
Fishing sinner

Osprey - 12-24-2013 at 12:04 PM

Fishing Sinners Repent

I wasn’t always the hero I am today. A long time ago, in the U.S., (Nevada, Utah, California) I was fishing algae, pond scum. I did break some rules but I never caught more than my limit of trout and I actually protected trout from my 5th wife who loved to catch em but didn’t want to cook em.

I’ll just give you one example: I never went afield for fish or game without a license. At the beginning of the season I bought the appropriate annual license and didn’t mind much the $45 to $50 dollars for the privilege to fish in Nevada. But one time when I was short on ready cash, I lost my fishing license.

I went back to the same store where I bought the license and explained to the clerk what had happened. He was very helpful, asked for my driver’s license and within a minute or so I had a replacement. Cost: $1.00. We bid each other a nice day and I began to sing my sweet/cheap song all the way out the door.

You’re way ahead of me aren’t you? Yep. For the next few years my licenses only cost me a buck. Then, one fateful year the jig (as they say) was up. Replacement licenses in Nevada were $45 bucks.

I remember saying to the counter guy at Walmart “Was that me? Did I do that?” But he was already busy with other customers who were looking for Gulp.

Since that day I have been trying valiantly to make up for my sins. Nobody, but nobody gets in my boat without a valid fishing license and I see to it they never exceed the limits or break the rules. I know I’ve switched countries but I don’t care. A sinner makes retribution wherever he can.

durrelllrobert - 12-24-2013 at 12:23 PM

Oh the shame of it! :lol::lol:

acadist - 12-24-2013 at 02:40 PM

In trying to explain Mexican limits to my boys we developed the 'point system'. It works.....too well, all day long "How many points is this one?" :spingrin: