
Our one week in Lopez Mateos

Barbareno - 2-16-2014 at 11:56 AM

The first week of February here in Asuncion was chilly. Didn't get above 21 cel. So 4 of us thought we would take up bajacalifornian's offer of staying at his house in Lopez Mateos.

We saw this wreck on the widow maker. We slowed down a tad.

I can't get over the amount of osprey's there are in Lopez. Hundreds it seems.

Bajacalifornian hooked us up with Chico for a fishing guide. He would show us the ropes. Speaking of ropes it was a good thing that Mula and her husband just launched their boat as our rope had rotted and our ship was sailing without a crew.

Here is the crew....thanks Mula for taking the 3 pictures.

They caught a basket full. Halibut, Grouper, Corvina, Scorpion fish, Trigger fish and even an Octopus.

Chico was kind enough to do the cleaning.

Eat your heart out Woody......More to follow.

David K - 2-16-2014 at 12:33 PM

Nice! Thank you!

Where is this Hwy. 1 "widow maker"?

woody with a view - 2-16-2014 at 02:24 PM

like i said, fotos or it didn't happen!!!

standing by....

acadist - 2-16-2014 at 02:54 PM

nice butt!

Barbareno - 2-16-2014 at 03:27 PM

Originally posted by David K
Nice! Thank you!

Where is this Hwy. 1 "widow maker"?

You know the section. Just north of Santa Rosalia where it's all curvy. I usually have my eyes closed.

Barbareno - 2-16-2014 at 03:49 PM

After a day of fishing the guys needed to rest their backs and noodle arms. We really had a craving for something that lives in a shell.

We met Raul. He lives right behind our casa and he offered to take us to San Carlos and show us the town. I looked on my road map and figured it would take us 2 hrs to get there. But he knew of a short cut and it was only an hours drive. We didn't even have to go through Ciudad Constitucion. We took a fork in the road headed towards Villa Benito Juarez.

We picked up clams and shrimp.

We also got some scallops but I forgot to take pictures. Honest Woody.

We were given some lobster which we cooked up and snarfed down in a hurry.

We made sure we had enough for our gardener buddy Manuel.

We stayed within walking distance to the boat launch and a spot where the fisherman come and unload the days catch. Pretty sure these are mako sharks as well as some blue's

I wasn't the only one watching.

There was a huge audience. I hear it's good luck if you get shat on by a bird.

woody with a view - 2-16-2014 at 04:00 PM

VERY NICE!!! looks like an epic trip and one we want to do in the future. how long you guys have left down there?

Mula - 2-16-2014 at 04:09 PM

Really nice, Barbara.

Barbareno - 2-16-2014 at 04:20 PM

Thanks was a pleasure to meet you finally. You were a great source of knowledge and I know that our shoulders will rub again one day.

Woody we head back north early April.

I have one more set of pictures to post but I think I will wait till the morning. Saving the best for last. :yes:

Barbareno - 2-17-2014 at 08:49 AM

Time to go back fishing. Saul said he would take us in his panga. Way better for four people then our tin boat. Lopez Mateos is Whale country. They come by the hundreds. Perhaps even the thousands. Saul is not licensed to guide whale tours so we had to stay far away. But we saw them. Whales have right of way.

Here we are.

Fishing wasn’t all that great. Best time to fish in Lopez is Oct-Nov. But I didn’t mind one bit. There is so much to see while putzing along in the mangroves.

My very first time seeing white Pelicans.

Lots of Egrets.

Plenty of Frigates.

And I have no idea what this is.

Okay so fishing sucks. Anyone up for Oysters? Say what? Saul says he knows of an oyster farm right around the bend…..okee dokee. We park the panga.

Here’s Rosa going out to get us some oysters. There were so many pens we lost count.

Rosa and Saul chucking away. It doesn’t get any fresher then this. There was a lime tree on the property so we picked a couple and squirted them on the oyster and down the hatch they went.

We got our fill and purchased some for a BBQ later.

"So know what do you wanna do?" "Lets go pick scallops". Okee dokee.

This is what we are looking for.

Ta daaaaaa.

There was a tiny little lobster in one of them.

More snarfing occurred.

Time to light the BBQ. Saul teaching us how to cook up the oysters. We sprinkled soya sauce, salsa sauce and a squeeze of lime. Not necessary in that order.

There may of been a little tequila involved.

Double fisted Jim

And yours truly. I don’t think I will wash this hoody. The smell will bring back great memories.

bill erhardt - 2-17-2014 at 10:34 AM

Sounds like a great time!

churro - 2-17-2014 at 09:31 PM

Thanks for posting ! Looks like you had a great trip! Say Hi to Jim for me

motoged - 2-17-2014 at 11:47 PM

Jumpin' Jiminy !!!

Beauties, eh!!!

Barb and Tim,

Sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you guys, too. Now that you have a good shrimp connection, I will have to follow up on that :saint:

Hola Barb

captkw - 2-17-2014 at 11:59 PM

Any Idea/clue about the sharks ?? Blue are rather tasteless and MAKO can be good eating...depending on its latest diet !! hoping the days of fins and livers are over in BAJA !!....K&T:cool:...PS..lopez mateos and area is COOL !! can YA say Fishy !!

[Edited on 2-18-2014 by captkw]

[Edited on 2-18-2014 by captkw]

[Edited on 2-18-2014 by captkw]

David K - 2-18-2014 at 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Barbareno
Originally posted by David K
Nice! Thank you!

Where is this Hwy. 1 "widow maker"?

You know the section. Just north of Santa Rosalia where it's all curvy. I usually have my eyes closed.

Ah yes, the 'Cuesta del Infierno' (Hell's Grade)!

Great new photos posted below >>> Thank you!

HUH ???

captkw - 2-18-2014 at 01:29 AM

Originally posted by acadist
nice butt!
......Capt "k" That's a baby!!! not even legal in calif...but better to eat it than throw it back....IMO

Cypress - 2-18-2014 at 05:15 AM

Thanks for the pics and report.:)

Skipjack Joe - 2-18-2014 at 06:46 AM

Originally posted by Barbareno

I hear it's good luck if you get shat on by a bird.


Barbareno - 2-18-2014 at 06:58 AM

Originally posted by captkw
Any Idea/clue about the sharks ?? Blue are rather tasteless and MAKO can be good eating...depending on its latest diet !! hoping the days of fins and livers are over in BAJA !!....K&T:cool:...PS..lopez mateos and area is COOL !! can YA say Fishy !!

They were removing the fins and putting them aside. Don't recall seeing any livers put away separate. There is a cannery in Lopez so will assume that is where the sharks were headed.....then off to Japan?


captkw - 2-18-2014 at 07:41 AM

Thanks for the reply..Killing sharks for the fin's is a Sick statement about humans and Japanese that refuse to take a stewardship of the oceans and sea's...the two biggest fish warehouse's in the the world are Tokeyo and Hilo HI...and the Japanese take whales and dolphins each year...NO,,I don't pull no politico stuff..just state the FACTS...:fire:

Mula - 2-18-2014 at 08:35 AM

The cannery in Lopez is for Tuna and Sardines. Where there are no tuna or sadrines they can chicken and frijoles.

They do not can the shark. I don't know where the sharks go.

In San Nicolas the sharks are salted and send to Guadalajara for shark machaca - food in Mexico.

The fins used to go to TJ and on to the Orient. Don't know about now.