
Increse in the cost of Mexican fishing licneses

CaptGeo - 1-8-2014 at 10:01 AM

I just thought I would share with you something I found out this morning. As you may be aware, the Government can change things at the last moment, and the often do. I was standing in line this morning to get the licenses we needed for today and suddenly found that overnight the price had gone up. Yesterday a daily license was $175 pesos, or $16 U.S. if paying in dollars. This morning I was first told by the boss here that the cost was now $187 pesos and when I questions that he changed it to $183 pesos. As the license was being printed out he changed again (as I was digging in my wallet) and said, no, it was $181 pesos. I looked at the license after it was printed (and before I paid) and it was $179 pesos. I asked how much in dollars and was told it was now $17 U.S. for a daily license if I wanted to pay in dollars. So it appears that if you want to pay in dollars, the exchange rate is 10.52 X 1. You are better off going to the ATM at one of the banks and paying with pesos, at least then you can get a better exchange rate (by 20%). I guess these guys need to make some extra money for having to go and exchange the dollars to pesos! I didn’t ask what the cost was for weekly, monthly and yearly licenses was. I did go on-line to see if this was a legitimate change and found that the governments site for the sale of licenses was


If you are going to be fishing here in Cabo, check out this website before you come down, it might be back up, and it can save you money and time by pre-paying and printing out your own license (and you can buy it in advance)!

CaptGeo - 1-8-2014 at 10:03 AM

fat fingers outran my brain, it's supposed to be "licenses", not "licneses", lol!

CaptGeo - 1-8-2014 at 10:35 AM

oh, and "increase" instead of "increase", I NEED MORE COFFEE!!!!

redhilltown - 1-8-2014 at 11:09 AM

I wouldn't mind if they jacked up the prices even more if I knew that extra money was going to fight the gill nets...

willardguy - 1-8-2014 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by CaptGeo
oh, and "increase" instead of "increase", I NEED MORE COFFEE!!!!
thats better!:lol:

Osprey - 1-8-2014 at 01:59 PM

If you're a passionate fisherman, you'll pay the price. Just like hunters in the field everywhere --- the more wouldbe competitors who won't buy a license and stay home, means that much less competition for the game you seek. The shame of it is that it might hurt the very people who could help the fishery stay healthy. Maybe I'll just fish every other year --- that'll show em.

CaboMagic - 1-8-2014 at 02:04 PM

I sincerely hope my post is received in the respectful manner intended.

As an industry 'colleague' established in CSL in 1998 have watched and experienced various mutations of enforcement .. When we began our fishing biz in 1998, we endeavored to follow the extremely loosely enforced rules about licenses - which irritated some of the already established companies who wanted 'all biz to themselves' - there was a long period of time when well-known, highly regarded/respected long time operators in CSL charged/collected clients/patrons for licenses, but never bought them - defiant - and, a handful or so years ago, was busted for 'cloning' licenses. All of which regularly led to 'procedural punishment' by the powers that be, making license procurement in CSL an incredible challenge for some time until it was sorted out to the current incantation situation, and, of course, the dramatic increase in cost. For a long time, was an opponent of purchasing licenses anywhere other than in CSL - explaining the dinero never makes it to our area when it is handed over elsewhere. Purchasing licenses from Pesca in San Diego is currently about 1/2 the cost of same in CSL.

Some of you reading this may recall the accusation of me/us attempting to separate a poster from his money several years back, when I explained that his license purchased in San Diego was not accepted on our waters, unless it contained the local "Stamp" which, at that time, was the way 'they' enforced those particular 'reglas' ..

... best approach is whatever works best for you .. and that is said with respect. LG

weebray - 1-8-2014 at 02:11 PM

One can only hope that the costs and bother associated with said licenses will discourage future participation. If it only saves the life of one fish..........