
Who are the Nomads?

Osprey - 1-5-2014 at 05:58 PM

Who are the Nomads?

Hard to nail down but they belong to an affinity group. Most of 8,000 or so posters and lurkers live along the U.S./Mexico border and that’s the glue that holds them together. All Bajaphiles from all over the globe have simply been drawn to this little part of Mexico and love it enough to keep in touch through this forum even when they can’t get here to enjoy it.

Like the United Nations they have no one central core belief, purpose or agenda --- they are uniquely different. Many are in and from academia, doctors of many disciplines while probably the bulk are ham and eggers, Joe six-packs like me. They are spread out in a way that makes it impossible for most of them to meet and greet others in person. So the only way they can interact with other members is to type their involvement, their interests and their experiences as part of the daily electronic dialogue.

Given that backdrop it is easy to see that the most beloved of the members use the kind of language that shows us their humanity, their willingness to involve in the give and take of casual electronic contact. Mean spirited posters are shunned while those of good humor and good intentions are otherwise judged only by the clarity and cogent content of language most of them can easily read and understand.

We’re not judged by our age, occupation, health, attire or by our pretty faces and shiny cars. It’s just the words on the screen, just the post, the reply, the added photos, videos, pictures of trips and fish and kitty cats.

So I’m warning you. In the new year I want to be loved more so please don’t look at my words, just embrace electronically the dying old man way down south who has been posting a lot of pix of his wife, fish he caught, and lots and lots of cute and cuddly kitty cats. It’s going to be a great year for communication. Yes!

durrelllrobert - 1-5-2014 at 06:11 PM

..and stay away from the OT unless you love the mean spirited posters that reside there.

Ateo - 1-5-2014 at 07:00 PM

Osprey: I love this post. Thanks for writing it.

Osprey !!

captkw - 1-5-2014 at 07:07 PM

You have a way with the written tongue !! Happy New years to you and all !!.....THE Fish B

DocRey - 1-5-2014 at 07:35 PM

What Osprey said.

acadist - 1-5-2014 at 09:05 PM


BajaRat - 1-5-2014 at 09:10 PM

Peace and love to all of ya.......
Thanks Osprey :cool:

Barry A. - 1-5-2014 at 09:21 PM

Truly beautiful sentiments, Osprey. Thank YOU!!!


shari - 1-5-2014 at 10:12 PM


Whale-ista - 1-5-2014 at 10:58 PM

thank you Osprey. Nice summary.

grace59 - 1-6-2014 at 06:56 AM

Thanks, Osprey! I am a big fan of this forum, and MANY of the posters on here! Hope we all have a great new year!

Osprey - 1-6-2014 at 06:56 AM

Sometimes I share what I learn on the forum with some of my Mexican friends. Can't say why but I always seem to be in praise of the forum as a group because of all the work they do to be good citizens, good visitors. The self-less acts I have been witness to are stunning --- the great citizen charity they bring to Baja's poor and unprotected, the "Got your back" help on the road with other travelers, the co-ordination they do on and off the net to help those in Medical emergencies and the list goes on.

For every cold hearted crusty one out there, there are hundreds to step in when called. Kindness begets kindness and I'll bet the board has softened a whole lot of people, brought them in to see how it feels to lend a hand. Bet you a hundred tacos we see more of that in the new year.

pauldavidmena - 1-6-2014 at 07:23 AM

I like that for every informative post here on the forum, there's two to merely blow off steam. There's a feisty irreverence that is usually playful rather than malicious, and the popularity of this forum certainly speaks to that.

I'm in my 50s and still a working stiff, and therefore only a "Nomad-wannabee" until I can throw off the shackles of painful employment. My wife and I are lucky enough to have found a part of Baja that we're scoping out for our Golden Years, and the forum has become a vital tool for us.

willyAirstream - 1-6-2014 at 07:43 AM

Well said Osprey. THX

Katiejay99 - 1-6-2014 at 07:54 AM

Thanks Osprey!! Well said!!

nbacc - 1-6-2014 at 08:13 AM

Well said!!!!!!!!!!!

David K - 1-6-2014 at 09:55 AM

When we have gotten together in person, it has been a great time...

Shared common interest, love for Baja (the land and the people), sense of adventure, desire to share...

