
Conversations with my boat Part I

Hook - 1-31-2014 at 05:36 AM

Skipper: "Boat, we gonna catch some fish today?"

Boat: "Absolutely, boss. Just do what I say, this time, and quit tryin' those crazy lures you're friends from Canada keep givin' you. A buzz bomb ain't a lure, boss, it's a firework or some N-zi invention from the last century."

Skipper: "But I'm fishing with nothing but Canadians today! If we dont catch anything, they'll blame it on American arrogance, IF I DONT USE THEIR BUZZ BOMBS! I wont be able to blame their fishing skills, this time! The blame might fall on me, the Skipper!!!"

Boat: "Just bring up the value of the Canadian dollar, right now". That'll shut 'en up, eh?"

Boat: "And when we get to the fuel dock, explain to them that you'll have to convert their portion of the fuel, using THEIR exchange rate.!!!

"That'll solve your fishing-with-Canadian-lures AND Canadians, thing.........."

Santiago - 1-31-2014 at 07:49 AM

That's funny, right betch'a

Skipjack Joe - 1-31-2014 at 07:56 AM

I used the buzz-bomb in Alaska last summer. Damn good lure.

MitchMan - 1-31-2014 at 08:04 AM

What's a buzz-bomb?

Skipjack Joe - 1-31-2014 at 08:10 AM

It's a lure with a hole inside running down the length of it. You run your line inside from one end to the other and tie a treble hook at the far end. I don't think it buzzes at all but could be wrong.

Barbareno - 1-31-2014 at 08:16 AM

Think I had one too many buzz bombs last night. :cool:

bkbend - 1-31-2014 at 09:55 AM

I've even caught fish in Baja with a buzz bomb. Just not consistently enough and they now just rattle around in the bottom of my tackle box. I kept losing the rubber bumpers between lure and hook.

Buzz Bombs

captkw - 1-31-2014 at 10:08 AM

They tore up London !! but the ones for fishing are so-so IMO...

Good news!!!

Hook - 1-31-2014 at 03:01 PM

Skipper: "Well, boat, we dodged a bullet today. No fish caught on the buzz bomb."

Boat: It's like Bitcoin, boss. Lots of buzz, but where's the beef?"

Buzz bombs were retired after one drop as the drift was just too fast and the fish too deep. They were down around 280 FEET) and the wind prediction was WAY off today, 12-15 kts and ugly, lumpy. The buzz bombs the Canadians brought were only about 3-4 oz. 'Course they would know what that is in grams, but I dont............

Yankee ingenuity (in the form of Chinese-made knife jigs, of course :rolleyes: ) came through! Knife jigs are Fast and Furious which makes perfect sense in the hands of a Yank.

And today, The Yankee Skipper outfished the Canadians by a ratio of 3:1... :o But, Yankee largesse made sure that all went home with full zip-locs.

No mention of the exchange rate........too much pain, already, for one day. :saint:

Whale-ista - 1-31-2014 at 03:44 PM

Ha! Loving all these conversations.

I sometimes talk to the poodle and/or my truck during long road trips. Guess I need to listen more carefully for responses next time.

Skipjack Joe - 1-31-2014 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by bkbend
I've even caught fish in Baja with a buzz bomb. Just not consistently enough and they now just rattle around in the bottom of my tackle box. I kept losing the rubber bumpers between lure and hook.

Yes, that's their weakness. Sooner or later the line starts to chaff at the hook connection and looses it's strength. You need to keep cutting and retying.

Works great for bottom fishing but no better than many others that are available as far as I can tell. Has good side to side action.

It's just that it runs up and down the line that seems like a potential issue. During this last Abreojos trip one of the people in camp was using fluorocarbon and just outfishing everyone. Well, once that buzz bomb starts to work up and down that line it's going to lose all of it's 'invisibility', me thinks.

Santiago - 2-1-2014 at 07:36 AM

They were the go-to lure in Lake Tahoe in the fall; jigging for macs and Kokes. The stores had rows of them.

EnsenadaDr - 2-1-2014 at 09:50 AM

Do you live in Baja or Sonora? Do you get paid to take clients out on your boat? Otherwise why would you use lures that you don't feel are the best for catching fish?
Originally posted by Hook
Skipper: "Boat, we gonna catch some fish today?"

