
No Foolin' Get Your Flu Shot...

DavidE - 1-10-2014 at 01:04 PM

Apparently this season's virus is especially ****'ed Off.

Got friends in the states Mexicano and gringo that say they are sicker than they have been in decades. A week or MORE spent in bed? That sucks!

Just got my inoculation here in BA at the IMSS clinica (free and they were happy to give it). The docs said this particular serum seems to have a positive affect in lessening the intensity of H1N1 as well the the run of the mill seasonal strain.

Misery would be waiting all year for a vacation then spending a week sicker than a dog, a long long way from home. it would tend to make me crabby.

55steve - 1-10-2014 at 01:10 PM

This is the first year in a long time that I haven't gotten a flu shot. Work used to offer them free but not since I retired.

Side note - the flu shot usually gives me the mini-flu for about 3 days which I suppose is better than the real deal.

Flu Myth

bajaguy - 1-10-2014 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by 55steve
........Side note - the flu shot usually gives me the mini-flu for about 3 days which I suppose is better than the real deal.

Flu Myth #3: The flu vaccine can give you the flu.

This is the flu myth most likely to drive experts bonkers. “There is simply no way that the flu vaccine can give you the flu,” says Hay. “It’s impossible.”

Why? For one, injected flu vaccines only contain dead virus, and a dead virus is, well, dead: it can’t infect you. There is one type of live virus flu vaccine, the nasal vaccine, FluMist. But in this case, the virus is specially engineered to remove the parts of the virus that make people sick.

Despite the scientific impossibility of getting the flu from the flu vaccines, this widespread flu myth won’t die. Experts suspect two reasons for its persistence. One, people mistake the side effects of the vaccine for flu. While side effects to the vaccine these days tend to be a sore arm, in the past, side effects often felt like mild symptoms of the flu. Two, flu season coincides with a time of year when bugs causing colds and other respiratory illnesses are in the air. Many people get the vaccine and then, within a few days, get sick with an unrelated cold virus. However, they blame the innocent flu vaccine, rather than their co-worker with a runny nose and cough.

Barry A. - 1-10-2014 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by 55steve
This is the first year in a long time that I haven't gotten a flu shot. Work used to offer them free but not since I retired.

Side note - the flu shot usually gives me the mini-flu for about 3 days which I suppose is better than the real deal.

On your "side-note"----------I believer that your experience is quite unusual. We have gotten flu shots religiously for years, and no such problems. Can't remember the last time either of us had the flu. I am allergic to almost all "drugs", but never had any problem with flu-shots.


55steve - 1-10-2014 at 01:26 PM

OK - fair enough then. How about for the last 20 years every time I get a flu shot I feel like crap for 3 days while my body scrambles to build up the antibodies to fight off the flu when it shows up.

Cypress - 1-10-2014 at 01:28 PM

I'll pass on the flu shot. Took one 30+ yrs. ago, felt real bad for about three or four days. May have had the flu a time or two since then. Survived.:D

bajaguy - 1-10-2014 at 01:31 PM

Despite the scientific impossibility of getting the flu from the flu vaccines, this widespread flu myth won’t die.

Experts suspect two reasons for its persistence.

One, people mistake the side effects of the vaccine for flu. While side effects to the vaccine these days tend to be a sore arm, in the past, side effects often felt like mild symptoms of the flu.

Two, flu season coincides with a time of year when bugs causing colds and other respiratory illnesses are in the air. Many people get the vaccine and then, within a few days, get sick with an unrelated cold virus. However, they blame the innocent flu vaccine, rather than their co-worker with a runny nose and cough.

Barry A. - 1-10-2014 at 01:31 PM

Originally posted by 55steve
OK - fair enough then. How about for the last 20 years every time I get a flu shot I feel like crap for 3 days while my body scrambles to build up the antibodies to fight off the flu when it shows up.

:lol: experience is almost ALWAYS the best teacher--------your body (or your mind?) is trying to tell you something. :light:



DavidE - 1-10-2014 at 02:11 PM

I'd rather feel crummy for a couple of days rather than death-warmed-over for a couple of weeks. I had the so-called "Hong Kong" flu in 1957. Fifty-seven years later I remain intimidated...

Timo1 - 1-10-2014 at 02:13 PM

Never had one and never will

willardguy - 1-10-2014 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by DavidE
I'd rather feel crummy for a couple of days rather than death-warmed-over for a couple of weeks. I had the so-called "Hong Kong" flu in 1957. Fifty-seven years later I remain intimidated...
I think im feeling a case coming on!

tjsue - 1-10-2014 at 02:55 PM

I had the flu last May, and literally couldn't get out bed for three days. The cats thought it was great, but I didn't.

grace59 - 1-10-2014 at 03:26 PM

I agree! Get a flu shot.....even if it makes you "sick" for a few days that is much better than dead!! We have people dying from this season's flu....a sad thing since it could have been prevented with a simple shot.

tjsue - 1-10-2014 at 07:33 PM

I guess I'll get one when I go to San Diego tomorrow.

gnukid - 1-10-2014 at 08:00 PM

Risk versus reward

What's in it?

David E has great smarts !!

captkw - 1-10-2014 at 08:10 PM

but ,,,,for Me..I'll pass...lost my Kid brother due to the AMA BS...But the POLLIO vac was the real deal !!! saved many folks...each to their own...The less needles I see the better !! I stick screwdrivers in my arm....don't need more !!!:biggrin:

Flu Confirmed

bajaguy - 1-10-2014 at 09:46 PM

Public health sources have confirmed the arrival of the of AH1N1 flu strain in Ensenada, and it's probable cause of three deaths from that flu strain.

The three deaths occured within 48 hours of each other and two oif the deaths were people under the age of 50.

watizname - 1-10-2014 at 09:56 PM

So it's the MYTH that makes me fell like crap for a day or so after I get a flu shot. Can't the docs take the myth out of the vaccine??? :light:

google flu shot reactions.

Cypress - 1-11-2014 at 10:07 AM

My system was probably just reacting in a negative way to the formaldehyde or some of the other chems in the vaccine. The dead virus? How could dead stuff being pumped into your bloodstream be of any harm?:?:

BajaBlanca - 1-11-2014 at 10:16 AM

good idea. time for flu shots. and can you beat free? not.

bajalearner - 1-11-2014 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by DavidE
Apparently this season's virus is especially ****'ed Off.

Got friends in the states Mexicano and gringo that say they are sicker than they have been in decades. A week or MORE spent in bed? That sucks!

Just got my inoculation here in BA at the IMSS clinica (free and they were happy to give it). The docs said this particular serum seems to have a positive affect in lessening the intensity of H1N1 as well the the run of the mill seasonal strain.

Misery would be waiting all year for a vacation then spending a week sicker than a dog, a long long way from home. it would tend to make me crabby.

Thanks for the reminder, I read it and got my arm punctured and drugged yesterday.