
Anonymous ????????

Bruce R Leech - 11-29-2004 at 02:40 PM

why do so many people stay Anonymous?
Go ahead and join it doesn't hurt. and it is free . and a grate way to meet new Friends That share your interest in Baja:no:

4baja - 11-30-2004 at 07:52 AM

there scared!!:coolup:

Barry A. - 11-30-2004 at 11:51 AM

Of what???

Germanicus - 11-30-2004 at 12:21 PM

A) i.e for beeing attacked of their own opinion
B) not necessarely beeing scared. It is also that i.e. you are sitting in an i-net cafe while on a trip and your password is at home. How to register?
C) some folks just join in for a single question > you never see'am again if that Q is answered.
Those make certainly a good shunk of those "anonymous" .


Capt. George - 11-30-2004 at 12:42 PM

The big bad Nomads.......

sign on, all you can do is look stupid, I've done it plenty and I'm still here....

Capt. George

Motorhead Site and posting anonymously

jrbaja - 11-30-2004 at 01:15 PM

I used to frequent that site and stated my opinions as I do here. I got some chit back for it as I do here but the difference is, those guys aren't a bunch of weenies who start something and then try to weazle their way out of it.
It's called discussion although somewhat heated at times.
No big deal if yer not a weenie!
Same with the majority of anonymous posters. They can't back up anything they say but say it anyway and then disappear or try and whine their way out of it.
I've seen it a lot on here and I call them the chicken coop group. People that vacation here and pretend to know of what they speak and trying to make money off Baja.
anonymous posters fit right in as they generally just want to start crap and contribute nothing to Baja or creating ideas to help others on either side of the border.

Germanicus - 11-30-2004 at 01:53 PM

JR,,,, that isn't you, right?

I've gotten plenty of good advice

jrbaja - 11-30-2004 at 03:26 PM

from the guys at but it seems that they are just interested in racing n stuff. I'm more into Baja stuff but am always interested in car advice as mine are always breaking. Baja!!
Germanicus, nope, that's my sister. The most recent pic. I have of me is this painting. Not to worry my friend, I'm almost "normal".:lol:

With all respect...

bigzaggin - 11-30-2004 at 04:55 PM

why does anyone care if anyone posts anonymously? Our little screen names are ostensibly anonymous as is. IN FACT, genius would be the man who registers under the screen name ANONYMOUS, just for giggles.

On some level I understand the argument - put a name to your opinions - but mind the self-righteousness that makes posting, blogging, etc. un-fun and elitist. Not to be a hippie, but the internet was founded on freedom - to say what you wanna, when you wanna, how you wanna.

You're all registered. I'm registered. That's enough.


Barry A. - 11-30-2004 at 04:57 PM

I suppose that anybody that expresses their opinions on an internet forum is vulnerble to being attacked for those opinions. Like JR says, when posting on a forum that 10's of thousands are watching, you had better be reasonably accurate, and not state things that you know full well are controversial, or not true.

Now heres my opinion:

It seems to me that the internet has provided a platform for folks to say pretty much anything, and that has understandably really aggravated many, many folks. I think, for this reason, that some of the folks on the internet have contributed to a much more contentious society, and are partially responsible for the polarization of opinion in this country, and around the world. Most of us are pretty guarded in stating our opinions eye-ball to eye-ball-----on the internet we just let fly with all kinds of wierd ideas and phylosophies, cuss each other out, and stir up all kinds of resentment. The result is that we now know that everybody out there is crazy except you and me, and you are a little crazy. That is a little unnerving, I think.

We better get used to it as it isn't going to go away. If you have "thin skin" you better stay away from message boards, and the "anonymous" folks are to be regarded as cowardly and irrelevant, IMHO.

Still, I think that it would be better if we all went back to our previous ways of "guarded speech", even on the internet. We all love Baja California, and that should be our only basis for comment on this board.

What do you think? (-: Barry

bajalera - 11-30-2004 at 09:53 PM

I think you got it exactly right, Barry. Not that your summation is likely to modify the input of that tiny minority of posters who label any criticism of their personal views as "whining," whose idea of debate consists of accusing anyone with divergent opinions [including venerable old Walter Cronkite (sp?), for heaven's sake] as being a mentally deficient kook. In 48-pt. type, of course--hey, the bigger the bolder! It's apparently a teen-age macho thing.


AHHHHH debate...

bigzaggin - 12-1-2004 at 12:41 PM

the cornerstone of intellect. And most importantly, we are all right!

Hooray for opinions.


"societal niceties" ?????

Barry A. - 12-1-2004 at 04:55 PM

This thread is probably more appropriate for the "OFF TOPIC" board, but since it started here I will stumble on-----

Grover-----I believe that what you refer to as "societal niceties" are what I call "civilized behavior". Without civilized behavior we probably are not progressing, but rather going backwards.

And what does "lying through your teeth" have to do with good politics? It always comes back to bite you, doesn't it?? All politicians realize that eventually, but often too late to save themselves. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out, but they sure have a hard time remembering it. Of course lying, and giving out information based on available information, are two different things, and should never be confused with each other.

Es verdad? Barry

(to keep things focused on Baja-----"Baja is just great!!!!!")

Germanicus - 12-1-2004 at 05:02 PM

Q.: Barry A, can you show me or tell me what "good politics" is?
Or better: I do not know an honest politician.
Can you name me one?
Nation doesn't matter - just one.
Politics is the dyrtiest business I know.
(Even prostitution is more honest)
But anyway > you have a good one and take care!

Bruce R Leech - 12-1-2004 at 09:57 PM

there are a few honest politicians. But they just don't get elected into office.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Germanicus - 12-2-2004 at 12:43 PM

grover, what your mother thinks is for damn sure better for her.

A piano player in a hoarhouse is at least an honest job.:saint::saint::saint:

I've always wanted to learn

jrbaja - 12-2-2004 at 12:52 PM

to be a pianist, just could never figure out why!:lol: