
Rosarito murders ??

tecatero - 2-2-2014 at 10:28 AM

If these articles are, looks like Rosarito is getting heavy again,,,,,

There is a Heightened Military Presence in Rosarito

Gypsy Jan - 2-2-2014 at 10:45 AM

When we drove into town yesterday, we were stopped at the military check point just north of the toll booth and questioned about where we were going and where we had come from.

What I found unusual is that the soldier wanted me to roll down my window on the passenger side. I happily complied and opened up my hands across my body so he could easily inspect me.

BTW, they didn't care about the Great Dane in the back seat.

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 10:46 AM

No one has ever met that woman, I have heard rumors that people have actually met her but no one has come forward. This woman Marjorie Ann Grisack, aka Maggie, aka Marjorie Ann Drake, supposedly lives in San Antonio del Mar, and I spoke to the executive committee there and no one has heard of her. There are some people out there that for whatever reason, want to smear Baja's name, i.e. failed relationships with Latinas, etc. There are two people that fit the profile of writing incessantly about crime in Baja and enjoy flaunting their expertise at translating Spanish news articles into English, and some have claimed that Maggie, since no one has met her, and this other person, who runs a Crime focused Baja site, are the same person. Why don't we read the police blotter of San Diego and claim: "Oh my San Diego is going down the tubes."

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 10:49 AM

Gypsy you must be exuding an abnormal amount of pheromones lately. You are driving the local men wild!!
Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
When we drove into town yesterday, we were stopped at the military check point just north of the toll booth and questioned about where we were going and where we had come from.

What I found unusual is that the soldier wanted me to roll down my window on the passenger side. I happily complied and opened up my hands across my body so he could easily inspect me.

BTW, they didn't care about the Great Dane in the back seat.

DENNIS - 2-2-2014 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
No one has ever met that woman, I have heard rumors that people have actually met her but no one has come forward. This woman Marjorie Ann Grisack, aka Maggie, aka Marjorie Ann Drake, supposedly lives in San Antonio del Mar, and I spoke to the executive committee there and no one has heard of her. There are some people out there that for whatever reason, want to smear Baja's name, i.e. failed relationships with Latinas, etc. There are two people that fit the profile of writing incessantly about crime in Baja and enjoy flaunting their expertise at translating Spanish news articles into English, and some have claimed that Maggie, since no one has met her, and this other person, who runs a Crime focused Baja site, are the same person. Why don't we read the police blotter of San Diego and claim: "Oh my San Diego is going down the tubes."

Ridiculous. Maggie is real with a real history here in Punta Banda prior to moving to SADM.
She has no alter-ego on any hate site and performs a public service for the Espaņol impaired by translating the news to English.
She has been a reliable source [as reliable as her source, which is more often than not, ZETA, a highly respected Tijuana weekly] of daily events presented by the local news agencies and doesn't bang her own drum.
She has her moments, both good and bad, but they don't mingle with her mission to inform the uninformed.
Appreciate her for that if you have any use for news of current events.

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 11:01 AM

You never met her Dennis, and no one else has. You also praised Fulano for his informative crime articles as well. You can't prove she is real either. You point me to ONE person in Punta Banda who can lead me directly to Maggie, and I'll gladly take you up on it.

[Edited on 2-2-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

Read all about it

bajaguy - 2-2-2014 at 11:20 AM

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 11:24 AM

You are going to take Craig Wutsch's endorsement of Maggie Drake when he is a close ally and member of the other site? You have got to be joking! I need more proof than a post on TalkBaja! Besides, he is not proving that she is a real person at all. He is endorsing her because he is over preocupied with crime in Baja and likes to read her articles. Yes the articles are taken from Zeta Magazine, which has to be one of the most violent magazines out there, and translated. But unless you can give me more than Woooosh's casual referral to her in another forum, that proves absolutely nothing.
Originally posted by bajaguy

[Edited on 2-2-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

bajaguy - 2-2-2014 at 11:31 AM

I was providing information from another board.

I don't endorse anyone I have not met, so get off that soapbox

I usually don't joke much about people being killed

Go out and get all the proof you want.....and I don't have to prove anything to you

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
You are going to take Craig Wutsch's endorsement of Maggie Drake when he is a close ally and member of the other site? You have got to be joking! I need more proof than a post on TalkBaja!
Originally posted by bajaguy

[Edited on 2-2-2014 by bajaguy]

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 11:54 AM

well then, why did you say read all about it? Read all about what? It was a bunch of nothing. I wasn't joking about anyone getting killed.

[Edited on 2-2-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

DENNIS - 2-2-2014 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
You never met her Dennis, and no one else has. You also praised Fulano for his informative crime articles as well. You can't prove she is real either. You point me to ONE person in Punta Banda who can lead me directly to Maggie, and I'll gladly take you up on it.

[Edited on 2-2-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

I never met God either, but I have a feeling he/she/it may exist.
Fulano is an effective gatherer of information as well. He has shown these skills through his many aliases here on the board in the past.

Take your fact-finding mission to the Pablofs in La Joya. They know her [as a past tenant] as well as anybody.

What does all of this matter anyway? Can't you go through just one effing day without trying to develop this BS intrigue?

woody with a view - 2-2-2014 at 12:17 PM

just watch out for those Pablofs dogs.....

great to see you back big D.

DENNIS - 2-2-2014 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
Yes the articles are taken from Zeta Magazine, which has to be one of the most violent magazines out there, and translated.

Hardly the profile of a muckraker:

DENNIS - 2-2-2014 at 12:19 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
just watch out for those Pablofs dogs.....

great to see you back big D.

Thanks, Woody.

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 01:11 PM

You are the master of riling things up on the Board Dennis,I am just trying to follow in the footsteps of the Great Nomad Himself!! (though I will never equal him I am sure. You must be feeling better!!
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
You never met her Dennis, and no one else has. You also praised Fulano for his informative crime articles as well. You can't prove she is real either. You point me to ONE person in Punta Banda who can lead me directly to Maggie, and I'll gladly take you up on it.

[Edited on 2-2-2014 by EnsenadaDr]

I never met God either, but I have a feeling he/she/it may exist.
Fulano is an effective gatherer of information as well. He has shown these skills through his many aliases here on the board in the past.

Take your fact-finding mission to the Pablofs in La Joya. They know her [as a past tenant] as well as anybody.

What does all of this matter anyway? Can't you go through just one effing day without trying to develop this BS intrigue?

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 01:13 PM

What's life without a little intrigue and romance anyway?? Got to get some entertainment. INR and Coumadin coagulation pathways gets pretty heavy.

wessongroup - 2-2-2014 at 02:37 PM

Thought the "song" fit the piece written

Will say, the individual provided some valuable information on groundwater and wells in Baja ... which was found to be correct in every aspect

JoeJustJoe - 2-2-2014 at 03:06 PM

Here is JoeJustJoe's take on Maggie, and the dangers of Rosarito beach.

I not only have doubts that Maggie is who she claims she is, but I even doubt if she is a real woman! I also doubt she is married to a Border Patrol agent named Mike, and the dog muffin is very suspect. I believe muffin is really a cat.

I have spent many hours looking into the background of Maggie, and trying to find anybody that has actually met her, and for being in Baja for so many years, it's very strange that not one person has ever come forward and said they have actually met Maggie in person. Although Maggie sure drops a lot of names, of people who she knows in Baja, and she seems to know a lot about these people. However, it could also be that she is somebody else, and that's the only reason why she seems to know about all about these other ex-pats in Baja. The closest we get to people knowing Maggie comes from a post from Woooosh, who claims Maggie is real, because he knows an ex-pat that uses the same veterinarian of both himself and Maggie, and that ex-pat knows Maggie. Sorry, that's not good enough for me, and it just come be the case of Maggie dropping names of a person she knows as another person or even as a man.

With that said, her stories on her" drugwarchronicles Baja blog" are fairly accurate and she translates real stories from Zeta, and other Baja newspapers, magazines, and blogs. The only thing about this, is Maggie only picks the negative news stories about Baja, and so you can get very distorted picture of Baja, because she paints a picture of a war zone in Baja, and most of us know that this is just not true.

Regarding the increasing dangers of Rosarito beach, it does seem crime and the homicide death troll has increased this year, but you have to be very careful when reading statistics from people like Maggie, because they will play with the numbers and make Mexico or Baja seem a lot more dangerous than it really is.

Here is a good example that I see all the time, say for example in 2012 a city in Mexico had a homicide death rate of one person, and in 2013 that homicide death rate increased to two people. Nuts like Maggie will post a headline that homicides increased 100 percent in such and such city!!!!! When in reality the homicide rate is actually still very low. Of course there are more homicides in Rosarito than just one or two, but really the numbers are still very low, something like 17 in 2012, and something like 30 in 2013, and so of course you have Maggie making claims about a 90 percent increase homicides in Rosarito, and she does this to scare the readers.

I do know one ex-pat American who left Rosarito because he felt it was getting too dangerous for him, and things didn't seem to work out for him in Rosarito. The thing about Mexico, it's not for everybody.

[Edited on 2-2-2014 by JoeJustJoe]

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 03:17 PM

Yes Joe, and some of these dangers of Gringos in Mexico are self-provoked. If and when Maggie decides to meet any of the Nomads, I will defer to her and apologize. But for someone so brash and critical, she is very timid about anyone meeting her in person.

woody with a view - 2-2-2014 at 03:22 PM

prolly a self preservation mechanism, dontcha think?:rolleyes:

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 03:49 PM

Not really she is quoting Zeta magazine and other supposedly reputable news sources. She's only the messenger.
Originally posted by woody with a view
prolly a self preservation mechanism, dontcha think?:rolleyes:

micah202 - 2-2-2014 at 07:28 PM

...perhaps the 'self preservation' of broadcasting doom,gloom is what keeps Baja from being over-run with gringo's and speculators;D

...get off your pot,,,'doctor':tumble::spingrin:

EnsenadaDr - 2-2-2014 at 07:40 PM

Oh my other good friend, Micah!! Hope your team won the Super Bowl!!

Bajafun777 - 2-3-2014 at 12:51 AM

What really scares family members off from coming down to visit in Mexico is when they find out that people just sitting in a local eating place are subject to having someone killed while people are inside eating in daylight hours. Hard to down play it and who knows when these type of things will happen? That's right, Nobody knows when these killing cowards will walk in killing as they please.

If someone says they are not worried or scared for family with these type of things happening then something is wrong in their thinking. Will it stop me from still spending my summers there--No, I will still go but I will not push my family to come down like years past. I would not be able to live with myself if something happened to them by cowards walking in just shooting inside a restaurant. These lowlife animals just do not care if they harm anyone. It is all about money, drugs and power while people lives do not matter. Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

flyguy - 2-3-2014 at 02:18 AM

IMHO you are delusional to think you are in any more danger in Baja than in the USA ... on my last 3 month trip through the western USA and Baja, we had an alarming rate of scary experiences above the border with nothing but positive below. Americans are safer in Mexico than at home, however you just have to read the statistics to find that out! NOW If you wanna enjoy a safe place, head north where Canada awaits you with a friendly smile, kittens, and lolipops :D !!!

chuckie - 2-3-2014 at 07:41 AM

I think flyguy is right. I dunno about Canadian crime overall but there are parts of Vancouver and Toronto (like any other big cities) that I wouldnt venture into after dark. Lets not even talk about Detroit Cleveland, Wash Dc.....

DENNIS - 2-3-2014 at 09:24 AM

Originally posted by flyguy
Americans are safer in Mexico than at home, however you just have to read the statistics to find that out!

Statistics don't give all pertinent details, such as location location location.
People, in any country, who are in areas where they don't belong, are begging trouble.
Your above statement standing alone, flyguy, is short-sighted.


[Edited on 2-3-2014 by DENNIS]

willardguy - 2-3-2014 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by flyguy
IMHO you are delusional to think you are in any more danger in Baja than in the USA ... on my last 3 month trip through the western USA and Baja, we had an alarming rate of scary experiences above the border with nothing but positive below. Americans are safer in Mexico than at home, however you just have to read the statistics to find that out! NOW If you wanna enjoy a safe place, head north where Canada awaits you with a friendly smile, kittens, and lolipops :D !!!