
The Things I Learn from Dogs

Gypsy Jan - 3-17-2014 at 12:09 PM

They come up on the couch to cuddle.

They push me around in bed.

They guard me when I go to the bathroom.

And when I say, "Go outside" in the morning, they run and don't make a mess in in the house.

Udo - 3-17-2014 at 12:19 PM

Sounds like some wives I know!

bajaguy - 3-17-2014 at 12:22 PM

Just how many wives do you know???

Originally posted by Udo
Sounds like some wives I know!

Udo - 3-17-2014 at 12:56 PM

I'm not stepping into that one Terry!!!
Check your U2

Bob53 - 3-17-2014 at 01:03 PM


Osprey - 3-17-2014 at 01:43 PM

Kind of a one way street between me and my dogs Tino and Fea. They don't
ever seem to study me and my lifestyle, look over my shoulder when I'm paying bills but I watch them, learn from them.

When life creates a little problem, some mierda forms a little pile, they just kick a little dirt over it, cover it up and move on. Fea is 112 years old now and I can find wisdom in her eyes, serenity in her staying power.

Fea mood Nomad.jpg - 42kB

DENNIS - 3-17-2014 at 02:20 PM

Unrelated to original theme of this thread, but no less important:
[ BTW..not my composition]

Theories on why dogs pee on car tires.

I like dogs. I’m sure most of you do too. They’re warm, friendly, loyal and good drinking buddies. I’ve kind of figured them out by now. Everything they do is straight-forward and simple. Everything, except peeing on tires.

Have you ever stood at a chai shop having your evening smoke watching the the dogs, the bikes, the people, the cars, the dogs, the people. And noticed the four-legged creature tiptoeing around sniffing out people, dog butts, peoples butts, dustbins and vehicle tires. Vehicle tires! Would you believe it! With all the numerous backsides walking around, they sniff out vehicle tires. And then they take a leak on it. It’s insane! They just love tires!

Why do dogs pee on tires?!

I’ve had numerous discussions in the past with various people about why dog pee on tires. Most of them, quite understandably so, change the topic. Every once in a while (there are enquiring souls out there) I do manage to have a conversation and we fail to come to any conclusion. We’ve theorised yet fall short on experimental proof. It is my hope that someone with the drive and motivation to solve one of the most mysterious processes in nature. So here go the theories.

Chemical Theory:

Running tires burn rubber. Burnt rubber emanates Chemical X. Chemical X enters the nasal cavity of our beloved dog and triggers area of the brain (hypothalamus?) responsible for loosening the bladder. Dog pees on the tire.

(R)Evolutionary Theory (The Brian Griffin Theory):

Dogs and man evolved side-by-side. The first wolves entered into human encampments for food. They were captured, told to behave themselves and forcibly domesticated. Wolf did not like being treated like a dog and decided to revolt. Figured that man’s transportation technology has helped him conquer world. We have known forever that to urinate on someone is to humiliate them. The wolves took a pee on one of our greatest discovery. The wheel. Since then, dogs have always peed on tires. They may have forgotten the purpose, but their culture remains blind to the true reason behind this activity. (Meaningless religious activities, please take note).

Philosophical Theory:

Dogs like peeing on tires. They were created for the purpose of being wonderful, loving pets who just pee on tires. Just like you can’t help being a eco-system disrupting human being.

The God Theory:

God made a beautiful garden with apple tree from which man plucked an apple and ate it without permission. God peeed. Creates dogs to pee on the fruits of our creation. (God less peeed?)

And finally,

The Evolution of the Smart Dog Theory:

Ever seen a dog sniff a tire and give out a meaningful nod?

Dogs figured since they can’t travel far on four feet and since they hadn’t yet figured how to write they need another means to communicate. What better than to pee on the pride of our technological capability to create their own communication network!!

Everytime a dog pees on your vehicle tire and trots off he s******s to himself thinking, ‘heard of the phrase top dog?’.

Geezo, Dennis

Gypsy Jan - 3-17-2014 at 02:42 PM

The answer is easy - they want to drive the car,

Osprey - 3-17-2014 at 02:43 PM

D, they mark their territory wherever they are, saying "This is my hood". When they mark a tire the territory is expanded exponentially by the future travel of the vehicle moved along by the tire. It must be a local or at most a regional thing otherwise you'd see them all over the bus and train stations, the airplane place.

DENNIS - 3-17-2014 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
D, they mark their territory wherever they are, saying "This is my hood".

Just like gangbangers, eh Jorge!?!

sancho - 3-18-2014 at 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Osprey
It must be a local or at most a regional thing

I've had weed sniffing US Border/Customs dogs go
for my tires coming back, it's the Mex Camp dogs who
left a note on the tires,
I believe there is some sort of Binational, reciprocal, agreement among the 2 Country perros re: Territory

baconjr - 3-21-2014 at 06:06 PM

I was always told "If you can't eat it or make love to it, pee on it!"


Gypsy Jan - 3-21-2014 at 07:13 PM

Now that is funny!

cj5orion - 3-22-2014 at 07:20 AM

its easier than peeing on the hood !

basautter - 3-22-2014 at 07:33 AM

Thanks for the insight Gypsy Jan. Always loved/had dogs, always will!

pacificobob - 3-23-2014 at 09:36 AM

Originally posted by basautter
Thanks for the insight Gypsy Jan. Always loved/had dogs, always will!

insight?........ really??

[Edited on 3-23-2014 by pacificobob]

Hi, pacificobob

Gypsy Jan - 3-23-2014 at 11:03 AM

Would you care to amplify your comment?

Why are you negging on basautter's post?

Sincerely, GJ