CJ - 1-18-2014 at 09:44 PM
Are any of you ex-pats that live in Baja California Sur insured with GNP Seguros? And if so are you happy with the agent you have?
mtnpop - 1-19-2014 at 09:43 AM
yup, and yup,,,
so far so good and with him 5 years now..
ncampion - 1-19-2014 at 04:56 PM
Yup and yup also. going on three years, even had one claim for burglary and they paid evevything I claimed less 30% depreciation in about 2 weeks.
divemulege - 1-25-2014 at 03:25 PM
We are happy with GNP but switched to a company out of La Paz instead of the guy in Texas.
JAG - 1-26-2014 at 09:21 AM
My homeowners insurance comes up for renewal next month so I started checking around and found a policy that is written by AIG and is in English. The
policy follows the same coverage as an HO5 that is common in the US.
The policy is All Risk for the dwelling and contents not named perils only. Many of the exclusions found in the typical policies sold in Mexico are
not found in this policy.
The pricing is about the same or less than the others I found and the coverage besides being in English is much broader.
The policy is offered by Lewis and Lewis, but apparently by other Brokers as well.
AIG operates world wide and the Mexican AIG is wholly owned by AIG International.
I understand that the policy can be written in all of Baja.
ncampion - 1-26-2014 at 11:25 AM
Thanks for the AIG info, I will look into that before my renewal date in July. The nice think about GNP for us is the agent is local in Loreto and
even helped me file the police report of our break-in and then filed all the necessary forms for the claim. That's worth something in my book.