
Sardine Boats 3/18/14

Russ - 3-18-2014 at 08:04 AM

Damn! 4 sardine boats just pulled into our, Santa Inez, bay. I had just started to see some small bait balls out front but those are usually the small anchovies. Pescador, have they been working up your way and do you have any info on the fish processing plant in Santa Rosalia? Just makes me sick every time I see these boats -------------:fire: --------

Cardon Man - 3-18-2014 at 09:27 AM

Destroying Baja's baitfish to feed tuna pens, or make fertilizer, or some other equally poor use of the resource. Sickening indeed. :fire:

Osprey - 3-18-2014 at 09:47 AM

Meal for animals like chickens and pigs and cows are now a big part of the harvest sale. I think the future looks more like almost all going into fish oil as Northern Pacific and other waters are robbed of krill for people who want and/or need more Eoils to feel good about their health.

What we are gonna need real bad, real quick is a fast growing Fish Oil Plant that needs little water.

55steve - 3-18-2014 at 09:52 AM

There are NO sardines to be had at the bait receivers in SoCal. Lot's of folks are going to have to remember how to fish anchovies and many will have to purchase new gear. The new lever drag reels can't toss a lightweight bait near as far as the old school star drags can.

chuckie - 3-18-2014 at 10:30 AM

I thought that was why God invented big spinning reels?

55steve - 3-18-2014 at 11:48 AM


Originally posted by chuckie
I thought that was why God invented big spinning reels?