
Post for Woody

Bajaboy - 4-9-2014 at 09:47 PM

Returned about a week ago from 8 days in Baja. The kids and I were lucky enough to have Mommy join us this year for a trip to see the whales. We crossed at Tecate on 3/27 around 4 with no issues. We noticed new road construction north of Valle de las Palmas which will be a huge time saver when completed. Basically, one will bypass the windy route along the ridgeline. We stayed at Hotel Villas de San Quintin which we like as we can make reservations online with little effort.

We arrived at Scammon's early afternoon on Friday. The highlight of the trip down was crossing paths with buen amigo El Gato Loco in Cativina. The kids were excited to be back with the whales. It's always cool checking out the salt fields as well.

We picked out a camp site and then played a bit.

The next day we were up early and ready to head out. We had heard all the whales were gone but were still optimistic. As it turned out, we had an epic day on the water. Here are a few shots of many

The kids with their whale smiles

una ballena

a friendly whale saying good morning

My son up close and personal

In all, it was about as good of day as we could have imagined

Afterwards we headed to our place in Bahia Asuncion. We had some tile to deliver and also wanted to just enjoy some family time. Our stay was pretty uneventful outside of watching the drama unfold with Udo and Mr. Verduzco.

I did manage to get in one long run even with a banged up foot.

We had planned on staying a night in Bahia Gonzaga on our return trip but the wind was blowing. Instead we stayed in San Quintin instead. As it turned out, the morning of our departure, I happened upon an elderly man by the name of Ray. We spent a good 15 minutes chatting before I realized he was the owner of the hotel. He spoke of the good old days before the highway when he would travel up and down Baja as a salesmen. We ended up talking for a good 30 minutes. It was definitely another special moment of my time in Baja.

Anther wonderful trip in the books

[Edited on 4-10-2014 by Bajaboy]

elgatoloco - 4-9-2014 at 11:25 PM

Good times. Looks like you scored some firewood. Nice seeing you and familia on the road!

woody with a view - 4-10-2014 at 05:32 AM

Thank you, Yuma has really limited my time in Baja the past 15 moths! Nice to see you guys having fun.

churro - 4-10-2014 at 07:15 AM

Nice trip report! Thanks for posting

Ateo - 4-10-2014 at 07:21 AM

Thanks. I want to camp next time at Ojo for the whales. Is there a fee?

Bajaboy - 4-10-2014 at 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Ateo
Thanks. I want to camp next time at Ojo for the whales. Is there a fee?

Yes, if I recall it was 70 pesos. Really peaceful place, too.

Ateo - 4-10-2014 at 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Originally posted by Ateo
Thanks. I want to camp next time at Ojo for the whales. Is there a fee?

Yes, if I recall it was 70 pesos. Really peaceful place, too.

Great price. Can't wait to sit back, relax and watch the whales from shore. Next year.............

TMW - 4-10-2014 at 08:42 AM

Great stuff, thanks. I have often stayed at the Villa de San Quintin hotel nice place and nice family that runs it.

Whale-ista - 4-10-2014 at 08:53 AM

wonderful photos, great memories in the making! thank you for posting.

the whales have been excellent all year.

agree camping at ojo de Liebre/scammons is very quiet and affordable. looks like the restaurant is still open!

FYI, they have nice restrooms behind interpretive center and 2 basic showers. long walk, but other options are latrines near campsites. very primitive.

wessongroup - 4-10-2014 at 10:18 AM

Thanks for sharing :):)

BajaBlanca - 4-10-2014 at 10:50 AM

what a great trip you had ...

acadist - 4-10-2014 at 05:47 PM

Looks like fun!

Paulina - 4-10-2014 at 06:01 PM

Making family memories for your children to last their lifetime. Good job, mom and dad.

Thanks for sharing Zac.


shari - 4-11-2014 at 07:46 PM

you sure had good whale karma amigos! A question...did that calf open it's mouth alot? There was a calf in the lagoon I call Smiley as he was always opening his mouth showing off his gleaming baleen! Do you by any chance have a photo of the mom's dorsal hump area so I can ID her? and was that her calf with the nice smile?

Skipjack Joe - 4-11-2014 at 11:24 PM

Looks like you had a whale of a good time.

bajachris - 4-15-2014 at 10:45 PM

We were going to go, but didn't know what to do with our dog while we were whale watching. Did they check papers at Guerrero checkpoint?

Bajaboy - 4-16-2014 at 08:10 AM

Originally posted by bajachris
We were going to go, but didn't know what to do with our dog while we were whale watching. Did they check papers at Guerrero checkpoint?

No they didn't check papers. Last time I was asked was a few years ago. But, we always get them.:light:

[Edited on 4-16-2014 by Bajaboy]

David K - 4-16-2014 at 08:30 AM

Dog papers or people papers? :lol:

Good idea to have one (people papers) if you are going to be in Baja for over 3 days or if you travel south of the 'border zone'!

In July, 2012... a stop sign was just south of the state border on Hwy. 1 (Eagle Monument, near Guerrero Negro) in front of the INM office alongside the highway... The officer looked out the doorway at us and waved us on without looking at the FMMs we bought. In 2009, 2007 and 2001 the officer there did look at the papers.

In July, 2011, at the same INM office, edm1 (Art) had to pay a US$100 fine for his wife not having a tourist card. The INM in Mexicali would not sell her one because her passport had recently expired, so only Art had one.

woody with a view - 4-16-2014 at 08:46 AM

in august and November last year they were there but didn't come outside. I think they're more concerned with getting 20 pesos per car for an undercarriage wash. when I asked why the 3 trucks ahead of us didn't pay he said they were locals.....

David K - 4-16-2014 at 02:42 PM

The bug spray booth is a separate stop/ department, and in previous years was past (just south of) the INM stop.

Bajaboy - 4-16-2014 at 02:45 PM

Originally posted by David K
The bug spray booth is a separate stop/ department, and in previous years was past (just south of) the INM stop.

Separate department but it's always been at the same stop....

David K - 4-16-2014 at 02:56 PM

In 2009 and earlier yes, the INM officer walked up to the truck, looked... then the bug guy asked for his tip...

In 2012, two separate stops a few hundred feet apart... The bug stop had a drive over affair instead of the guy with the hand held applicator.

So, it's back to the one stop again?

Bajaboy - 4-16-2014 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by David K
In 2009 and earlier yes, the INM officer walked up to the truck, looked... then the bug guy asked for his tip...

In 2012, two separate stops a few hundred feet apart... The bug stop had a drive over affair instead of the guy with the hand held applicator.

So, it's back to the one stop again?

I wonder if the two stop affair was when they were building the detour off the road with the new building. But regardless, yes it's one stop with a few different agencies sharing the same building.

David K - 4-16-2014 at 05:55 PM

Thank you Zac... sound like Mexico knows how to make some government more efficient! :light: