
A Dog

Don Alley - 12-7-2004 at 08:54 PM

Loretano Dog

David K - 12-7-2004 at 08:59 PM

Great Baja Dog picture! The ears of a Chihuahua, eyes of a coyote, hair of a Mexican Hairless!

Don Alley

Capt. George - 12-8-2004 at 07:10 AM


How is the house coming along??

Deborah and I both said that dog looked familiar.....

touch base amigo....Capt. George

Hi George

Don Alley - 12-8-2004 at 08:07 PM

Hey George

We're all moved in, and the house is pretty much finished. Some furnishing and landscaping to do, and a workshop and storage shed to build, whenever we get around to it. Right now, Spanish lessons from neighbors, and kids coming to visit for the holidays.

Happy Holidays to you and Brenda.