Ferna's Toy Drive, Pyramid Resort's Booksignings, BajaCactus' Cultural Festivals, M's BBBB campouts, my Viva Baja events... all great times with great Nomads!

BajaLuna - 1-6-2014 at 11:50 AM

thanks Osprey!

sancho - 1-6-2014 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Osprey

I want to be loved more so please don’t look at my words, just embrace electronically the dying old man way down south who has been posting a lot of pix of his wife, fish he caught, and lots and lots of cute and cuddly kitty cats

You have my love Osprey, good luck on the Wahoo,
do you consider it the tastiest fish down there?

Osprey - 1-6-2014 at 01:39 PM

Tossup! Pick em >>> wahoo, blue marlin, dorado. I make my captain/friend a little crazy but I take burlap sacks and a big bag of frozen ice bottles. System works great because the ice is purified water and could be used for emergencies, it keeps the beer/refrescos cold till we get fish aboard, then goes in the wet burlap till we can filet the fish, put the ice back in the cooler with the bags of filets. He yells at me sometimes when I start throwing ice on fish when they're still flailing about. I suppose that's a little manic but it sure pays off to take care of fish from hook to table.

micah202 - 1-6-2014 at 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Who are the Nomads?
............... love it enough to keep in touch through this forum even when they can’t get here to enjoy it.
.. true,,,me's staying in touch with the Baja I love even while 'homeland security' is keeping me north of the 49th parallel for the winter,,,and America 'safe':no::no::(

DianaT - 1-6-2014 at 02:29 PM

We and others have shared one thing that is not mentioned. Some nomads are very different in person and are not who they write themselves to be. Some are exactly as they write.

Overall, it is a good place to find out certain information; albeit many different answers to the same question. :lol: We have made some very good friends through this forum and that is a good thing. A call for help is seldom ignored; even if the help comes with a price, but not always. It is a good place to promote local community projects and needs; even if that need is for a nomad who may or may not pay for the items. And it is a good place for lots of free advertising; and there is nothing wrong with that.

And personally, I have learned a lot about photography hanging around here! :biggrin:

David K - 1-6-2014 at 06:25 PM

Some Nomads have never met certain Nomads, yet think they know about them, and talk bad about them to others, who they do they meet in person! :rolleyes:

Nothing beats personal meeting and hearing how someone talks and seeing their passion. The keyboard just cannot convey feelings and emotions that well.

Internet is great at conveying data and photos about Baja... but once we get personal, it can be less than beautiful at times... :rolleyes:

DianaT - 1-6-2014 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by David K
Some Nomads have never met certain Nomads, yet think they know about them, and talk bad about them to others, who they do they meet in person! :rolleyes:


Internet is great at conveying data and photos about Baja... but once we get personal, it can be less than beautiful at times... :rolleyes:

Boy, you are right about those two things!

[Edited on 1-7-2014 by DianaT]

Ateo - 1-6-2014 at 07:11 PM

Who are the Nomads? They are people who have helped enrich my Baja experience by offering trip ideas, tips, and help.

I have made a few friends on here too. I've never known anyone in Baja except my family in TJ.

Now I have people to visit in Asuncion, La Bocana, Ensenada, Los Frailes, Gonzaga, San Juanico, to name a few........All the more reason for more trips!

There are also people here that I believe would have my back, as I would theirs, if I found myself in need of help down south.


woody with a view - 1-6-2014 at 07:59 PM

who you calling crusty?:lol:

you still kill me with the flesh eating dolphin story!:lol::lol:

Marc - 1-6-2014 at 08:37 PM

Originally posted by DocRey
What Osprey said.

Ditto. Bring it on!:):):)

24baja - 1-6-2014 at 08:46 PM

I have tell all of you, we met our first nomad this New Years Eve, well at least one that I knew was a Nomad. We had the pleasure of meeting Paulina at the Diaz Party in BOLA. What a wonderful lady. Hope to meet other nomads someday!:tumble:

EnsenadaDr - 1-6-2014 at 08:49 PM

DENNIS loved and probably still loves this board. He bugged me and bugged me till I joined. Hope he is doing ok in La Jolla. (La Jolla California, USA, that is).

[Edited on 1-7-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

bajalearner - 1-7-2014 at 07:41 AM

Those are nice words for the new year. Thanks I will try to live up to your example.

Udo - 1-7-2014 at 08:27 AM

You hit the nail right on the head with your anecdote, George.

