
In the wee morning hours...

EnsenadaDr - 1-26-2014 at 03:24 PM

I love the early morning, when everything is quiet and calm. It can be a time to get a lot done, or enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Baja is a special place, especially for the early morning hours. Russ shared his beautiful photos from Punto Chivato....what is your routine upon awakening in the special place we know as Baja California, Mexico?

Osprey - 1-26-2014 at 04:09 PM

The best early mornings for me are the days I go fishing. I get up two hours before first light so I'll have plenty of time to get ready. I check my Email, read the news, check the weather -- then I quietly make the coffee and prepare sandwiches for me and my fishing partner. The fishing gear is on the patio at the ready and I use the soft quiet time left to fill the ice chest and think about fighting fish, flat seas, good company, safe launch and haul while I watch the sun beginning to make a showing. I try my best not to wake my wife Lynda but the arrival of the truck/trailer/boat usually brings barks and whines and bays from my two dogs so Lynda gets caught up in the action even when she would rather snooze for another hour or so.

EnsenadaDr - 1-26-2014 at 04:19 PM

There is something about getting up just before dawn when it's still dark and the world is still seems to me to be a very special time.

mtgoat666 - 1-26-2014 at 04:24 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
There is something about getting up just before dawn when it's still dark and the world is still seems to me to be a very special time.

yes, a very good time to hit the snooze button, and repeat periodically, as necessary :light::light:

danaeb - 1-26-2014 at 04:25 PM

Put coffee on, cut oranges for the birds, take the coffee out to watch the sunrise over the bahia de La Paz then take a walk over the Centenario hills.

toneart - 1-26-2014 at 05:00 PM

When I was a young musician in San Francisco, we used to say, ..."better to Be up than to have to get up this time of day"

But seriously, now the older, wiser me (don't laugh) agrees with you Dra. To head out the Mulege river into the Sea of Cortez while still dark, to go fishing, is the greatest sensation there is. And then to watch the sun break on the eastern horizon is... Ahhhhhh!... majestic!

Unlike most of the fishheads here, I don't really care if I catch a fish. Just being out there contributes another 50% of the Baja quality of life quotient.:bounce:

EnsenadaDr - 1-26-2014 at 05:17 PM

So what time do you have to be at work at the University?
Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
There is something about getting up just before dawn when it's still dark and the world is still seems to me to be a very special time.

yes, a very good time to hit the snooze button, and repeat periodically, as necessary :light::light:

Marc - 1-26-2014 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
There is something about getting up just before dawn when it's still dark and the world is still seems to me to be a very special time.

I am with you on this. I am up most mornings at 4:30 or 5:00 here in NorCal or Maui. I must confess that in Baja I may sleep in 'til 6:00. On maui it's the sunset; in Baja it's the sunrise.

liknbaja127 - 1-26-2014 at 08:03 PM

Always, up early. Usually 4:30, Get things done while its calm.
Had a great sunrise on Friday! Even though it was a job in Baldwin park.

Whale-ista - 1-26-2014 at 10:30 PM

I watch/listen to birds. Love the light and bird sounds pre-dawn while camping near water in Baja, but also in my garden in San Diego where I have two active hummingbird nests: one over the driveway in front, one right outside my bedroom door in back. The finches will start building soon.

I can sense the mom's vibrations thru the wall in back- she built the nest a few inches away from the house. I lie in bed as the sun rises, and listen for her to begin hovering over the nest. Then I get up, let the dog out, and carefully peek out the door so I don't scare her away from the 2 eggs she's incubating right now.

grace59 - 1-27-2014 at 07:12 AM

I put the coffee on...take the dog out...when the coffee is done I love to go outside to watch the sun come up over the Sea of Cortez and watch the world come alive. I love the smell of the desert in the early morning quiet. I love watching all the birds wake up and join me in my back yard. I wish that I was there right now!

measomsan - 1-27-2014 at 07:14 AM

Well said.....I guess why we are here.....

measomsan - 1-27-2014 at 07:14 AM

Well said.....I guess why we are here.....

measomsan - 1-27-2014 at 07:14 AM

Well said.....I guess why we are here.....

measomsan - 1-27-2014 at 07:14 AM

Well said.....I guess why we are here.....

volcano - 1-27-2014 at 08:07 AM

bird sounds, first light, sunrise, our orioles talking, in that order

nbacc - 1-27-2014 at 08:48 AM

I am with Grace!!!!!! Want to be there