
short course "La Balanza" race..huge success

willyAirstream - 1-27-2014 at 03:38 PM

Saturday night was the tech inspection and party. John Macy's band played over the roar of engines and keep everyone on their feet dancing. Food was spectacular and many new friends were made by all. A quick announcement late in the evening brought many donations to Mulege in Motion from locals and gringos. Wish I had announced it earlier :) The race was Sunday and started more or less on time and drew an unexpected large crowd. We knew Mexicanos would be flocking there, but the large number of Americanos was a great surpize. It was very well organized, ran smoothly and spectators respected the yellow ribbon and stayed in the viewing areas.
Butch and Betty representing The Band of Brothers MC were a MAJOR sponsor. Other large contributions came from Mike and Ros, Kevin y associates, Lighthouse Nick, Extra lap Al, the Jungla, the Racing bar, and many others wishing to remain anonymous. And a speciasl thanks to MotoGed for bring down a bunch of Moto tires!!
The winners were very surprized when they received their trophies AND an envelope of cash!
Racers came from San Ignacio, Santa Rosilia, CC, Loreto, and even La Paz. I even meet some residents of La Paz who came just to watch the
race. The short course proved to be a success. There are 2 offroad clubs in Mulege, hopefully they can combine and we can all work together to present short course races and traditional 100-300 k races. There are a ton of pics here
here is a tease

tiotomasbcs - 1-27-2014 at 07:31 PM

Great lookin Event! Mulege is a Happening. Thanks Richard. Tio

Justbozo - 1-28-2014 at 07:41 AM

"Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!"

You People have got it together!

I didn't get to the party under the bridge, but my Gal and I spent spent the day at the track Sunday. You put on one great race!

This is my first race in Mexico and wasn't quite sure what to expect. I have been drag racing for over 40 years in the states at all levels of events and I have to say I had as much fun as a spectator Sunday as I have in a long time!

I really liked the course and the way it got more interesting as the race went on. The water trucks made a world of difference!
The "Chamber of Commerce weather" didn't hurt anything either!

There was an overflow crowd of very friendly spectators. Being a gringo in the Mexican tailgating area was a real treat, with food and drink offered by many. This is something you find between racers in the pits in the states and not so much with the crowds.

If there is a race at that track...

"BE THERE!":tumble::tumble::tumble::tumble:

willyAirstream - 1-28-2014 at 08:13 PM

Tio you missed a great time so try to make the next event in July and another in November.

Justbozo - Thanks for all your positive comments! glad you made it!
We weren't really sure how it would come together, but everything fell into place and it was smooth sailing. The hits on FB are non stop, even tonight. I think everyone enjoyed it ,spectators ,racers and the successful vendors. Stop by and visit anytime.

ps. thanks for the pics and video!

willyAirstream - 1-30-2014 at 12:50 PM

Trying to hold on to my lead