
Pack w/ 2 Cameras lost....Loreto

motoged - 1-9-2014 at 02:41 PM

Well, the day started well....a trip up to San Javier to check out the road to Comondu.

20 minutes into the Comondu road and I realize I left my Camel Back type backpack on the side of the road where I stopped just off the highway at the vacant buildings just east of Del Borracho bar.

I raced back to find my worst fear confirmed....perdito bolsita :no::no::(:(:(

It contained two Panasonic point and shoot cameras with three weeks of Baja pics....that is the real loss.

It is a grey pack with some other far less valuable stuff.

Que lastima :(

No identification in the bag... (not Camel Back brand...Costco version)

woody with a view - 1-9-2014 at 02:44 PM


David K - 1-9-2014 at 02:45 PM

Oh Ged, major bummer... I am so sorry!!!

Go back and re-do the trip!!! ;)

ligui - 1-9-2014 at 03:02 PM

Get in touch with Lynn Hamman at, she has a loreto news letter that alot of locals and expats read . Many found and lost items have been recovered .

:bounce: Hope you get them back

motoged - 1-9-2014 at 04:14 PM

Thanks for the tip....I just sent Lynn an e-mail.

I am doubtful they will reappear in my life, but there is always hope !

Such a moment of carelessness can be such a I had captured a lot of memorable least my "memory" is somewhat intact regarding those if I can be more diligent departing each stop.

Mula - 1-9-2014 at 04:18 PM

Also, MotoGed - did you stop and ask at Del Borracho if they had by chance been turned in?

Once when I left my purse in a restaurant - years ago - in Loreto, I hired one of the microphone announcement cars and offered a reward - no questions asked - and got my bag back with everything in it.

motoged - 1-9-2014 at 04:21 PM

Yes, I spoke with the lady owner and left some info....

My carelessness....:no:

Mula - 1-9-2014 at 04:25 PM

MotoGed . . .

My heart goes out to you.

durrelllrobert - 1-9-2014 at 04:38 PM

I also lost my camera and 2 weeks of photos of Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Left it on table at time share in Sedona when we left. Turned around about an hour down the road and went back. The office talked to maid and nobody saw anything.:fire:
SEDONA IS NOT MEXICO where there still are lots of honest people. Good luck finding yours.

bajacalifornian - 1-9-2014 at 04:45 PM

That sucks. Broke mine. I understand. Sometimes things work out.

bajaguy - 1-9-2014 at 04:48 PM

A phone call from the timeshare office to the police to report a theft and a nasty letter to the timeshare board with the names of the office staff and the maid would probably have worked wonders. I also wonder if the time share had insurance to cover the loss.

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
I also lost my camera and 2 weeks of photos of Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Left it on table at time share in Sedona when we left. Turned around about an hour down the road and went back. The office talked to maid and nobody saw anything.:fire:
SEDONA IS NOT MEXICO where there still are lots of honest people. Good luck finding yours.

ligui - 1-9-2014 at 04:53 PM

Just received an e-mail from lynn about your lost camera ...:bounce:

She's great ! Thanks Lynn

tripledigitken - 1-9-2014 at 04:59 PM


That's a fear all who take vacation photos live with. The photos can be saved with some planning though.

If you take a laptop with you download photos from card each day.

Memory is pretty cheap these days, use a new card each day and store separately from cameras.

I use either of these methods when traveling.

Really feel bad for your loss.


Whale-ista - 1-9-2014 at 05:01 PM

wow! if the camera has been found, is that a record for nomad problem solving? just 2 hours from posting to locating?

well done!!

Loretana - 1-9-2014 at 05:24 PM


You might put a sign up near where your backpack was last in your possession written IN SPANISH and offer a reward.

I got the Lynn Hamman post, too....but not too many American/Canadian folks mill around out there in the desert where your backpack was left.

Just a thought. :light:

chuckie - 1-9-2014 at 07:16 PM

It aint lost...

motoged - 1-9-2014 at 07:37 PM

I backed up all my pics until 4 days ago.....lost some Santiago area canyons and stuff....some east cape road from San Jose to La Riberra....and some stuff in El Triunfo (pizza and cinnamon rolls)....and some great canyon stuff down in the arroyos around San Bartolo....but the best images are in my head....too bad no one else will see them...

I have my GoPro with me, but lost extra batteries and some SD's only "stuff", and I am not letting it get to me....too much:rolleyes:

I appreciate the finders advice, but won't likely do that, as it keeps me in the mode of getting stuff back....hope is a limit....

Visiting with Mula and Dan earlier this evening helped create a better beyond captured images...:saint::cool:

Somebody has two great cameras and a few other interesting items...

motoged - 1-9-2014 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Whale-ista
wow! if the camera has been found, is that a record for nomad problem solving? just 2 hours from posting to locating?
well done!!

No such luck, but a nice thought :yes:

KurtG - 1-9-2014 at 07:58 PM

I know how you feel, I did the same thing a few years back. As you say, the memories are what count.

If you do the road to Comondu please let us know the condition. I hope to ride it in the next few weeks, it is one of my favorites but it is several years since I have been through there.

willyAirstream - 1-10-2014 at 07:29 AM

Sorry Ged

BajaBlanca - 1-10-2014 at 07:43 AM

I left a camera in a taxi in SantaRosalia - it was in the back seat and the driver, whom I saw about 3 hours later, says he never saw it.

