
Might be a Toltec

Osprey - 2-5-2014 at 01:35 PM

Maybe I’m a Toltec

Both my parents told me their forebears were natives of County Cork, Ireland (my pop’s grandfather could have been born in the 1790s) but maybe they had reasons to lie to me. For a long time now I’ve had the feeling I might have the blood of Toltecs or Olmecs in me.

Today was one of those days. This was the day the register/photo/lamina machine for driver’s licenses down here in pucker-brush country was scheduled to be in our little village for new and renewal licenses. In the last few years it has been kind of hit and miss – once, at the appointed place and hour we learned the machine, the people, were in another village. The next time they had the wrong date, the next time the machine wasn’t working.

Like a good citizen I had gone to the proper local office, made out the application, gave up all my I.D. and license copies, even paid for the renewal and got a receipt. All that’s left is to have my photo taken, turn in my old license, get the new one.

Learned a loooong time ago that if you want to survive down here in retirement, only do one thing a day. My one thing today is to renew my old license. The all important time to do this one thing has just come and gone. I was supposed to be there (when the machine arrives) at 10:00. I was early at 9:45. When I heard the office phone ringing I got a bad feeling about the timing. The DMV guy said “The machine is still in San Jose. Come back in two hours.”

I pulled out of the parking lot with a smile on my face because I knew that I had time for two Bloody Marys and a sandwich before I had to even think about going back. I also knew that my Toltec/Mexican license clerk hermanos in San Jose were not to be rushed to our little pueblo for this simple business because they only had one thing to do today and heaven knows how long that might take.

A bonus might appear because I might well be more photogenic in my pre-siesta mode. Take a look at your gringo friend’s Mexican driver’s license picture and mine and you’ll find my big grin displaying the difference almost native blood and attitude can make.

Udo - 2-5-2014 at 01:56 PM

I am taking your..."one thing a day." literally George. All the extra stuff causes stress, which in turn raises blood pressure, increases one's cholesterol, and in turn raises heart attack chances.

vandenberg - 2-5-2014 at 07:00 PM

Did two things today.
Emptied the truck of tree and brush cuttings and juiced a bucket of oranges.
Now I can relax tomorrow, since I'm ahead of the game by a day.:biggrin::biggrin:

Zapotec - 2-5-2014 at 07:59 PM

And I think I have Zapotec blood in me. All I did today was lie in my hammock, read a little and drank rum and coke. Love the good life in Baja.