
MEXITRON's web page new and improved!

David K - 12-5-2004 at 07:07 PM

Baja Nomad 'Mexitron' is well know here for his great hikes and climbs in Baja.

One of his most interesting is climbing the lone desert peak of Cerro Matom?. He has also seen the top of Mesa Avion, climbed with Jack Swords to Mision San Pedro Martir and up into Matom? canyon, beyond the ranch.

Now, his photos have been resized against a new background, for more pleasant viewing...

Please enjoy:

pappy - 12-5-2004 at 07:37 PM

if all goes well, we should have some new photos from another backpack trip, spring 2005!!:yes:

bajalou - 12-5-2004 at 09:35 PM

Great shots the Mexetron of all the areas Thanks - and thanks David for reminding me to check this stuff out. Even tho I'm in Baja mose of the time, it make me want to head for the hills right now (but its 830pm, dark, cold and wet outside) Guess I'll wait


Mexitron - 12-5-2004 at 10:03 PM

Hey, thanks David!! I was just thinking about the next hiking adventure--like pappy said--spring 2005 is looking good! If the rain keeps up it should be an excellent year to have drinking water and to see wildflowers. Better start getting in better's the back pappy?

pappy - 12-6-2004 at 06:25 PM

doing great-thanks for asking.right now it's my neck-i think i told you about the lady that slammed into the side of my truck on the freeway-jerked my neck right to left-then she bailed! got her license plate tho(felony hit and run) i am jones'n for the spring trip!!:yes: