
Road Stop by Fed Cops between Mexicali and San Felipe

CortezBlue - 1-17-2014 at 10:14 AM

While driving down to San Felipe on Thursday late afternoon, we were stopped by 2 Fed Cop cars with 4 cops.

A bad ass nasty looking cop with his Ray Ban Aviators gleaming in the late after noon sun, looked at us, not saying a word, and waving us on.

Now, I have seen this before around the turn off for Algodones and I have seen them near the Hwy 2 turn off east bound, but never in the middle of the salt flats.

Not sure if it was just a show of force or they were looking for a particular amigo?

But, now that we are here, the weather is wonderful. 80 degrees today and for most of the long weekend.

Ateo - 1-17-2014 at 10:23 AM

The Federales were checking vehicles southbound just north of Santo Tomas a few weeks ago. Maybe checking for seat belts or drunks??? They waived us thru. It was my awesome mexican cop mustache that did it.

DJL - 1-17-2014 at 10:29 AM

We stopped at Pemex in Santa Rosalia (North side of town) on November 28th for a pee break , there were 25-30 Feds setting up a roadblock and stopping everyone going both North and South (we were waved thru without being checked) .

It did look like they were looking for someone specific .


Mula - 1-17-2014 at 10:52 AM

Was going on last Friday in Loreto, too.

StuckSucks - 1-17-2014 at 11:13 AM

Definitely sounds like they're looking for someone specific.

Maybe 10 years ago, my wife and I were driving back up the peninsula, from La Paz after a 1000. We all know where the checkpoints are, but we ran into LOTS of additional improv checkpoints all along Highway 1. We later found out that a 737-sized plane full of cocaine crashed and burned near the cape - the bad guys escaped with all the drugs, and that's what the feds were looking for.

BajaDQ - 1-17-2014 at 12:51 PM

Last Fall before the 1000, there was a roadblock at the airport turnoff South of San Felipe. I was Northbound in my prerunner and was waved thru when I got to the front of the line. The cops were apparently looking for a Mexican national, so we were waved on thru without a word. Most of the locals stopped were out of their vehicles and were being searched. I think a somewhat common occurrence, no problem.

David K - 1-17-2014 at 01:27 PM

On the road to Bahia de los Angeles, west of the San Borja road, came around a curve and there was a surprise Federal Police checkpoint... Mexico's Men In Black!

(they are looking for criminals, not checking tourist cards :light: )

J.P. - 1-17-2014 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by David K

(they are looking for criminals, not checking tourist cards :light: )

They are checking for anything they want to check for including Tourist Cards.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Cop stops

PaulW - 1-18-2014 at 01:09 PM

Between San Felipe and Mexicali we often see a cop standing in the middle of the road and his and other cars parked nearby. Way out in the boondocks. He always waved us on. I was told its a seat belt check and part of the initiative to promote safety.

freediverbrian - 1-18-2014 at 03:59 PM

Two weeks ago I saw many of the fed cops on the road to SF pull Mexicans over for speeding .

chuckie - 1-18-2014 at 04:02 PM

I guess I would have to say"so what"....Its their job....

nbacc - 1-19-2014 at 10:49 AM

I see in the paper this morning that they caught a big drug trafficera at the border in Mexicali...maybe that is what they were looking out for.

Bajajorge - 1-19-2014 at 11:04 AM

I believe that sometimes a tip is received about some criminal activity, and that is when the military and Federalies come out in force.
A couple of years ago, northbound out of San Felipe headed toward Mexicali I was stopped and searched 5 times by both the military and Federalies at temporary roadblocks.

monoloco - 1-19-2014 at 11:07 AM

Originally posted by chuckie
I guess I would have to say"so what"....Its their job....
Well, police actually doing their jobs in Mexico is big news.

sancho - 1-19-2014 at 06:26 PM

A funny post on one of the San Felipe boards, in the only in Mex files,
a tourist going so. past Laguna Salada, a turnout where Fed Camino
cop was waving vehicles over, he told the driver he was citing
him for speeding, which the driver asked 'how can you tell
I was speeding'? The cop replied 'everyone on this Hwy speeds',
how can you argue with that logic

freediverbrian - 1-19-2014 at 07:55 PM

Improve the roads ,smooth , high speed, lots of shoulders, and do not increse the speed limit????

rts551 - 1-19-2014 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by freediverbrian
Improve the roads ,smooth , high speed, lots of shoulders, and do not increse the speed limit????

They have in some areas. Have you seen the speed limit between Tecate and Ensenada. 110 in some areas