
March 15 Saturday Cleanup La Bocana - new helpers!

BajaBlanca - 3-19-2014 at 07:05 AM

Last Friday we were still in La Paz, waiting for our truck to get fixed when I read a notice that the ZUMBA group in La Bocana was going to do a clean up at 7 am Saturday. I wrote to the school principal and asked her to advise the kids that the normal 9:00 cleanup would be rescheduled for 7 am so as to support the zumba ladies.

We left La Paz almost noon, arrived in La Bocana really late and I set the alarm for 6 am so that I could load the car with all the supplies needed - costales and the big black trash bags. I dragged my exhausted body out of bed.

Off I went to the meet up spot and saw not a soul .... so I come home and check facebook to make sure there were no last minute changes. Drive back and still no one. Sit there for a bit, stumped and then a car pulls up and a whole family gets out to help: Now,mind you, these are not zumba ladies but if you think I am going to question who they are and why they showed up, think again LOL

Then the Zumba group shows up at 8ish - hey, I forgot 7 am meant 8 am Baja Time!

This little cutie asked to have her picture taken:

As we are finishing up our cleanup and I figured my 7th graders had decided that 7 am was pushing it, one of the kids tells me that the students are still planning on going to the original 9 am cleanup site. I head on over and there they are ! I had had no time to make cakes/brownies so we did a 15 minute cleanup and agreed to do the same area next Saturday.....with goodies after. The same family that had started at 7 also helped out....

So, another really special day making what I feel is huge progress now that there is another group raising awareness as to the trash problem. This is the goal, the dream of a clean Baja with trash in its appropriate place ((((:

Next Saturday we all meet again .... and the best part is that I got a donation of more commercial quality trash bags this week...sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet and thanks to the LIKNBAJA -

and I also got double donations of brownies and cakes and even frosting so I can keep the ball rolling - THANKS THANKS THANKS


In summary

Life is beautiful, very beautiful:

got amazing donations so I can raise trash awareness
got a whole family to help out
got zumba dancers to participate
got kids a bit of feel good about themselves since who knows what goes on at home
got myself out of the house and exercising, that must be a good thing ((((:

Udo - 3-19-2014 at 07:13 AM

Now we need to do the same thing in BA.

Thanks for the post Blanca!

Ateo - 3-19-2014 at 07:25 AM

Awesome. Nice work all. Thanks for the photos!

BajaBlanca - 3-19-2014 at 11:09 AM

I tell you Udo, that is a spot on idea and I will bring it up with the English teachers who have a meeting coming up this 25th March.

Last time BA teach was a no show but if he/she comes, trust me, I will try and persuade them to participate .... YOU just may have come up with a great idea !

DianaT - 3-19-2014 at 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Udo
Now we need to do the same thing in BA.

Thanks for the post Blanca!

The local Costa Salvaje group sponsors clean up days around BA as does the Reserve and the school children have also been involved. Check with Jamie and Elide for more information as they are very involved in this. They also have had a number of educational programs about pollution with the children.

It is good that the local people are organizing and participating in this. The Reserve also has worked on cleaning up the dump areas and the roads to the dump. They have also encouraged enforcement. They have had drives to collect old batteries, they have encouraged the use of reusable grocery bags, and other activities.

There is a long ways to go, but there is a very committed group working on it in many ways --- the group includes some local teachers, so it is already being done and done by locals which is the best way. Change does not happen quickly, but they won't give up.

Donated trash bags are always welcomed.

[Edited on 3-19-2014 by DianaT]

BajaBlanca - 4-25-2014 at 11:48 AM


Thanks Diana!

[Edited on 4-25-2014 by BajaBlanca]