
More Radio Fishing

Osprey - 1-9-2014 at 11:55 AM

Another Good Day for Radio Fishing

Got a little bit of flack for Radio Fishing here in Palmas Bay. So to set that straight all I can say is that I only use the gringo radio channel and if there’s traffic I just don’t do it. I’ve never transmitted on the emergency channel and it’s futile for me to try to communicate with the resorts’ cruiser fishing fleet captains because I usually only get one word in ten when they are chatting back and forth just to kill time.

Just having a little fun and adding some electronic vicarious stimulation to gringos trolling for hours without much action or adventure.

I do my Radio fishing usually when I’m busy on the computer writing or researching; I have all the time in the world to do what I’m doing, leave the radio ocean for short breaks for snacks and or libation from the kitchen. Good fishing day yesterday when I caught the Christy B out of our marina heading into the sun way too late for bait. He was talking to his house in Buena Vista when I busted in.

“Christy B 1, you got the Green Hornet here. Did you get gas at the marina?”

“Hornet, no gas there --- had to haul it from the Pemex like always. What’s your 20?”

“I’m about 6 off the lighthouse. I’m draggin’ dead mackerela from Pepe. Slim pickins’ on the bait right now and I, hold on, hold on, Dave, no pressure, no pressure, let him have it…..”

I wrote a couple of paragraphs, looked up the legal definition of “Entrapment” for the story, got some more coffee.

“Christy, sorry, had a double on marlin. Lost one way out and released the other at the boat. While we were fighting them we saw two other jumpers so this is the area I guess. We don’t have any more dead bait so we’re just draggin’ skip bait from big barilette we caught on the way out. I guess we’re gonna go more toward, Dave, Dave, whoa, nice fish, nice fish, gotta go, nice dorado, Dave don’t, he’s got it, don’t pu….”

The real trick on this thing is when to get breathless, raise your voice. I just think of action and how I sound when it’s for real.

“Hornet, Hornet, Christy B 1 here. Just how far out are you? We’re almost 3 off the lighthouse north north east and I don’t see boat one. You in a panga?”

“Christy, I don’t have my GPS hooked up. I can’t see the sand on the beach and around here that means about 7 miles. We got a nice dorado aboard and the better news is we’re in a trash filled scum line, draggin’ more strips and we’ve got chunk bait and hooks all ready to go if we hook up, see followers.”

Half a page of fiction, a quick trip to the baño, answered a call from wife on the cell, looked up a phone number for her and got back on the radio.

“Christy, can you see the birds? Man I’ve never seen so many birds feeding out here. We’re runnin’ hard to get to the bait ball. Have no idea what’s feeding on what but it must be huge numbers. I’ll get back to you---Dave has a problem with his reel.”

Now really breathless “Christy B, a whale, a dead whale, wooo ha, look for the birds, look for the birds, man what a day, we, whoa Dave, can you see em, can you see em there, no, further out, further out wha…”

All that drama wore me out so I turned off the radio and made a nice egg salad sandwich. Goes so well with a cold Pacifico there should be law against it.

DawnPatrol - 1-9-2014 at 01:26 PM


Kgryfon - 1-9-2014 at 05:22 PM

Too funny! You have a mean streak...I like it! As long as it's directly elsewhere...I am way too gullible ;)

Islandbuilder - 1-10-2014 at 10:05 AM

Overheard in Bristol Bay, Alaska:

"Hey Bobby, where ya goin?"

"I'm going to get some beers"

"Bobby, you gonna fish today?"

"Not if I get some beers!"