-10-2013 at 10:59 AM

Going over the mountain, the back way?

willyAirstream - 12-10-2013 at 02:56 PM

Thanks David,
I was thinking following Mula`s recent trip. What do you think? Could you email me high resolution pics of above map and any others which may be useful? Ck u2u for my addy.

motoged - 12-10-2013 at 03:11 PM

That sounds like a good day....sorry to miss it.

I hope to be passing through Mulege about Dec 17 or 18 and will drop those moto tires off for the club....I have your general location directions....:cool:

David K - 12-10-2013 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by willyAirstream
Thanks David,
I was thinking following Mula`s recent trip. What do you think? Could you email me high resolution pics of above map and any others which may be useful? Ck u2u for my addy.

Mula went up the side of the mountain on the Mulege branch of El Camino Real... The part from Pie de la Cuesta (de Guajademi) at the bottom to Guajademi village is mostly NOT for wheeled vehicles (hoof and foot only). She is the one who can tell you if a dune buggy can do it, but I think you will need to go around on the auto road, the route I hi-lighted on the topo map.

I will email the map to you. :cool:

willyAirstream - 12-10-2013 at 04:00 PM

Ok, Ged. I am in the same place. Easy to find. Beers will be cold.
Thanks David. I`ll take your route above. I saw she had a pick up with her and figured we could try, but will take your advice. Greatly appreciated.

motoged - 12-10-2013 at 04:11 PM

I can't help but think the locals know which road to take.... trucks and cars have been going the Guajademi route this year to San Isidro....

Have a good one.:cool:

Pompano - 12-10-2013 at 04:33 PM

willyAirstream..."So far there are 4 or 5 buggies going to La Purisima and back. Leisurely trip. All are welcome, razr, motos, whatever. Meeting at Tienda Paola at 10am. [Ice house road]
Trip is tomorow, Wed."

Originally posted by motoged
I can't help but think the locals know which road to take.... trucks and cars have been going the Guajademi route this year to San Isidro....

Have a good one.:cool:

Good luck and have a fun trip. We did back in the day..and I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I were a bit closer. Your 4X4's and buggies should have no trouble making the trip on David's map. It's the path of least resistance.

We took both these vehicles below over there in 1975..starting from Coyote Bay. FUN!!

Plus you get to fill your coolers at the old ice plant. One of my favorite old-time Mulege haunts!

Take photos and post a report. Buena suerte!

[Edited on 12-11-2013 by Pompano]

motoged - 12-10-2013 at 05:20 PM

Love the El Camino.....

Picking up a six-pack and some smokes.....:

[Edited on 12-11-2013 by motoged]

[Edited on 12-11-2013 by motoged]

[Edited on 12-11-2013 by motoged]

BajaOkie - 12-10-2013 at 06:00 PM


Have a great time - I can not get my stuff together in time.

Take care and have fun


David K - 12-10-2013 at 06:26 PM

JW Black's buggy (grasshopper) is cool!

KurtG - 12-10-2013 at 06:42 PM

This link is to our trip log through that route from the San Isidro end. Just reverse the mileage log and you're good to go. Don't miss the view point that I note around mile 37, it is spectacular. This is a great trip.

willyAirstream - 12-11-2013 at 09:43 PM

Thanks everyone for the info. Here are some pics and a report....

