
Baja ipad

Osprey - 3-10-2014 at 08:47 AM

Waiting for Baja ipads

The communications R & D guys sometimes get too focused and then things electronic can get sideways. In this case, they don’t have a clue as to why they may need to invent a Baja ipad. I think I could explain it to them by showing them a future store where you could buy Baja or TROPICAL ipad and other devices alongside the ones they sell now.

The why should be obvious --- when people are out recreating, vacationing, taking pictures in Canada, Europe, North Dakota they rarely need a recording device with a flash because their subjects are all in the bright sun trying to stay warm. Way down here it’s the other way around; when people here are having fun, it’s in a cool, dark place with lots of beer and tacos. That’s where you need a flash device that will illuminate the darkest little palapa, the dark and cool hotel room, the air conditioned restaurant with the quaint décor, the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen.

Right now some Baja tropical travelers carry in their backpacks a camera with a flash, an iphone with a small flash and an ipad with no flash. Not many use the camera anymore and when they do, many don’t bother with the flash. Witness the hundreds of Nomad trip reports where posters are proud to display beach scenes, mountains, canyons, motel rooms and their friends partying wherever they stop to rest to recreate. Almost all of the shots are wonderfully revealing except those taken with ipads with no flash.

The irony is that the ones they send directly to friends and family and facebook are shots of dark blobs in the shade that had/have no chance at being developed as full images because the devices don’t have enough information in the form of light points – the best computers can’t make up what it thinks Dave or Wally might look like or invent some new color fish being held up by the dark blobs.

I can’t see that the developers are clever enough to do all this on purpose so you will all pay the fortune for the Next Tropical Device to come out. If you doubt my line of thinking you need only visit a movie set, on a city street, in the daytime ---- you will be amazed at the lights and reflectors they need even on the brightest day to make the scene look real with the best recording devices man can make or buy.

Until my Baja ipad gets here best we can all do is say something like “Hey, you guys, get up out of those chairs, that hammock, walk out here in the sun, take off your hats and look this way, right into the sun. Won’t take but a minute and you can go back in the shade. Please.”

Udo - 3-10-2014 at 09:55 AM

You are right on, George!

Wouldn't it be really cool to have an iPad with a tropical beach scene on the back side?
Or at least a map of Baja California depicted with palm trees, dorados, marlins, margaritas, and palapas!