
day after thanksgiving sales...

woody with a view - 11-26-2004 at 06:22 PM

i can't believe the lunies camping out overnight just to get the talking ELMO. :o

i slept in. at 11am i strolled into the local big5 and got myself a new easyup, sleeping bags, and a new tent.

then to the car doctor to get the oil changed, new air filter, and cooling system flushed. this, to go along with the new set of rubber that's ready to carry me to my destination in 3 weeks. i think i've got everything in order now but, the days just seem to be draaaagging.:mad::?::cool::tumble:

Bruce R Leech - 11-26-2004 at 06:29 PM

Yea its nice to live in Baja you don't get caught up in such things.

OK, I Admit , I Finally Gave In...

Cameron - 11-27-2004 at 09:04 AM

...For the first time ever, I was one of those fools rushing out to shop at 6 am!

In my defense, the Sears near me had a sale on Craftsman Tools at 50% off! You can never have enough tools, can you???

The catch was it was only from 6 to 11, so I thought I'd hit the Tool department bright and early, thinking that the rest of the store would be crowded with folks shopping for toys, clothes, and kitchen items. Boy, was I wrong!

You know all of those beaten-down, worn-out, tired looking men you usually see sitting quietly in the big chairs next to the changing rooms? The guys with the bags and boxes piled upon them, the most unfortunate of them furtively holding onto a purse or two, hoping no one notices?

They were all there at the crack of dawn too. Not knowing the etiquette for a limited-time, pre-holiday sale, the minute they opened the door, we all plunged blindly ahead, diving headlong into giant bins of Cordura tool belts, weaving through towering stacks of shining red rollaways, rushing towards the soft platinum glow on the false horizon created by the boxed and crated lawn mowers.

The glow grew brighter, growing as we came closer, like a sunrise bringing the promise of a hot summer's day. As we rounded the corner, (passing but not stopping at the coiled masses of pneumatic hoses, buy them now at half price...) the clamor of voices became hushed, reverent, as if we were entering the innermost chambers of a great cathedral or a monastery.

There they lay, on a raised dais, gleaming softly, laid upon on a cascading, undulating sea of blood red display felt.
A seemingly infinite array of perfectly crafted, lovingly polished, shining stainless steel tools awaited our gentle touch.

We had arrived at our final destination, and stood to bask for a moment in the reflected glow of what we had come seeking. It only lasted for a second, maybe even half of that, but I swear among all of the ringing of cash registers, the talking Barbie dolls beseeching their captors, and the loudspeakers encouraging one and all to express their love of friends and family by spending even more money, for just that one second, you could hear a pin drop.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Happy holidays to one and all... Cameron

Heather - 12-1-2004 at 10:02 AM

I also hit up Sears on Friday at 6am. In search of a Food Processor and some jeans on sale. I dragged my husband out of bed too, but didn't let him get to the tool section!

My big surprise was that we weren't the only ones speaking Spanish in there. It seemed that the entire Mexican population of Oceanside, CA. was in there with us! Finally saw a Samoan family to represent on the way out!

My friend from Ensenada says that the Mexican population has a love affair with Sears! I didn't realize this, but from what I saw it's true! Saludos, H.

synch - 12-1-2004 at 01:18 PM

You don't change the oil, filters and coolant yourself?
This is easy to do, you can use top grade materials, filters, and distilled water plus you won't have to wait in any line for service.

Sears tools ... hmmm ... how to respond without offending anyone. If you can't say something nice ... buy Snap-On!

[Edited on 12-1-2004 by synch]

woody with a view - 12-1-2004 at 05:05 PM

i'll gladly pay $12.95 to have 4 qts and an oil filter installed in 10 minutes. my time is worth that much alone, not to mention only saving 3-5 bucks to do it myself plus the hassle... nah.

flushing the radiator, kinda steep, but you only do it every 50,000 so on a per mile basis its fractions of a cent per...