Boat: "Absolutely, boss. Just do what I say, this time, and quit tryin' those crazy lures you're friends from Canada keep givin' you. A buzz bomb ain't a lure, boss, it's a firework or some N-zi invention from the last century."

Skipper: "But I'm fishing with nothing but Canadians today! If we dont catch anything, they'll blame it on American arrogance, IF I DONT USE THEIR BUZZ BOMBS! I wont be able to blame their fishing skills, this time! The blame might fall on me, the Skipper!!!"

Boat: "Just bring up the value of the Canadian dollar, right now". That'll shut 'en up, eh?"

Boat: "And when we get to the fuel dock, explain to them that you'll have to convert their portion of the fuel, using THEIR exchange rate.!!!

"That'll solve your fishing-with-Canadian-lures AND Canadians, thing.........."

Hook - 2-1-2014 at 01:20 PM

Do you ever REALLY ask questions that have anything to do with Mexico?

Rarely, in my experience.

No, I dont take clients out. I take friends out who help me defray fuel expenses. They can fish with whatever they want.

Hook - 2-1-2014 at 01:22 PM

Oh, BTW, this post was meant to poke fun at this sudden outburst of "Conversations with blah-blah-blah........"

EnsenadaDr - 2-1-2014 at 03:42 PM

I know you love me Hook, and I feel the same way. BTW, Sonora is not in Baja, I just wanted to know if you actually lived in Baja because you post on this board.

Yes, I was simply discussing the reason why you were cowtowing to your Canadian friends when you don't like using that particular lure to begin with. The subject initially was fishing, wasn't it? I guess you started that topic and I was following it amigo!!

Skipjack Joe - 2-1-2014 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Hook

Oh, BTW, this post was meant to poke fun at this sudden outburst of "Conversations with blah-blah-blah........"

Keep it up, Hook. I like your conversations more than the original ones.

EnsenadaDr - 2-1-2014 at 04:27 PM

Really? I didn't start that thread, Skipjack. It was originally Gypsy Jan and mine was a spinoff of hers and Hook came in a far second with his. So don't blame me.

Sure Fire Way To Get Fish !

DavidE - 2-1-2014 at 04:40 PM

EnsenadaDr - 2-1-2014 at 04:47 PM

Which reminds me a story. My father took me to a very high class seafood restaurant in Miami Beach. After lunch he took me on a charter fishing boat. Everyone had their lines out, and I was fishing and suddenly I saw my father turn a grey color and sit down. He told me he felt sick to his stomach and finally vomited over the side of the boat. Well don't you know the fish started biting like crazy, must have been the best chum in the world!!

Skipjack Joe - 2-1-2014 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Really? I didn't start that thread, Skipjack. It was originally Gypsy Jan and mine was a spinoff of hers and Hook came in a far second with his. So don't blame me.

Never said you did and not blaming anyone about anything.

Peace and tacos (to use nomad vernacular).

Hook - 2-1-2014 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
I know you love me Hook, and I feel the same way. BTW, Sonora is not in Baja, I just wanted to know if you actually lived in Baja because you post on this board.

Is living in Baja a prerequite to posting on this site? Isn't it enough to occasionally visit Baja?

If not, you need to call out all the people who come here for a visit and then publish a trip report or anything involving their trip here.

Or is having a city in Baja in your board name enough to "qualify"? :rolleyes:

You really want to delve into the subject of post relevancy, ENSENADA Dr.?

EnsenadaDr - 2-1-2014 at 05:29 PM

Yes as a matter of fact I do Hook. It seems you start a fishing thread, I ask a few questions on why you were concerned about the relevancy of the lure that your friends wanted to use, and then you accuse me of being off-topic. I was simply following your thread.

Hook - 2-1-2014 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes as a matter of fact I do Hook. It seems you start a fishing thread, I ask a few questions on why you were concerned about the relevancy of the lure that your friends wanted to use, and then you accuse me of being off-topic. I was simply following your thread.

THIS conversation is pointless, at least to you,

and there will be no Part deux.........

Tune in next week when I publish my,

Conversations With My Compost Heap. :cool: