
ROAD REPORT: TkT to Sta. Rosalia

bajabuddha - 3-12-2014 at 09:51 AM

For once since i can't remember how long, NO MAJOR CONSTRUCTION the whole way!! Smooth sailing the entirre trip... Catavina stretch still 'old road', but what a pleasant trip down!

BLOOM WATCHERS: the word is NADA. Some in southern AZ around Gila Bend; the globemallow, palo verdes and creosotes were poppin', but the whole Baja is dry as a popcorn fart. Very little color anywhere, just a few lupine around San Ignacio.

Happy trails y'all, and good to be back. Keep the black side down!

David K - 3-12-2014 at 10:05 AM

It isn't Spring yet... that's the rainy season for the Pacific side. Cross your fingers!