
Flushing Kit?

Santiago - 3-9-2014 at 10:25 AM

Anyone use these? I plan on using this on my 115hp 4stroke Merc. On this engine, the tell-tale (pee hole) is behind this; I assume the water stream will still be visible with this permanently installed? I see a small hole just after the male threads, is this it?
By the way, my tell tale quit working last trip but the engine was not over heating. I'll obviously need to clear the hole or lines; was not able to flush the engin in Feb of this year as I did not have muffs or a flush bag.
Anyone know if this engine also flushes the lower unit using this?

rts551 - 3-9-2014 at 11:41 AM

shoot, and I thought you had a way of getting rid of certain threads.

woody with a view - 3-9-2014 at 11:56 AM

what about a plastic barrel cut in half and filled with water. the coyotes get a free drink and you can flush to your hearts content.

chuckie - 3-10-2014 at 07:05 AM

Thas wut ah do.........


captkw - 3-10-2014 at 07:51 AM

Hola,Santiago !!hows that patch holding up ?? I always tell my guys to use the ear muffs and always use "salt away"..if the tell tale hole (pee hole) is not flowing.. it can be for many reasons on the newer 4 a bad therm, bad PRV,, plugged hose.....get it fixed !! the reason its Sooo much better to use the muffs is the whole comple
te cooling system is getting cleaned/flushed....Much,much better way to give your motor the love it needs...K&T

woody with a view - 3-10-2014 at 12:33 PM

i got mine dialed in 2 weeks ago!!! she's purring like a gatita.....

i'm bringing a plastic barrel for my septic/leach container. was thinking about cuttint it in half and placing one half upside down on a bed of rocks with the drain line dumping thru the top. the other half could be my flush tank. you guys can use it whenever you need to.

ncampion - 3-10-2014 at 03:29 PM

I like the hose fittings that Yamaha provides on their motors. Just hook up the hose and turn it on. Water comes out every orifice even with the engine not running. I usually fire up the engine anyway just cause I like the sound of unmuffled 12 cylinders of 2 stroke direct injection power. If no fresh water available, I use use my fresh water washdown hose to flush the motors.

flush port

captkw - 3-10-2014 at 04:49 PM

Don't run any outboard when using the flush port !!! very bad for the water pump impeller !!! and the best way to flush is with "muffs" and running the motor.........K&T:cool::

ncampion - 3-10-2014 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by captkw
Don't run any outboard when using the flush port !!! very bad for the water pump impeller !!! and the best way to flush is with "muffs" and running the motor.........K&T:cool::

Respectfully disagree. I follow Yamaha instructions, I would think their engineers would know the product they designed and tested.

UHH ??

captkw - 3-10-2014 at 06:41 PM

I dont think you understand that the flush adapter is flushing without running the motor !! if your running the motor with the flush adapter the impeller is sucking in air...water is what lubes the impeller....last season I did 10 or so melted impeller housings with ruined impellers..all from running the motor with the flushing adapter...If your repair these motors 8 days a week like I might have a foot to stand the fine print in your owners manual..I am Just trying to help fellow boaters out on this....if you want to run your motor with the flush kit (not muffs) knock yourself out...Also the advantage of using muffs is your flushing the whole cooling system,,such as the w/p wear plate,,impeller,the w/p "cup and the discharge tube.....some of the bigger Yamaha's have a hard time on the muffs or bucket due to the inlet need to research you own motor !! I don't have a dog in this fight...its what I due for a living !! and at what I charge,,I better damn well know what I'm doing and talking about !!! YA THINK !! BTW "salt away" is really good stuff for saltwater four stroke motors..tight lines and safe boating.....K&T

woody with a view - 3-10-2014 at 08:01 PM

no surf too ruff
no muff too tuff

unless of course, it's cracked and worn out!


