
El Bajo coordiantes

capitolkat - 1-7-2014 at 04:10 PM

Anyone have the coordinates for the El Bajo seamount- also know as the Marisla Seamount. it's about 8 miles at 32 degrees from Isla Islotes, just NW of Isla Espritu Santos which is just outside la Paz. Been there but it's always easier to find when coming from La Paz if I don't have to make the run to Islotes and then turn E. Thanks a bunch-- Norm

bill erhardt - 1-7-2014 at 06:30 PM


N 24 degrees 42.096'
W 110 degrees 18.070'

I've never been to El Bajo from La Paz, but have come down from the north a couple of times. It's about 100 miles from Loreto, but sometimes worth the trip.
The 'tails should be stacked up out there.
Have a good trip.

capitolkat - 1-7-2014 at 07:45 PM

thanks Bill- will be checking it out soon--Norm

Alan - 1-8-2014 at 08:14 AM

There are 3 or 4 definitive peaks on that seamount but the numbers are in my boat and I'm not in town yet. Have the YT shown up yet? I've been watching various reports but I haven't seen anything mentioned so far. I'll be back in town around the beginning of Feb. Hopefully we will get a chance to buddy-boat or boat share. How has the bait situation been?

capitolkat - 1-9-2014 at 05:43 PM

No bait= out yesterday and went to N ceravallo and got some Triggers and cabrilla on frozen squid. No wind yesterday or today. Exceptional boating days.