
My cat died tonight

Kgryfon - 12-21-2013 at 01:37 AM

How is this Baja related? Well, I was wondering how my aged cat would do in Baja when I retire in three years, and now I guess that problem is solved. I didn't want to post on Facebook because I don't want to upset my daughter who had really good news tonight - I want to let her have her good day without bumming her out.

Felix was 18 years old and a real tough character in his day. Once he caught a rabbit, brought the body home and ate the whole thing. Another time he got trapped in a new construction building a couple of blocks away for two weeks without food or water but finally made his way home, skinny and dehydrated but he made it through. Another time, I had just moved into a new house and he crawled into an opening under the stairs and was stuck for a week. I called and called for him but couldn't find him, then one night I had a dream that he was under the house, got up in the middle of the night and pulled the trap door open and there he was! He never meowed or answered when I called but there he was!

He was mean and cantankerous and tough as nails, but he got old and gentle in his last years. He died tonight. We're burying him in the woods behind my house tomorrow. RIP, Felix. You lived a good. long life and had many adventures. That's all any of us can ask. You would have loved Baja, I think.

David K - 12-21-2013 at 01:46 AM

Sorry for your loss... Cats are amazing, and for 18 years I bet he was very special to you!

Kgryfon - 12-21-2013 at 02:01 AM

Thank you. Yes, he was. I am very verklempt right now.


Whale-ista - 12-21-2013 at 03:54 AM

Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you had a good friend for 18 years. Our pets give so much love and companionship, but never for as long as we'd like.

Perhaps there's a new cat waiting for you in Baja.

Bubba - 12-21-2013 at 05:21 AM

It's tough losing any pet....

Mexitron - 12-21-2013 at 07:31 AM

Sounds like an awesome cat...sorry for your loss.

rhintransit - 12-21-2013 at 07:51 AM

sorry Felix didn't make it to Baja, sounds like he would have been right at home.
most those of us who have shared our lives with cats know the pain of losing a companion. my sympathy to you.

DocRey - 12-21-2013 at 08:02 AM

Sorry to hear about Felix. Memories never die. May you have a Merry Christmas full of Felix memories.

DianaT - 12-21-2013 at 08:13 AM

I am so sorry for your loss --- our pets leave such a big hole in our hearts. Just fill that hole with all the loving memories and Felix will always be with you.

Maybe Felix is having a stare down right now with my little Maggie Mae at the Rainbow Bridge. Or maybe they will meet and get along.

It has been five months and we still talk to her everyday.

Felix was a lucky cat to own someone who accepted him and loved him for who he was.

[Edited on 12-21-2013 by DianaT]

greengoes - 12-21-2013 at 08:27 AM

So Sorry for the Loss of Your Beloved Cat

Gypsy Jan - 12-21-2013 at 09:35 AM

We had a cat named Felix, too.

A flame-point Siamese, she was eleven when we moved to Baja full time and she made it to eighteen; she enjoyed her life here and was completely healthy up to her final days.

durrelllrobert - 12-21-2013 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Whale-ista
Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you had a good friend for 18 years. Our pets give so much love and companionship, but never for as long as we'd like.

Perhaps there's a new cat waiting for you in Baja.

Yep, one that enjoys feasting on rabbits.

Sorry for the loss and have a merry Christmas anyway.

Lindalou - 12-21-2013 at 02:47 PM

RIP dear Felix. You crossed over the bridge to a good place I'm sure..

sancho - 12-21-2013 at 03:49 PM

Lost our cat to a coyote a while back, for weeks after,
I would expect to see it at the door, took a piece
of me with him

woody with a view - 12-21-2013 at 04:16 PM

we have 2 black gatos. one is a feral wench who is just now allowing us to scratch her. we love them both and fantasize about bringing them on our trips south. the only issue is trying to catch the loca and put her in her travel cage! they do well at home when we're gone.....

Felix had a good, long life! we should all be so lucky!

The Gift of Love

Gypsy Jan - 12-21-2013 at 04:50 PM

Call me crazy or just shrug it away (hubby does some version of both).

Every companion animal that has shared life with us comes back to say goodbye for a brief moment after they have passed.

I look out the window and see a shadow pass or I hear a familiar bark coming from another room and sometimes they talk to me in my dreams.

They take the time to say goodbye, but they do have to leave because they are looking forward to their next adventure.

Pompano - 12-21-2013 at 04:51 PM

My sincere sympathies for your loss, Kgryfon.

I've had more dogs than cats, but I've loved my cats just as much...they grow on you.

Cats rule

durrelllrobert - 12-21-2013 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
My sincere sympathies for your loss, Kgryfon.

I've had more dogs than cats, but I've loved my cats just as much...they grow on you.

renebruz - 12-21-2013 at 05:21 PM

RIP Felix !!! I will say the trip down baja for a few weeks end of last month, I saw plenty of cats and kittens ( dogs and puppies) so you will have zero issue having a new cat adopt you when you do move down !!!

As you said he rocked 18yrs and used many lives, so celebrate his life for sure !!!

woody with a view - 12-21-2013 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
Call me crazy or just shrug it away (hubby does some version of both).

Every companion animal that has shared life with us comes back to say goodbye for a brief moment after they have passed.

I look out the window and see a shadow pass or I hear a familiar bark coming from another room and sometimes they talk to me in my dreams.

They take the time to say goodbye, but they do have to leave because they are looking forward to their next adventure.


vgabndo - 12-21-2013 at 06:49 PM

Leaving my cat Goose when I move to Mexico is one of the hardest things I'm dealing with. I've thought it through so many times, and I'm just sure it would be a death sentence for the little scaredy cat. She's not a toughie. But, seeing my departure date approach, my sense of loss is almost like her death thinking of living without her. She gets to stay where she's always lived and she's young, she'll have to make a new best friend.

I'm sorry for your loss. My emotions are so raw around all this that Felix's passing touched me deeply.

redhilltown - 12-22-2013 at 12:42 AM

So sorry to hear the news. I had my Honky Cat for 23 years and know how it feels. You give em a good life, take care of is a terrible loss but good karma awaits for those who take care of their animals.

Bob H - 12-22-2013 at 07:27 AM

So sorry for your loss! We still miss our dog Shelby. I will pick up her collar and hug it and think of her now and then. She will always be with us that way!

Kgryfon - 12-22-2013 at 12:50 PM

Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts. It means a lot to me. Felix will be missed. I don't know how we are going to get Christmas dinner cooked without him plopped right in the middle of the kitchen floor, like he always did.

Cypress - 12-22-2013 at 02:33 PM

Cats are weird creatures. A lot smarter than people give 'em credit for being. If they'd only leave the birds and other small critters alone The only cat I ever had would jump into the air to catch bats and dragon flies. Coyotes killed it.

grace59 - 12-24-2013 at 02:26 PM

So sorry about your loss. Those cats really can steal your heart. I lost my "little man' Rusty almost two years ago and I still miss him. He lived to be 16 1/2. LIke Felix he became more loving and affectionate as he got least with us. With others he was ornery! The vet records said, "Has an attitude" at the top of his files!! LOL! Loved that guy! Wish you well.

DavidE - 12-24-2013 at 02:59 PM

What seems to help a little is knowing just how good the pet had it, when in your care. Mascotas that are spoiled, content, and healthy know it and really they can't ask more than that. An animal who lives the last few years of their life in agony is being mistreated. Your puddy tat had it made.