Pacifico - 3-10-2014 at 08:35 PM

I believe Capt is correct on this.... I read the manual on my Yamaha 250 and it specifically says to NOT run the engine when using the flush fitting. It says to use the earmuffs on the lower unit with the water on if you are going to run the engine. Does this vary from model to model?

Oh my!!

captkw - 3-10-2014 at 09:06 PM

Ok,,for most of you don't know me..I work on "homeland sercurity vessels" aka ...U.S.C.G. Aux vessels. you cannot do this work if you do not have the right stuff and reff's..I am almost 54 yrs old and have been doing this work for over 30+ years and am highly sought out and folks wait a long time for me to get to their vessel.,..I'm not trying brag I SURE in in the hell don't need anymore work...I do keep abreast of all facets of my love,,job,,work.....BOATS....folks lives depend on my workmanship,,skills...I am simply stating what I know,,see,study and seek..I get TSB'S from all major builders of marine motors...I guess what I'm trying to express/say/share is running a outboard on the flush adapter is NOT the way to go....And to top it off,,,I have shown guys that have a boat 10,,20 years things they never knew..Like A Volvo penta 280,270 I/O has a water inlet hole down below the side intakes and needs to be plugged when flushing...NO.I Don't know everything...I never talk about land,rentals,law stuff,and a host of other stuff...But,,I know BOATS..its my life..and is what brought me to Baja at the age of 17 for replys are needed here..just run your motor..HP..Model in your browser and your find many answers...I'm ON Your side...a fellow boater...K&T:cool:....PS... ALL forums on boat repair is BS that I have looked at over the past 4/5 years....but for flushing spend a lot of time searching your motor,year,HP,,model and don't think that 2/3/4 replys are going to get you in the right place...There is SOO many Diff models/optains/configes......Just remember the W/P Impeller MUST always have water under pressure coming into to from the intake side !!! simple stupid fact of life....SCOTTY...I NEED WARP 2 WATER !!!!

[Edited on 3-11-2014 by captkw]

[Edited on 3-11-2014 by captkw]

Santiago - 3-11-2014 at 06:19 AM

I went to the largest Mercury-only dealer in Nor Cal and asked two questions:
1. Does using the hose attachment to flush the engine while it is running (as per manual) void the warranty, specifically on the impellor?
2. How does your shop flush/run the engines?

Answer to #1? "No."
Answer to #2? "Bucket of water." "Why?" "We want to run/test at various rpms." "Only reason?" "No, we don't want water coming out of the prop/tell-tale running all over the place." "oh"

I give up. I promise to never ask another motor question again.


captkw - 3-11-2014 at 07:26 AM

Exactly,, running the hose attachment aka "muffs" is putting water to the intakes below the water pump impeller..and running... in a "bucket" checks/shows the w/p is working in sucking up and pumping.... can remove the impeller and run the outboard all day long with the hose attached with the muffs as your using the house/city water pressure.. I get folks calling all the time whining about over heating motors while on a trip with their boat...."Quote" It ran fine in the driveway an the hose,, but now we are three hrs away on a hot bite and the motor keeps over heating and it "peed" good in the driveway...This is such a OLD story for us boat repair guys..any time the MOTOR is running water Must be going in the intake side of water pump (impeller).really simple laws of physics..a impeller can get burned in less than 20 seconds without water to the water is what lubes it....Now,, I have to go service a E-tec !! tight lines & safe boating to all......K&T:cool:

55steve - 3-11-2014 at 10:49 AM

I just gave up.

Originally posted by Santiago
I went to the largest Mercury-only dealer in Nor Cal and asked two questions:
1. Does using the hose attachment to flush the engine while it is running (as per manual) void the warranty, specifically on the impellor?
2. How does your shop flush/run the engines?

Answer to #1? "No."
Answer to #2? "Bucket of water." "Why?" "We want to run/test at various rpms." "Only reason?" "No, we don't want water coming out of the prop/tell-tale running all over the place." "oh"

I give up. I promise to never ask another motor question again.