
Driving to Loreto

MexicoTed - 12-1-2004 at 03:18 PM

Ok, it's official, I am going to take a trip to Loreto and back next week. I am leaving right after my radio show (Baja Talk Radio) on tuesday with my father-in-law (who's never been past Ensenada driving), myselg and possibly my brother.

We'll be stopping in El Rosario (staying at Baja Cactus if I hear back from Antonio), Mulege, Loreto, Bahia del Los Angeles and San Quintin. I know it's a quck trip, but I need to get back to the show the following tuesday.

If anyone would like to meet, etc. let me know. Or any recommendations.

Also, if anyone wants to recommend a subject, guest, etc. for Baja Talk Radio, please let me know.


Germanicus - 12-1-2004 at 04:21 PM

well, I can make some comments about how a German sees the world of Baja.
maybe somehow refreshing other than always seen Baja w/ Amarican eyes.

>> Be aware, I am outspoken and use criticism towards the American lifestyle / education / bahaviour (mannors) in foreign countries / etc.

It's certainly a challange for you if you are a "typical American with typical American listeners".
I am currently in La Paz but leaving next week towards Mulege and Santa Rosalia.

If interested send e-mail to

Otherwise, you have a good one and don't work too hard.
Take care and have a nice da

Manners, Ach Tung!!

Capt. George - 12-1-2004 at 04:35 PM

I met a German couple in Belize and I was amazed at how incredibly rude they were towards Belizean workers....much worse then any "Ugly Americans" I had come across. An MD married to a psychologist.

We shared one dinner with them and that was enough for us. Germany certainly has its share of "Ugly Germans".

By the way, I am of German decent and proud of it....My Grandfather came from Bremen.............

Adios, Vikingo

Germanicus - 12-1-2004 at 04:56 PM

Kapitaen Georg (yes, that's German)
I do not want to deny that there are white trash people even among Germans.
I guess every nation has it's dilemma with people w/o manners , espacially when those guys are in foreign countries.
Some poeple just think - and that is the sort of I am talking about - that they MUST show bad manners.

It's a shame that no "behavior test" can be performed by major airlines before such people can bord a plane (or ship).

Sorry for that.
P.S. The "Vikingo's" are more North of Germany, like Sweden and Norwayand Finnland. That are "Vikings".
But please don't call me "N-zi" now, o.k.?

Diver - 12-1-2004 at 06:07 PM

Speaking of germans...........
Anyone know if Manfred is still running his RV park in Cuidad ? I know he sold and moved away, then repossessed and came back to run it again last year.
Has he sold again or is the weiner schnitzel still available ?

Oso - 12-1-2004 at 06:26 PM

Are you camping or staying in hotels, splurging or watching the pesos?

Loreto- Quinta San Francisco across from the "marina" was nice for $35 dl, La Palapa for eats, Serenidad in Mulege for a treat, Old Mill in SQ for $30 dl, El Morro in GN for $280p, Malarrimo Restaurant for great eats or camping overnight (secure but no scenery), in BdLA I always end up at Gecko, but I hear Raquel & Larry's is nice for the price (avoid Villa Vitta like the plague).

Loreto Idea

LaTijereta - 12-1-2004 at 06:59 PM

I would like you to talk with Domingo, who runs El Nido Resturant in Loreto. He has some great insights to Loreto, and the town. I think you would enjoy the conversation..You can u2 me if you additional contact information.
He also owns two other resturants in town La Palapa and Four Stops.


jeans - 12-1-2004 at 08:47 PM

Hey Ted...why rush? Get someone to run the board and you call in from Loreto...Maybe David K!!! :o:o

Have a safe trip....

Bruce R Leech - 12-1-2004 at 08:51 PM

yes LaTijereta and he has some good stakes to.

Ted stop in and visit while you are in Mulege we are right across from the Landry mat in centro.

synch - 12-3-2004 at 09:19 AM

I met a German Doctor on a SCUBA trip who was about my age and we were assigned as each other's diving partner. He was polite, considerate, and respectful with not a hint of xenophobic attributes in 10+ days.

Looking at Germanicus' second sentence I see things that I would never hear him say.

It would be rude of me to lump all Germans into one category, comment on a single lifestyle as if it applied to all, distort it with my values then conclude with broad generalizations.

Then again, perhaps MexicoTed needs an "Archie Bunker" on his show ....

synch - 12-3-2004 at 09:20 AM

Oh yeah, I won't be "baited" into a harsh response by statements which are more appropriate on a primary school play yard.

Two replies Synch?

jrbaja - 12-3-2004 at 09:51 AM

I think you already took the bait.

Manfred is still running Manfreds and it looks really nice since he and his wife took it back over. It's still for sale as far as I know but I think he is going to be really picky this time if he sells it again.

hey Bruce Leech -

capt. mike - 12-4-2004 at 08:37 AM

what's going on with punta suenas these days??

i hear so many mixed facts and reports. doesn't Vic have a store front close to you? what have you heard? i see my target lot is still avail.