
Fluoride in baja

captkw - 1-21-2014 at 05:31 PM

Just watched a great Documenty calleds" The great culling: our water" The salt in Baja has been poisend with time your in a teinda look on the bottle..any sane comments on this......K&T:cool:

DavidE - 1-22-2014 at 10:19 AM

Yodo? Iodine?


captkw - 1-22-2014 at 10:25 AM

Hola David...LOL I had to look up yodo...Hey..I still 3 bottles of MD's for Ya ...BtW if you get/have time check out this vid...the one I posted about and I'm still waiting for someone to reply about the fluoride added to the salt in Baja...they could not dod it in the water supply as there is no major system in Baja else does everbody use.....SALT...

Martyman - 1-22-2014 at 12:30 PM

Didn't see the documentary...They are talking about adding Fluoride to the water up here in NorCal. It does help tooth decay... but also very toxic. I'm against it.

Insane Concern ?

MrBillM - 1-22-2014 at 12:33 PM

There is a certain irony to asking for Sane commentary regarding those who worry over Fluoride.

What is there to be said that Obsessives would find Sane ?

DavidE - 1-22-2014 at 02:32 PM

Crest, without fluoride?


captkw - 1-22-2014 at 09:05 PM

Talk is CHEAP !! I Dare you to watch the Free vid/doc and come back here and TRY to prove Any<<any bennies of fluoride in water ,,toothpaste,,anything..Wake TFU and get you gringo head out of the sand..The Candians are laughing at YOU and so am I...I don't know who you are,,,But,,I know who I am...and I am not Stupid !!! Prove to me your NOT!! There is your choice/challenge....prove me WRONG !! or as you are known for doing.....slinging mud in sideways when you feel like it !!! I don't F-around...and so far you don't back up,,stand up like a real man !!! Capt Keith Ward

Delusional Obsessives

MrBillM - 1-22-2014 at 11:02 PM

Tend to react much as KW (which I see doesn't stand for Kooky Wacko) when their Delusional Conspiracy Theories aren't taken seriously.

Given the length of time Fluoridation has been around (and witnessing the witless conspiracy ramblings of the ODD John Birchers along with others over the years), one would "Think" there'd be more evidence of its harmful effects than anyone has come up with filling the Daily news.

As to "not seeing ANY benefits", the supposed most beneficial aspect has always been (as I've read), improved Youth Dental Health which I understand HAS improved substantially in the period since the introduction.

BUT, I "Assume" that the video explains some Deeper Conspiracies so beloved of the Delusional Obsessives who feed on having knowledge of such things.

It's a Crazy World.

luv2fish - 1-22-2014 at 11:32 PM

The proof id in the pudding...

They're Adding it to PUDDING ?

MrBillM - 1-23-2014 at 10:24 AM

Thank God I don't often eat Pudding.

vandy - 1-23-2014 at 07:31 PM

My favorite sensible site for bad health science is Quackwatch.
Amazing what people will believe when it's spoonfed to them often enough

vgabndo - 1-23-2014 at 09:31 PM

Vandy, you called it. I spent half an hour reading about the people in the movie. I couldn't go farther, and didn't want to. The Director is an "artist" with no scientific training, and the producer is a Financier with no claimed scientific training. The stars are a collection of far right wing conspiracy theorists that run the gamut from 9/11 conspiracies, to "birthers" to "vaccinations cause autism" whack jobs.

Their main guy , Mike Adams, has had his blog called: "one of the most wretched hives of scum and quackery on the Internet," and the most "blatant purveyor of the worst kind of quackery and paranoid anti-physician and anti-medicine conspiracy theories anywhere on the Internet". This from David Gorski of ScienceBlogs. Gorski HAS studied science, has an MD and practices oncology.

Oh, these guys also think that commercial jet contrails are really the government spraying us with poison.

Captain, your coefficient of believability just dropped into the negative numbers with me. You might consider moving to the State of Jefferson, you might just fit right in!:lol:


captkw - 1-24-2014 at 07:46 AM

Yep,, your right......Flouride is good stuff !!! Just like DDT... Have you seen the pics of folks on a beach getting sprayed with it.....Get a Grip !!!:rolleyes: If you look into the subject about fluoride and its toxic,, unhealthy FACTS.. you can reply with reason..But,, don't reply with what you think you know about a subject till you do a in depth study,,research...Vag says he spent 1/2 hr about the producer of the you spent that much looking into the FACTS about fluoride itself you would be a smarter man !!! Have all fluoride you want...I myself get enough poisen from smokes..thank you very much !!! some folks will not do much to learn,, but think they know about a subject because they keep hearing the same thing over and over again !!!

[Edited on 1-24-2014 by captkw]

[Edited on 1-24-2014 by captkw]

watizname - 1-24-2014 at 09:05 AM

67 years old. Born and raised in California where they have had added flouride to the water since I was a kid. I think before that, they would come around to the schools and swab the kids teeth with it. Still got all my natural teeth. Still kicking. Hasn't it been in our salt for years??
Or maybe the Flouride in the water all these years has made me crazy. :smug::smug:

vgabndo - 1-24-2014 at 09:46 AM

Since you choose to call me out in those terms, this is where I rest my case.

You admitted publicly right here:

I myself get enough poisen from smokes..thank you very much !!!

First, POISON is spelled as I spelled it. You might do a little research on THAT. Then I invite you to compare the CLEAR AND OBVIOUS evidence regarding the danger of fluoride in drinking water as opposed to the health risks of being a damned fool tobacco junkie.

The stinking breath YOU exhale has been proven to be a serious health risk to anyone who even gets too close to you. (I don't care if you choose lung cancer or emphysema for YOURSELF) Almost every US state has enacted laws to protect the population from people like you breathing on them.

Please submit evidence that you carry excellent personal health insurance to cover your very likely future drain on our health care system. Otherwise (with all due respect) just STFU about ME getting a grip.

DavidE - 1-24-2014 at 11:54 AM

What a shame, fluoride is dirt cheap and is best used when swabbed and gargled. It doesn't take a lot of medical know how to apply it correctly. My personal opinion is this. When a person gets a stuffy nose, swallowing a pill to cure it is a last-resort option. A topical application of decongestant is better than hitting the liver, kidneys and heart with chemicals that are nothing but detrimental.

Of course, the issues never focus on common sense in these forums, it boils down to antler sharpening over political agendas rather than addressing an issue intelligently.

Fluoride helps teeth resist decay (caries). Find and utilize the best way to get the job done.

As always !!

captkw - 1-24-2014 at 10:47 PM

Hey I'am almost 100 percent always wrong,(I'll TRy harder),,Right ?? LOL Gotta say MR Bill you do have a Kick about you that's amusing !! your consistant...SO,, the ?? has anybody on this thread done any indepth research about fluoride or not..DDT was assumed great stuff for many years...We now know better..why is it that folks from the usa and not so much from the great north folks get old and cranky and say with absalute conviction that its been this way for over 50/ it must be right,,fine,,OK....?..Peace and Good fish taco's on YA !! K&T:cool:..PS..I started this to point out that the salt sold in Baja has flouride in it and not healthy for you >>Jeeez!! Whoops.. Got to go..My shift at 7/11 is about to start !!!

[Edited on 1-25-2014 by captkw]

[Edited on 1-25-2014 by captkw]

[Edited on 1-25-2014 by captkw]

David K - 1-24-2014 at 11:47 PM

My dad was a dentist... from the 'old school' and he didn't believe in fluoride... Said there is nothing better than brushing your teeth to prevent cavities. Are you going to brush less because fluoride is in the water?

Brush after meals, and use a good firm toothbrush with a rubber tip to strengthen your gums. Something you just don't see sold anymore. When he got younger dentists (who been taught to use a soft brush) to use a firm brush and rubber tip, they agreed that stopped bleeding gums and cleaned teeth much better. Sometime the old guys really had a better way!

OK... so I respect him... he did introduce me to Baja, afterall!
I miss my dad, Dr. Ed Kier... :D

At the ferry landing near La Paz, 1966.

In the Sierra San Pedro Martir, 1972.

Rancho Santa Ynez, 1982.

His last Baja trip, with my mom, Gonzaga Bay, 1983.

Jdub - 1-28-2014 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by captkw
Just watched a great Documenty calleds" The great culling: our water" The salt in Baja has been poisend with time your in a teinda look on the bottle..any sane comments on this......K&T:cool:

It Could Get Much Worse ...................

MrBillM - 1-29-2014 at 09:09 AM

Once Al Qaeda realizes the potential and begins constructing their Suicide Explosives as Dirty Bombs containing Poisonous Fluoride.

As well as dumping additional Fluoride into our water Supply.

We can only hope (before it's too late) that Homeland Security recognizes Fluoride for the National Terrorist Threat that it is and begins to develop methodology to detect its presence wherever people gather.