
April, 2014 Discover Baja Newsletter

David K - 4-3-2014 at 10:00 AM

Jen Kramer has been doing a great job as editor... lot's of information for the traveler (and some history too!). :light:;)

blackwolfmt - 4-3-2014 at 09:21 PM

Cool info,:yes:

Udo - 4-4-2014 at 02:58 PM

I notice you are in this issue also...gongrats, buddy!

PS I put in for my four star review on yelp! (or was it five?)

David K - 4-4-2014 at 05:59 PM

Yelp? Really... I didn't know Yelp rated newsletters? Thank you and thanks to Jen for doing a good job!

For those who have been following the Discover Baja Blog articles:

I am writing much more detailed history chapters on the Baja missions than I had room for in our book. Perhaps these articles will make up a future book?

Anyway, Jen Kramer wanted something for her Discover Baja blog:

She has published 15 of the missions there (so far), and then she has put some in the monthly Discover Baja Newsletter, with fewer photos than what is in the blog articles... She jumped ahead and put #16 in the Newsletter before it was in the blog... so stay tuned for the blog version of San Borja.

Anyway, thank you Udo... I can count on you for motivational support! :light::cool: