
Had an accident in Ensenada OH NO!!!!

Bedman - 12-30-2013 at 04:02 PM

Lewis and Lewis save the day

After spending eight weeks at our house in Bahia de Los Angeles we were headed home. Highway 1 was muddy and wet. We were sitting at a stoplight in downtown Ensenada. All of a sudden "BANG". Somebody rear ended my brand new 2 month old Toyota Tundra. I got out of the truck and started to walk around the back and the SOB took off. I jumped back in the truck and tried to follow him. He knew Ensenada better than I and made it through a light before I could. He was gone.

We pulled out the Mexican insurance paperwork and called and reported the accident. The insurance adjuster was there in 30 minutes. We filled out all the paperwork, answered all his questions and then called Lewis and Lewis and told them what had happened. We really didn't want to spend two or three or four days or however long it would take to get the truck repaired and Ensenada. Lewis and Lewis told us "no problem" that we could get the truck completely repaired in the US.

We got home, I took the truck to the repair shop and got two estimates. Faxed the estimates to Lewis and Lewis. Four days later I had the check in my hand.

Easier than dealing with AAA here

Thank you Lewis and Lewis


David K - 12-30-2013 at 04:12 PM

Good new Steve... I hope you and Emma are well... Please tell us about the good life in Baja, as well! How's everything down there for you guys? Miss your postings here on Nomad.

Russ - 12-30-2013 at 05:41 PM

Mr. Lewis was a huge help to me also. The MX insurance guy really ran me around when I rolled and totaled my Explorer. Lots of e-mails and thing to get one after another. The guy could have given me a list of what he needed but he drug it out. With Mr. Lewis's help I think the check is in the mail.
Glad you claim and truck were handled properly. It still hurts to have your Toy busted.