Only 3 pics in it but it is a bad feeling, nonetheless.

I hope it does show up!

motoged - 1-10-2014 at 08:41 AM

Well, the way I am looking at the situation is that, as an avid photographer, sometimes the urge to "stop and take some pics" changes a journey in many ways.

My GoPro helmet cam is to blame :biggrin: : I had not used it until that day and my focus was on getting it angled and working my on/off bike ritual was changed and I was thinking about the GoPro and not the usual my video starts off with me putting my helmet on, turning around, and getting a great shot of my pack on the bike seat.

I headed west along the San Javier road and up to the turn-off to Comondu...confirmed with folks shoveling gravel I was on the right road, and headed onto the rough road (not bad for next 20 minutes). I then wanted to stop and take a few pics and that is when I realized my pack was back where I had stopped just east of Del Borracho.

So I have some also great vid of me racing back to the scene of the CRS event...:biggrin:

Now, I still have the GoPro which will take pics as well as I only need to worry about battery time management.

So.....I can travel more freely without debating whether or not I stop as often to snap a pic.

The issue really is how I look at the loss....things can always be worse. :light:

Thanks for the sympathy, advice, and empathy Nomads...:saint:

Today I am off to Agua Verde.....road report later.

[Edited on 1-10-2014 by motoged]

CortezBlue - 1-10-2014 at 09:36 AM

I feel your pain

I was in Puerto Vallarta and set down by camera bag at the hotel check in counter. The bag had my Nikon D3 and all of my glass including a 70-200 2.8 and about 4 other fast lenses.

We got to our room and I was going to grab a camera and take a few shots and then I had a cold flash run through my body when I didn't see my bag.

About then I realized that it was left at the front counter. As I ran out the door to grab it, a young bell hop was about to knock on the door to ask me if I had left this at the front desk. He was holding about $15k worth of camera gear.

A propina and a breath of calm, and then the vacation began.

Whale-ista - 1-10-2014 at 10:12 AM

Originally posted by motoged
Originally posted by Whale-ista
wow! if the camera has been found, is that a record for nomad problem solving? just 2 hours from posting to locating?
well done!!

No such luck, but a nice thought :yes:

Sorry to read it's still missing. I thought the email was good news, misunderstood.

It's a terrible feeling to first realize valuables are missing, then as you say, you begin to realize what's really valuable/important as you continue with your travels.

Pompano - 1-10-2014 at 11:19 AM

I definitely can feel your sense of loss, Ged. So sorry and sure hope those cameras show up. I'm praying hard that they do.

I once left a favorite AE-1 Canon on a tripod next to a rest area picnic table on I-40 in Arizona. I guess we made a rather hurried departure. I drove my pickup camper 20 miles east before noticing I had left it behind...along with my Labrador, Gypsy!

All that time I had assumed both were in the camper with my Co-pilot. Nope. I raced back to the rest area...and found both the camera and my 'poor abandoned dog' sitting there. I'll never forget the look on Gyspy's face. I was a little sheepish for a long time. My dog, being truly man's best friend, forgave me.

Sweetwater - 1-10-2014 at 03:04 PM

Sorry to hear about the camera loss Ged.....glad that you haven't lost any memories....I'd still like to hear your road and ride reports.

grace59 - 1-10-2014 at 03:28 PM

So sorry Ged. That stinks! Since it only happened yesterday, I am holding onto hope that they are returned to you!! Good luck! By the way, great attitude about the entire thing! Glad it isn't ruining your entire vacations.

Bob H - 1-10-2014 at 05:27 PM

So sorry to hear this. I know exactly how you feel. My wife and I spent 10 days in the Pantnal in Brazil. I had over 450 images that I took there. At our next stop, we went to a small grocery store to pick up some food, threw my camera into one of the plastic grocery bags, hopped on the bus back to the hotel. After arriving at the hotel, I went to grab my camera. It wasn't there as there was a good size hole in the bag where it probably fell out. It was careless as we were in a hurry to catch the bus!

We had our address sticker on the camera, but we never saw it again!

By the way, I would highly recommend a visit there, as there is so much wildlife ! It's beautiful and we have fantastic memories even without the images.

[Edited on 1-11-2014 by Bob H]

DianaT - 1-10-2014 at 05:40 PM

While NOTHING can replace the photos lost, and losing pictures is VERY painful, cameras can be replaced.

With that said, I just wanted to mention that personal property insurance policies for camera equipment is not very expensive and it covers theft, (no police report required), dropping a camera or lens, sending the equipment out for a swim, and just plain losing something.

The only thing to watch is that the insurance company likes to adjust the value of the equipment upward each year in the name of inflation, and most cameras and equipment go down in value.

motoged, I am really sorry this happened to you --- not a good thing.

motoged - 1-10-2014 at 10:42 PM

My homeowners policy will cover my loss, but the deductible and increased rates due to a claim aren't worth the loss (about $650)...and as I have said, I am moving forward....and still have the Go Pro helmet cam that takes HD video and I can still record images.

I rode to Agua Verde today and have a great vid of the road all is not lost.

Again, thanks everyone for the suggestions, empathy, sympathy, and trip continues to be about the people and places.....not the "things".

I figure it is the way the gods are telling me I have too much stuff:biggrin: