
Happy New Year! Miracles with Photos added

BajaBlanca - 12-31-2013 at 07:30 PM

This was a wonderful year in many ways for me .... I decided to start a scholarship program for disadvantaged teens both from La Bocana and Punta Abreojos. Kids whose lives have had disaster in them, straight A students throughout high school and dreamers who spent a year being mentored to take the big step of leaving a village and going off on their own.

It was one of the most challenging endeavors and also goes down in my books as 2013, the year of miracles.

Many have helped me along the way, I could not have done it without their help. For this, I thank each person. I am ever so lucky to have great friends in my Life.

Happy New Year, everyone!

[Edited on 1-2-2014 by BajaBlanca]

[Edited on 1-3-2014 by BajaBlanca]

toneart - 12-31-2013 at 10:29 PM


Congratulations on you accomplishments. I think of you and Les often.

Have a very happy,, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Siempre Amigos,


Whale-ista - 12-31-2013 at 10:53 PM

Blanca- congratulations on your work. As one of my teachers often said about his profession: a candle loses nothing when it lights another candle.

You have helped light many new candles in Baja with your generosity. Brava! And continued success in 2014.

BajaBlanca - 1-1-2014 at 08:46 AM

Thanks Whale-ista!

Tony! So great to see you on board again! I thought you had put Baja past and had forgotten about us. Thanks for letting me know about this forum waaaaay back when and Happy New Year amigo!

timoteo - 1-1-2014 at 09:39 AM

Happy new year to You and Les. and thank you for all you do for the people of Baja. My favorite place in the world is a better place because of you.

BajaBlanca - 1-1-2014 at 11:58 AM


BajaBlanca - 1-1-2014 at 05:31 PM

We had a powwow and I gave them their xmas gifts that I brought from the States:

This was part 1 of the process....

Each kid was given toothpaste, pens, notebooks, dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent and fun stuff too.

woody with a view - 1-1-2014 at 05:33 PM

Our best to you, Blanca!

Treat yourself to something special. The kids appreciate all your hard work!

BajaBlanca - 1-1-2014 at 05:33 PM

This part was hard ! I am not good at wrapping!

BajaBlanca - 1-1-2014 at 05:52 PM

and this part made it worth every second!!!!!

this is Julian, from La Bocana..... he is studying International Business and thinks of working with customs. His mom passed away unexpectedly during routine surgery and the dad rejected the kids once he remarried. The dad is slowly but surely trying to restart the relationship:

This is Alfonso from La Bocana, who had just had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled last week plus 10 cavities filled! All of the kids have tooth issues and all of them now have a stash of toothbrushes and toothpaste. Alfonso is studying International Business and wants to run his own company. Of the 6 kids in the project, he is the neediest and also the one who just took the ball and ran with it! He loves college!

This is Clarissa - studying to be a marine biologist and then work at the fishing cooperative in Punta Abreojos:

and this is Graciela, a future attorney, and Clarissa's twin. That is their mom behind the sofa - she runs a small restaurant in Abreojos since the dad passed away:

Missing are Alexis and Cristian. They both live in the mountains on ranches and have not gotten their gifts yet - and both are getting COMPUTERS !!! Alexis is going to be a Public Accountant, he is studying in Santa Rosalia and lived in Abreojos before that.


This is Cristian, who is from a San Ignacio ranch, future architect:

timoteo - 1-1-2014 at 08:03 PM

Awesome Blanca, thanx for sharing

David K - 1-1-2014 at 11:42 PM

That is great Blanca!:bounce::bounce::cool:

DocRey - 1-2-2014 at 04:27 AM

Wow! You're quite a lady. Continued good fortune to you & your students.

aguachico - 1-2-2014 at 06:55 AM

Very cool Blanca. Hats off to you and Les. Nice of you to setup a business, be successful and give back to the youth of LB and PA.

shari - 1-2-2014 at 07:03 AM

The gang here in Asuncion wish you a very happy New Year Les & Blanca. May blessings shower upon you this year as you have blessed the lives of so many in your community...I'm proud of you amiga.

BajaBlanca - 1-3-2014 at 11:54 AM

Thank you Thank you Thank you all.

I was thinking last night...if you want to start a similar scholarship program in Bahia Asuncion, I would be happy to coordinate since I now have some experience under my belt. One generally needs 3 sponsors for each student:

one pays univ fees at around $200 a semester.

The second pays for lodging and food at around $200 a month

and the last can be family sponsor, someone to pay for books/extras which run around from $100-$200 a semester.

Students must study in Baja Sur, they dream of Ensenada but I just can't monitor that far away.

u2u me if you are interested and I will contact the high school to see how many kids are straight A students with a need and we can take it from there.

There is a one time charge for taking the entrance exam, it is $100 .... for me, the hardest part is that this is Mexico and they give you notice of how much the charges and what the dates will be (for tuition or exams) about one week beforehand. Talk about some stress!

[Edited on 9-28-2015 by BajaBlanca]