
RUMORS of gas shortage Los Cabos, La Ribera, etc

vandy - 12-26-2013 at 08:18 AM

So a friend just told me that the fuel barge didn't arrive in La Paz, so

EDIT: Who knows?
The Pemex attendants in La Ribera said "No gas in Los Cabos" and that they had enough gas for the rest of today (Dec 26) but didn't know when they'd get refilled...

[Edited on 12-26-2013 by vandy]

Bill Collector - 12-26-2013 at 12:02 PM

There's fuel in Los Barriles, we just came back, both stations are pumping

rts551 - 12-26-2013 at 05:21 PM

gas out in Vizcaino today... only Magna in GN

moonraker1 - 12-26-2013 at 05:25 PM

Wow, just got in from Loreto and the Pemex next to the new Super Ley Store only had diesel, and on the main drag heading out to Baja 1, someone was in the street directing traffic at the station on the North Side. Did not notice anything unusual at the other station on the South Side of the Main Drag. Couple of weeks ago, there was no diesel in Mulege for several days.

Pescador - 12-27-2013 at 08:27 AM

The word in Santa Rosalia is that there is a strike by the fuel haulers in Baja Sur. Only one station in Santa Rosalia had fuel and it was only 2,500 litres. I have a friend going to La Paz today and she borrowed two 50 litre drums of gas to make it. So if this is true, they sure pick a great time which is during the holidays when there are lots of people traveling and are sure to feel the impact.

Pescador - 12-27-2013 at 08:35 AM

However, this article says that the problem is that the ships can not leave the mainland and deliver fuel to La Paz, so there is a shortage of fuel there.

La Paz
Se retrasó el buque de PEMEX que abastece la gasolina a BCS

El retraso del buque tanque de PEMEX que abastece de combustibles al estado, ha generado compras de pánico en algunas gasolineras. / El Sudcaliforniano

El Sudcaliforniano
27 de diciembre de 2013

Elías Medina P.

La Paz, Baja California Sur.- El presidente de la Organización de Expendedores de Petróleo (Onexpo), delegación Baja California Sur, Salvador Gutiérrez, informó que desde el pasado 24 de diciembre, PEMEX comenzó a dosificar el suministro de combustibles a las gasolineras del estado, debido a que el barco que surte a La Paz no había podido salir del puerto de Mazatlán, sin que la paraestatal haya informado la causa de este retraso, según dijo.

No obstante, aclaró que PEMEX sí está surtiendo combustible pero que lo hace de manera selectiva, tratando de que ninguna localidad se quede sin gasolina.

Sobre ese mismo tema confió en que esta situación se regularice entre viernes o más tardar el sábado, cuando la paraestatal surta todos los pedidos a todas las estaciones de servicio.

Y es que desde el pasado fin de semana varias gasolineras se quedaron sin combustible, noticia que al ser difundida en las redes sociales generó compras inusuales entre los automovilistas, al grado que un número aún no determinado de estaciones de servicio se quedaron sin gasolina.

Los Cabos y Comondú fueron los municipios más afectados.

En la planta de PEMEX de La Paz los funcionarios se negaron a dar información al respecto; el asesor comercial, Hernán Davis Chacón, encargado del suministro se negó a atender a este medio, debido -según su secretaria- a que estaba muy ocupado.

apple - 12-27-2013 at 09:38 AM

I saw a Pemex truck delivering gas to a station here in La Paz last night...

BajaNomad - 12-27-2013 at 11:17 AM

Tim Morton and Baja Bound Adventures just posted the following pic of long lines at - what looks like - the station in Cd. Insurgentes, just south of the highway junction. His note says that not only are lines long, but that they're rationing the gas - with a purchase limit of 300 pesos per vehicle.

Looks like the gas has just arrived as well....

[Edited on 12-27-2013 by BajaNomad]

BajaNomad - 12-27-2013 at 11:21 AM

I haven't really taken notice of the capacity the tanks on the fuel trucks are in Baja.... but the trucks in Southern California haul about 8500+ gallons at capacity.

The trucks in Baja appear to have larger tanks than those in Southern California... fwiw.

[Edited on 12-27-2013 by BajaNomad]

cabobaja - 12-27-2013 at 11:42 AM

Just filled my tank in Todos Santos. No lines, no problems according to the attendant.

bajajudy - 12-27-2013 at 11:42 AM

Only diesel at the oldest Pemex in San Jose this morning.

BajaNomad - 12-27-2013 at 11:52 AM

I've been reading the online news about this. Apparently, whatever the issues were (and PEMEX has been vague) created a shipment delay of gasoline from the mainland. So, BCS stations started rationing gas, and news spread quickly among residents (social media, etc) - and a buying panic ensued... causing perhaps a bigger "shortage" issue than necessary.

The reports were that shipments should've returned to normal by yesterday (Thursday).

The photo I posted above did not indicate what day it was. They were posting about a trip, with photos from multiple mission sites, San Somewhere, etc... and perhaps from 1 to 3 days ago. I don't know.

The news reports again state shipments should've begun returning to normal yesterday.

[Edited on 12-27-2013 by BajaNomad]

shari - 12-27-2013 at 08:11 PM

we were told by the gas station owner here that there would be no fuel here till after new years so Juan went to Vizcaino to fill up our barrels just in case. There are often fuel shortages in these parts over the holidays as they dont order more fuel and there is so much more demand for it so they run out.

A few years back Guerrero Negro ran out of fuel for a few days just before New Years and there were L O N G lines but the locals took full advantage and were selling food etc. to the stranded folks...people were pretty bummed that they weren't going to get home for their New Year's party.

DaliDali - 12-27-2013 at 08:41 PM

Fill em up before the 5% tax hike!!

RnR - 12-28-2013 at 07:58 AM

Friday, 12/27 -

Spent the day in and around La Paz. All stations were open and lines were normal.

Drove out to Tecolote, (with visitors), and saw many Pemex truck/tankers coming and going from the tank farm near Pichilingue.

Should be getting back to normal. May take a bit longer for the gas re-supply to reach the more distant stations.

Bajame - 12-28-2013 at 08:12 AM

We were out in San Ignacio but they did have gas later in the day . How much for how long, no one knows .

chuckie - 12-28-2013 at 09:18 AM