.We meet at Tienda Paola on ice house road at 10am and left about 10:40. It was overcast, about 60 degrees and no sign of sun. A XR400 Honda, driven by Curt, a stock Bug,1600, swing axle, driven by Pete, a homemade rail 1600, swing axle, mid travel suspension, driven by Ken with Sharon as co pilot and A Funco rail, 2276, swing axle, mid travel driven by me and Daniia as co piloto. We spent 30 minutes discussing our route only to discover that Ken had done the steep route toward La Purisima last week, with out any trouble, so off we went. At the cattle grate we went left toward La Trenidad. btw all roads from the cattle grate out for at least 30 km are now graded. I had started my tracking gps app, only to find out later that it never started, duh. Continuing straight on the main road, you pass the turn off to San Ignacio, which was used in the last race and pass several turn outs full of road gravel and about 3 ranchos before coming to the base of the mountain. Here, at the base, the road goes from wide and graded to narrow a slightly rough. Just as you are ascending there is a major road going off to the left, marked with a large no entry sign. I believe this is the other road over the mountain, as did Curt who took it part way with Paq and Dany last week. ( but not positive}. Anyhow, just after this turn off, about 100 yards is a sign "De El Llanito" pointing to the steep grade ahead. It is an impressive site. Elevation was 445ft here. You can see a single tree at the top. There is no turning back from here. Once you start, there is no place to turn around. Pete is a bit worried about an oil leak and if his tires will hold up. Curt leads on the moto, I go next with Pete in the bug next and Ken in the rail coming up last. Curt on the moto and I zip right up in first and second gear. It was noon when we reached the top. About 1 1/2 hours with 3 photo stops. ave speed was 35, top speed was 65. Pete lost traction on an area that was golf ball size rocks and he spun out. Ken gave him a hand and progress continued. They reached the top about 40 minutes behind us. Views from the top are fantastic. Ken said that last week they continued on graded road for an hour, ending on a dead end. It started to rain and was about 50 degrees. We ate lunch and took in the views. At the top of this pass there is a barbed wire gate, which once thru the road is again graded. From here you go down a small grade and over another pass, but not nearly as steep. Elevation at the gate is 3291, so we went almost 3000 feet up in 2 miles, guessing here on the miles. Choice .... turn around and go back and see some cave paintings along the way or continue to La Purisima then cut back to the highway at km 61. It was about 1:30. A vote was taken and we went back down the mountain. Going up was 10 times easier than going down. There are no "over the cliff" places, but you need to go slow to maintain control. Lots of loose, deep rocks but I think any 4x4 could make it in eaither direction. We get almost to the bottom and see several ladies walking near the road, going up hill in fancy dresses, not hiking gear. Strange. We come around a corner only to see the truck parked in the middle of the road. After moving some rocks and trying to squeeze by, we check and yeepee, the keys are in the ignition! We park it in a near by pull out. We stop again and unwind and plan the cave painting tour. This is a right turn, about 5 km past the "do not enter" road going south, the one I mentioned earlier. There is a white board sign , but none of us remember the name. I entered a way point, but like I said, my tracking was not working, dang. Anyhow, go 12 km in until you see a concrete water cestern and a dead cow hanging from a tree { really}, turn right here and go 3 km until you see a big ditch, stop and park there. Walk straight for 100m yards to the water pools, past an abandoned rancho or turn right and head toward the big rock, see photos, for the paintings. This would be a beautiful place on a sunny day. We spent an hour and a half there. All day we were seeing small herds of cattle and horses, much more than usual. Maybe the cool temperatures? Anyhow, heading back, doing about 50 we slow for several cattle, I'm leading and after a short distance, I crank it back up to 50 and a calf jumps in front of me. Locking the brakes. I still hit him in the ass doing maybe 30 and he is running about 25, he stumbles and somehow recovers, Diniia is screaming bloody mary, in spanish, which is bone chilling! :) He slowed down at about the same rate as I was slowing, meaning all we could see was this cows ass inches in front of us. I am expecting this calf to land in my lap any second. Finally, it seemed like 5 minutes, but was probably 30 seconds, he turned and went off the road. All was well, we were shaking but laughing. In the next 10 miles we saw 4 small herds of cows and 6 horses and another jumped in front of us, but we were going slower, so no problem.
We headed back to town at a slower pace, as this was cow day for some reason. It was about 4pm now and that is beer time. Btw, if using block ice, put it in the bottom of the cooler. Seems obvious, but I learned that on top, it flattens my 2 beers and 4 cokes. We hit the Jungla for a cold one and JD tells us he went up that road last week in his small Toyota pick up with out problems. We are planning this trip again to La Purisima in 2 weeks, but will overnight there and come back via San Ignacio. Enjoy the pics.

The motley crew

the 30 year old honda

these pics are out of order.... this is coming up to the top of the pass, Curt is opening the gate

Pete adding oil, again and again. He broke a stud on the drain pan yesterday while changing the oil

catus up close and personal

the rock in the center is where the cave and paintings are. This is in Memos rancho, not on any map.

stolling to the water pools


the pools

pvc pipe strung back to the rancho, at least 200 yards

from the top looking south, you can see there is one more pass to go over, Ken said it was easy

lunch time

this is looking north at the road we just climbed

this is the tree, you can see from the ranch at the bottom of the mountain.

near the top

look closely and you can see the Bug below

lok closely and you can see cows in the road

Mulege Mountain, as named by Ged, looking down from the top.
Being from Colorado, I'm used to steep climbs, but this is the steepest I've driven.
Fantastic view as you can see.

Curt is in there somewhere

bajario - 12-11-2013 at 10:08 PM

Please penny stock. Hit the big time. I want to retire and do these things.

Pacifico - 12-12-2013 at 05:16 AM

Thanks for taking the time to post all those pics! That must have taken awhile...
Great trip report!

Blair - 12-12-2013 at 05:50 AM

We did that trip on the bikes last spring. I think its one of the best Baja roads I've done!

[Edited on 12-12-2013 by Blair]

[Edited on 12-12-2013 by Blair]

tiotomasbcs - 12-12-2013 at 10:20 AM

Great adventure, Amigo. New Co-Pilot? Easy to imagine my Tacoma out there with you guys! Thanks. Tio

willyAirstream - 12-12-2013 at 10:31 AM

Thanks guys. My regular co piloto couldn`t make it, so her sister sat in for her. Paola could not take the rough ride as she is pregnant! at 15 years old! [Not me, before you ask].
Bring the Toyota, we promise to stop every so often and let you catch up. :-D

desertcpl - 12-12-2013 at 02:19 PM

thanks for sharing,, very nice

Sweetwater - 12-12-2013 at 02:47 PM

Gracias, excelente !

TMW - 12-12-2013 at 05:02 PM

Beautiful country, thanks.