My second purpose in Baja (retiring here in BA is the first) was to personally visit with as many Bajanomads I could find along my travels. You, in fact, were my first Nomad I set out to meet in person...I drove 130 miles out of my way, just to meet this writer/fisherman. You have been a truly rewarding person whom I can call a friend.

And, BTW, your post is close to hitting the 1000 views mark:bounce: which makes it a popular topic with all readers.
Way to go, George!

BTW...I wish you were here this evening...I am serving pulled pork BBQ sandwiches with home made cole slaw and BBQ sauce to some friends here in BA.
On Thursday morning I am heading north, and on this trip I am stopping by bajagringo's house in La Chorera (just west of San Quintin).
Also, my PR paperwork has been turned in a week ago, and now I HAVE TO "apply" to leave the country for 30 days, just until my card arrives.

Skipjack Joe - 1-7-2014 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by David K

Some Nomads have never met certain Nomads, yet think they know about them, and talk bad about them to others, who they do they meet in person! :rolleyes:

We react to what we read. What more can be expected. They say JRBaja was a wonderful man if you met him in person. But here on the board he was a pain in the butt. Nobody can say why he chose to personify himself in that light but that's how he will be perceived.

To me it's unimportant what 'they really are'. I just respond to the written word.

BajaBlanca - 1-7-2014 at 09:21 AM

beautiful post !

David K - 1-7-2014 at 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Originally posted by David K

Some Nomads have never met certain Nomads, yet think they know about them, and talk bad about them to others, who they do they meet in person! :rolleyes:

We react to what we read. What more can be expected. They say JRBaja was a wonderful man if you met him in person. But here on the board he was a pain in the butt. Nobody can say why he chose to personify himself in that light but that's how he will be perceived.

To me it's unimportant what 'they really are'. I just respond to the written word.

Yes indeed, I am one who made the note about JR, that we fought online and shared beers in person. He openly told me he did what he did online to get a rise from folks. This is entertainment, after all... but I like it for the information, too.

My comment yesterday was that none of us should pretend we know a person solely by what is posted, but instead by what we have experienced in person. I may not agree with everything you say on Nomad, but I do not talk ill of you behind your back, I have not met you. Even if I had met you, I really have better things to discuss than feelings about others. This is a family, like it or not, and what you say will come back and bite you if it isn't true.

Baja is the reason we are here and that love for the peninsula should be an overriding bond we share.

Barry A. - 1-7-2014 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by David K
Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Originally posted by David K

Some Nomads have never met certain Nomads, yet think they know about them, and talk bad about them to others, who they do they meet in person! :rolleyes:

We react to what we read. What more can be expected. They say JRBaja was a wonderful man if you met him in person. But here on the board he was a pain in the butt. Nobody can say why he chose to personify himself in that light but that's how he will be perceived.

To me it's unimportant what 'they really are'. I just respond to the written word.

Yes indeed, I am one who made the note about JR, that we fought online and shared beers in person. He openly told me he did what he did online to get a rise from folks. This is entertainment, after all... but I like it for the information, too.

My comment yesterday was that none of us should pretend we know a person solely by what is posted, but instead by what we have experienced in person. I may not agree with everything you say on Nomad, but I do not talk ill of you behind your back, I have not met you. Even if I had met you, I really have better things to discuss than feelings about others. This is a family, like it or not, and what you say will come back and bite you if it isn't true.

Baja is the reason we are here and that love for the peninsula should be an overriding bond we share.

You just expressed my feelings exactly, David. Thank you.


Skipjack Joe - 1-7-2014 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Barry A.

You just expressed my feelings exactly, David. Thank you.


He always does.

woody with a view - 1-7-2014 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
My little spot in the sand will still be there and now that my partner is there she (the spot, i hope!) will be cared for in the way she deserves.


Barry A. - 1-7-2014 at 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Originally posted by Barry A.

You just expressed my feelings exactly, David. Thank you.


He always does.

Sometimes you do too, SkipJack. HAPPY NEW YEAR (-:


DanO - 1-7-2014 at 02:30 PM

Well said, as usual George, except for one thing. Pictures of kitties? Really? I thought that was the realm of

Neal Johns - 1-7-2014 at 08:49 PM

Good dog! and an outstanding post, Osprey.:bounce: