
Medical evacuation insurance

JZ - 4-12-2014 at 05:37 PM

What's the best one and why?

EnsenadaDr - 4-12-2014 at 05:56 PM

Hi JZ there is a wealth of information on this topic just do a search under medical evacuation insurance.

vandenberg - 4-12-2014 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by JZ
What's the best one and why?

Just click on my signature and you have it.:biggrin::biggrin:

Alm - 4-12-2014 at 08:11 PM

Indeed, do your home work. It might be that you are not eligible for any evac plan at all. They will sell you insurance alright, but watch them when it comes to covering the costs.

Evac plan will cover emergency trip to NOB - if this is where you want to go - when your main home is NOB. Most plans will also require you to be at least 100 or 150 miles from your "main home" when you fall sick or are hospitalized. So your home NOB has not only to exist, (some nomads don't have any), but also to meet the definition of "main home". Can be called "main address" or "principal address" in some plans, doesn't matter.

They never explain what they mean by "main home". To be on the safe side, I would rather make sure that you home NOB meets most of requirements for "principal residence" as per recent IRS bulletin. Registered car, personal belongings, regular mail, family members living there, and be physically present there part of the year in the last 2 years. If possible, get their finest and smallest print where they explain this, because like I said, they don't explain much.

alacran - 4-12-2014 at 09:33 PM

I agree with Alm, I tried and never got a straight answer.

JZ - 4-12-2014 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Alm
Indeed, do your home work. It might be that you are not eligible for any evac plan at all. They will sell you insurance alright, but watch them when it comes to covering the costs.

Evac plan will cover emergency trip to NOB - if this is where you want to go - when your main home is NOB. Most plans will also require you to be at least 100 or 150 miles from your "main home" when you fall sick or are hospitalized. So your home NOB has not only to exist, (some nomads don't have any), but also to meet the definition of "main home". Can be called "main address" or "principal address" in some plans, doesn't matter.

They never explain what they mean by "main home". To be on the safe side, I would rather make sure that you home NOB meets most of requirements for "principal residence" as per recent IRS bulletin. Registered car, personal belongings, regular mail, family members living there, and be physically present there part of the year in the last 2 years. If possible, get their finest and smallest print where they explain this, because like I said, they don't explain much.

I live in CA. So, that's not an issue.

Alm - 4-13-2014 at 12:13 AM

JC, main difference between run of the mill evac plan included - usually - with any travel insurance, and more expensive standalone evac plans is that the former will only take you to the nearest hospital capable.

The latter variety will take you to the hospital of your choice IF POSSIBLE. When they do offer such a choice, they would tell you this in big flashy lettering on the homepage. I said "if possible" because this might not be always possible as there won't be beds available at the hospital that you requested, or they decide that your condition requires some place closer.

Some plans offer an additional "rescue" option, meaning that you don't need to be in accessible location before requesting evacuation. Geos Alliance is one, and there are few other. Though Geos requires to use one of their "approved devices" to activate the rescue option, and you can't of course request a rescue when a stroke hits you in your favorite watering hole and all you need is a ground ambulance.

"The best" is a subjective measure. I think the best is when they do offer the above choice of a hospital, and require minimum 99 or 50 miles rather than 150, and the qualifying condition is "if you need to be hospitalized" rather than "if you are hospitalized". And if it doesn't cost a fortune :)

A stroke may cause irreparable brain damage if not treated within 4 hours, btw. In this context, I would pay as little as possible for any evac plan, because in order to work, it has to be something that does require hospitalization and yet allows +20 hours before treatment.

SkyMedBarbara - 4-13-2014 at 06:26 AM

SkyMed Air Evacuation takes you back to U.S.A. or Canada. You do not have to have a "HOME" in U.S.A. or Canada, just a hospital that has a bed available for you. SkyMed has two memberships, one for those who spend 6 months or less in Mexico and the other for those who spend more than 6 months in Mexico. You pick where you want to be evacuated to and we get you there asap. when a critical medical emergency happens.
I have been a representative in Loreto for 7 years. We have evacuated several members out of Loreto. Barbara

[Edited on 4-13-2014 by SkyMedBarbara]

Check your policy

bajaguy - 4-13-2014 at 07:34 AM

Check your current home, life or medical insurance policies.

I have a life insurance policy from Standard, and buried in that policy is an included evacuation plan from Med-Ex

Also have a SPOT and have the SAR and evacuation plan

JZ - 4-13-2014 at 11:29 AM

I ended up going with MedjetAssist after reading several posts by Pescador.

I have Anthem Blue Cross and I've read they cover medical costs in Mexico, so I'll check that out to make sure.

We rented a Satphone and I've got a Spot as well. We are going to some pretty remote places on our bikes.

Medical Evacuation Insurance SkyMed

Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 01:20 PM

There are many good air evac programs out there, but no one does all the things for you that SkyMed does. I'm the SkyMed VP for Latin America, 14 yrs. with the company, ask me anything, I'm an expert with over 30 yrs experience in insurance.

SkyMed guarantees you renewal for LIFE! Once enrolled, you never have to qualify again regardless of what medical conditions you may acquire in the future; they are automatically covered with no waiting period. You DO have to qualify in the beginning & there is a 90 waiting period for pre-existing conditions; all else is covered from day one.

Your rate never goes up because you reach a certain age, we don’t cancel you when you reach a certain age, we don't require annual medical reports for you to qualify for renewal when you reach a certain age, nor do we restrict the length of your trips at a certain age.

Any 2 adults residing at the same address qualifies as a family, we don't discriminate regarding marital status or sex. READ THE FINE PRINT - many DO.

We transport you if you suffer a life or organ threatening injury or illness, even a broken hip or a compound fracture. With our "not medically necessary" benefit for transport, which means EVEN IF you can be treated perfectly well where you are first hospitalized, we will still take you home (most programs say "IF YOU CAN'T BE TREATED LOCALLY"...then "TO THE CLOSEST ADEQUATE FACILITY"), we eliminate most other products on the market.

If one spouse predeceases the other, the surviving spouse/partner or other eligible family member can take over the remaining full years left on a multi-year membership.

If you are a Mexico resident, you can choose any city in the US or Canada as your transport preference city. If you are a snowbird, then your hometown or closest big city with trauma center is your transport city. SkyMed takes YOU, your traveling companion, your car, motorcycle, boat, children, grandchildren, physical remains and even your pets ALL THE WAY HOME!

SkyMed is the best program in the world. As an insurance professional, I can assure you if there was a better product out there I'D BE SELLING IT!

I'm here to answer your questions & help you enroll. Cathie

Whale-ista - 4-13-2014 at 01:33 PM

cathie- welcome to nomad. Thank you for this information.

What is the best contact information to reach you directly about this product?

Medjet Assist Info

Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 01:39 PM

Medjet Assist is a very good program, however, according to their rules & regulations on their website: MedjetAssist memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable. SkyMed gives surviving spouse/partner or other eligible family member the remaining years on the membership. Medjet R&R states: A membership is not valid if the membership fee payment is declined, returned, or otherwise unpaid. In such a case, the Effective Start Date shall be the date the membership fee is successfully collected. SKYMED covers you for all sudden onset injuries & illnesses DURING the enrollment process, BEFORE your credit card is even charged. Regarding renewals Medjet states: MedjetAssist reserves the right to revoke, rescind, or cancel any membership or refuse any renewal at MedjetAssist’s sole discretionor refuse any
renewal at MedjetAssist’s sole discretion
. SkyMed guarantees renewal for life. Also their rates change at age 75 & there are special restrictions for older members, & no programs after age 85. SkyMed has one special rate category for NEW SkyMed members that are residents of Mexico ONLY & are already 75 or older when they enroll (SILVER membership). But existing members, both snowbirds & Mexico residents, reaching 75 have no rate increase because of their age.

Medical Evacuation Insurance SkyMed

Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 01:42 PM

Thank you for asking my contact info.

I can be reached toll free at 1-866-460-3486 or direct US cell # 575-993-8227 and email


JZ - 4-13-2014 at 01:58 PM

Hi Cathie, I understand you only fly out of Loreto, Ensenada, Cabo, etc.

Compare that to Medjet. I was down to you two Medjet and Skymed. I've read good things about both.

alacran - 4-13-2014 at 02:06 PM

thank you for the info. You provided. I am a permanent resident of BCS and with no residence in the US.
I am very interested in the Sky Med plan.
Can you provide a policy on line??

mtgoat666 - 4-13-2014 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by JZ
Hi Cathie, I understand you only fly out of Loreto, Ensenada, Cabo, etc.

Compare that to Medjet. I was down to you two Medjet and Skymed. I've read good things about both.

from what i undersand, the typical insurers only fly out of paved airstrips that can take jets. not aware of an insurance plan that will fly you out of a dirt airstrip, not sure if any of the providers even have biz arrangements with local air ambulances that can fly into dirt strips in baja. please correct me if i am wrong, and give details please.

Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 03:07 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Originally posted by JZ
Hi Cathie, I understand you only fly out of Loreto, Ensenada, Cabo, etc.

Compare that to Medjet. I was down to you two Medjet and Skymed. I've read good things about both.

from what i undersand, the typical insurers only fly out of paved airstrips that can take jets. not aware of an insurance plan that will fly you out of a dirt airstrip, not sure if any of the providers even have biz arrangements with local air ambulances that can fly into dirt strips in baja. please correct me if i am wrong, and give details please.

Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 03:18 PM

To be returned to the US or Canada, first you have to be treated & diagnosed at an emergency room or 24 hour clinic, which you should WANT to do, it could be a matter of life or death! We have contracts with over a dozen top rated air ambulance companies across the US from coast to coast. All have to be registered with the FAA & meet our high standards, including at least a million dollars in liability insurance & top notch equipment. YES small air ambulances that can land on dirt strips are available, not all are jets. When you move to Mexico, you already understand that your risks are greater.

alacran - 4-13-2014 at 08:38 PM

Still waiting for my question to be answered???
Also is Palos Verdes (Sta. Rosalia) paved airstrip on your list???


Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 08:51 PM

I don't have the list
but I will ask. Do you live in Santa Rosalia? If you suffered a very serious medical emergency, where would you be taken for first emergency? Do people already get evacuated out of there? I do have personal knowledge of several evacuations we have done out of Guerrero Negro.

JZ - 4-13-2014 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by alacran
Still waiting for my question to be answered???
Also is Palos Verdes (Sta. Rosalia) paved airstrip on your list???


What's your question? What's a principal residence?

MedjetAssit requires 150 miles from your principal residence. So if you live in Baja, that's probably not going to work (not a problem for me). SkyMed doesn't seem to have this restriction.

Medjet will pickup on dirt airstrips. I fly all over the world and read a big biz travel site. Lots of very good comments on Medjet.

[Edited on 4-14-2014 by JZ]

mtgoat666 - 4-13-2014 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by alacran
Still waiting for my question to be answered???
Also is Palos Verdes (Sta. Rosalia) paved airstrip on your list???


Why wouldn't it be? Jets land there frequently.

Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 11:07 PM

Medjet is very good, but see my comments on their renewal, rate increases due to age and aging out issues as compared to SkyMed. Just depends on what is important to you, it may not matter to you. With SkyMed, Mexico residents have NO "miles from home" requirement. Also, SkyMed pays 2 plane tickets BACK to your home in Mexico after your evacuation to the US or Canada. Also pays round trip ticket for pet sitter to fly to your home in Mexico & care for your pets. And as well as vehicles, SkyMed also returns boats.

JZ - 4-13-2014 at 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Cathie
Medjet is very good, but see my comments on their renewal, rate increases due to age and aging out issues as compared to SkyMed. Just depends on what is important to you, it may not matter to you. With SkyMed, Mexico residents have NO "miles from home" requirement. Also, SkyMed pays 2 plane tickets BACK to your home in Mexico after your evacuation to the US or Canada. Also pays round trip ticket for pet sitter to fly to your home in Mexico & care for your pets. And as well as vehicles, SkyMed also returns boats.

Sounds awesome. If I was older or lived in MX I'd go with you no question.

Thanks for the good input.

Cathie - 4-13-2014 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by alacran
Still waiting for my question to be answered???
Also is Palos Verdes (Sta. Rosalia) paved airstrip on your list???

I think I am not replying to you in the proper way, sorry. I am not in the evacuation coordination dept, so I don't know the Baja airports & which are accessible in the Baja but I will ask for you. What hospital would you go to for immediate emergency treatment? You are in Mulege? I'm asking because that's the most important thing, to save your life or treat you right away. A doctor must verify that it is safe to move you, that is an FAA law. "Stable" is the proper word. Living in remote areas is a choice many make when they move to Mexico, and we get the air ambulances as close as possible, then also pay the ground ambulance to get you to the plane. Now I will say goodnight & hasta mañana!

alacran - 4-14-2014 at 09:00 AM

Thank you for the information, however since you are in the marketing for Sky Med, for so many years, you should know what air strips are used by SM.
If I would require their service I would ask for transfer to Long Beach, or San Diego in Cal.
Also could you post a brochure and costs??

Cathie - 4-14-2014 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by alacran
Thank you for the information, however since you are in the marketing for Sky Med, for so many years, you should know what air strips are used by SM.
If I would require their service I would ask for transfer to Long Beach, or San Diego in Cal.
Also could you post a brochure and costs??

I know all the larger airports but there were questions about smaller ones & "dirt strips" & I want to make sure I give you correct info so I'm getting the whole list & will reply to those posted questions. SkyMed contracts with various air ambulance companies. I will privately message you on the details as I know that this blog is for information, not to be aggressively selling a program, & I don't want to offend anyone or the rules of the site. I'm passionate about our program as we've helped so many people over the years, so I apologize for being "overly enthusiastic". Anyone can contact me privately through here too.

The list

bajaguy - 4-14-2014 at 09:27 AM


Please post the list here. I'm sure a number of Nomads would be interested.

DENNIS - 4-14-2014 at 09:40 AM

Originally posted by alacran
Also could you post a brochure and costs??

DavidE - 4-14-2014 at 12:22 PM


I am in Loreto, La Paz, San Jose de Cabo...

I call whatever EVAC service at 1000 hours in the morning on a weekday.

How many hours will have passed until the ambulance greets the aircraft at the door in San Diego international?

Yes you GAIN an hour on the clock. I'm not talking about clocks, I wish to know ELAPSED TIME.

Thank You

Cathie - 4-14-2014 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by alacran
thank you for the info. You provided. I am a permanent resident of BCS and with no residence in the US.
I am very interested in the Sky Med plan.
Can you provide a policy on line??

Yes, at or email me with your phone number and I'll walk you through it.

Cathie - 4-14-2014 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by alacran
Also could you post a brochure and costs??

You can see it at but if you email me at I will be happy to go over the various plans so you can choose which one works best for you.

Alm - 4-14-2014 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by SkyMedBarbara
SkyMed Air Evacuation takes you back to U.S.A. or Canada. You do not have to have a "HOME" in U.S.A. or Canada, just a hospital that has a bed available for you.

A brief description says "SkyMed will arrange and pay for medically equipped air ambulance transportation... to the hospital nearest their US or Canadian home. Which still sounds like you must have a "home" NOB, whatever is the interpretation of home by this insurer. In the Agreement for people living more than 180 days in Mexico - which must be what you called "snowbird plan", it says the same.

For either a tourist or snowbird there is still a condition that the initial hospital must be at least 100 miles from your home.

The site is difficult to navigate, I couldn't find Terms and Conditions where it says that Mex residents are eligible when they are less than 100 miles away from their home.

As to the flying from big airports only - I think all evac plans only fly from paved airstrips. From other places one would have to use a "rescue" option - don't know if it's offered by SM.

The cost... Well, it is assumed that permanent or semi-permanent expat can afford it, so I won't comment.

As to the "pros" - it's good to know that SM won't refuse a renewal due to age.

Alm - 4-14-2014 at 01:58 PM

Originally posted by DavidE

I am in Loreto, La Paz, San Jose de Cabo...

I call whatever EVAC service at 1000 hours in the morning on a weekday.

How many hours will have passed until the ambulance greets the aircraft at the door in San Diego international?

David.... Wasn't there a discussion a month ago, with a link to a detailed chronological account by a person in Pto Vallarta?... If you are already in a big city with modern airport, count on at least 10 hours hospital to hospital. I think it was 14 hours for that person in PV.

fudscrud - 4-15-2014 at 09:11 AM

I often ride in remote Baja and have a SPOT with GEOS. I don't know how well it works because I haven't had the opportunity to use it...knock on wood.

I recently read this very interesting ride report from a guy riding in Eastern Honduras where he severely broke his leg. He eventually was flown out by small plane from a dirt strip then transferred to a jet to NOB. He was extremely pleased with his e-vac ins which was:
This is for travelers not full timers though. The price looks very reasonable.

Here's the link to the ride report for a good read:

JZ, what's your plan for the ride?

JZ - 4-15-2014 at 09:33 AM

Not too crazy stuff. As I'm going with my boys who are 12 and 10. Drive down to Gonzaga and we'll ride around there for a couple days. Then ride from Gonzaga to Mex 1. Put the bikes back in the truck and head down to Bay of LA. Do rides out of there for several days.

Just ordered the satphone and got the insurance squared away for my truck. Ordered a Baja Almanac. Getting pretty excited. Taking an 11 foot Zodiac down as well.

[Edited on 4-15-2014 by JZ]

fudscrud - 4-15-2014 at 09:50 AM

Ahh, There's some good riding in that area but the boys will have to practice (and grow) for a few years before hitting the "big stuff".

JZ - 4-15-2014 at 10:11 AM

Yeah, they are pretty good but can't get too crazy. They've been riding or 3-4 years. We go up to Ballinger Canyon above Ojai and ride the trails there. Only one other riding trip to Baja, and couple times in Sonora.

Alm - 4-15-2014 at 12:07 PM

Originally posted by fudscrud
I often ride in remote Baja and have a SPOT with GEOS. I don't know how well it works because I haven't had the opportunity to use it...knock on wood.

I recently read this very interesting ride report from a guy riding in Eastern Honduras where he severely broke his leg. He eventually was flown out by small plane from a dirt strip then transferred to a jet to NOB. He was extremely pleased with his e-vac ins which was:

Travelguard doesn't sell standalone evac plans (I think) - they sell travel insurance with evac plan included. Almost any travel insurance will have some evac plan, if you look closer. To the nearest capable hospital only.

Yes, Geos is cheap. Probably the cheapest plan where they offer choice of a hospital after you've been stabilized at the nearest facility (to which facility, btw, they will give you a ride you if you can't get there on your own). Though - a usual cryptic wording - they talk about this "choice" in description, and then in Terms and Conditions it says "medical evacuation to the nearest medical facility and repatriation to a hospital nearest your home" - nothing about "choice" this time, though "nearest your home" is good enough. They don't accept applications from people over 75.

alacran - 4-15-2014 at 05:46 PM

I am disapointed, by the various nebulous answers I have received...
In my search I have found at least 3 people that sell the Sky Med program, and none are very clear.
I don´t like deals over the telephone, I like writen brochures that are available to the public.

Cathie - 4-15-2014 at 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Cathie
I don't have the list
but I will ask. Do you live in Santa Rosalia? If you suffered a very serious medical emergency, where would you be taken for first emergency? Do people already get evacuated out of there? I do have personal knowledge of several evacuations we have done out of Guerrero Negro.

Answer to airports. SkyMed doesn't pick up from dirt strips so if that is important to you, of course you need to go with whoever does. We pay 100% of the air evacuation for our members once a doctor has verified that you have suffered a life or organ threatening injury or illness, or a broken hip or compound fracture, which means you first have to be treated in a hospital or 24 hr clinic that can diagnose you. Then we pay the ground ambulance to the air ambulance (& the ground ambulance when you land to your hospital). Jim Edwards, Sr. VP SkyMed, informed me that we evacuate from regulated commercial airports. Here is the list of regulated commercial airports in the Baja. So if any of these works for you, consider SkyMed. If not, then choose another program.

La Paz
LAP Manuel Márquez de León International Airport

LTO Loreto International Airport

San José del Cabo
SJD Los Cabos International Airport

Cabo San Lucas
CSL Cabo San Lucas International Airfield

Ciudad Constitución
CUA Ciudad Constitución Airport

Guerrero Negro
GUB Guerrero Negro Airport

Santa Rosalía
PVP Palo Verde Airport

MXL General Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada International Airport

TIJ General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport

ESE El Ciprés Military Airbase Number 3

Cathie - 4-15-2014 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by alacran
I am disapointed, by the various nebulous answers I have received...
In my search I have found at least 3 people that sell the Sky Med program, and none are very clear.
I don´t like deals over the telephone, I like writen brochures that are available to the public.

Our website is very informative, and I've just posted the answer from a senior VP of SkyMed regarding the airports on the Baja. If you need further clarification, please let me know & I will be happy to answer.

Cathie - 4-15-2014 at 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Whale-ista
cathie- welcome to nomad. Thank you for this information.

What is the best contact information to reach you directly about this product?

Best personal contact by phone is US #s 1-866-460-3486 or 575-993-8227, y mobile travels with me all over US & Mexico. Email is Website is You can enroll online but if you want to ask questions one on one, call me or email me to call you back. Travel Safely, Cathie

SkyMedBarbara - 4-16-2014 at 08:57 AM

I have lived in Loreto full time for 22 years, 7 of them as a SkyMed representative. I would be happy to meet with anyone who is interested in finding more about our membership programs. I have put together a folder with everything in writing for anyone interested. Pretty simple when I can sit down and explain our membership programs to you. I have many members in Loreto, Nopolo, Loreto Bay, Juncalito and Tripui. I always have a cold Pacifico for you too.

Cathie - 4-16-2014 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by SkyMedBarbara
I have lived in Loreto full time for 22 years, 7 of them as a SkyMed representative. I would be happy to meet with anyone who is interested in finding more about our membership programs. I have put together a folder with everything in writing for anyone interested. Pretty simple when I can sit down and explain our membership programs to you. I have many members in Loreto, Nopolo, Loreto Bay, Juncalito and Tripui. I always have a cold Pacifico for you too.

Thank you Barbara! It appears you have many folks there in your area with interest about SkyMed, this is a good time for you to hold a group presentation!

alacran - 4-16-2014 at 10:38 AM

I am very close to purchase the SkyMed evacuation plan, however I have a few questions I would like an answerto:
The NATO plan still says " return to his or her US or Canadian home" my ONLY home is in BCS, Mexico?
It mentions to call 911, well there is NO 911 in Mexico.
Member must be more than 100 air mails from home, (what home, and what if the problem hapens in my home in Mexico)?
The attending physician approval must be in writing? (to whom, and sent how,
in an emergency)
Medical transportation on comercial air line to members home??
Specific six (6) months (how does apply if I live all year in Mexico)??
What does a it mean by "appropriate airport, with reputable maintenance and ground service"??
What is the 100 mile waiver (even in the NATO plan)??
what is the number for travel services.
What credit is acceptable for payment.

Alm - 4-16-2014 at 11:07 AM


I recall - from reading their site - that SkyMed allows 2 services per year.
"Appropriate airport" is what the agent listed 3 posts above, if you mean Mex airport.

IMO, one good thing about this plan - compared to many other - is that they cover people over 75.

100 mile waiver, - where did you find it?

SkyMedBarbara - 4-16-2014 at 11:21 AM

The NATO Plan is for those of us that live more than 6 months in Mexico. That Plan covers you 365 days in Mexico and also in the 32 countries we cover. 911 is for USA In Mexico we call our doctor, hospital and clinic (where we need to go to get air evacuated out). No 100 air miles in Mexico that is for US and Canada. Many members have homes in Mexico and US or Canada....and they want to get back to US or Canada where their doctor and hospital is....anywhere you choose where your transport city will be. Maybe close to family??
Nothing has to be in writing with the attending physician. It is all co-ordinated with SkyMed in Scotsdale, AZ by phone with our professional personal.
I have U to U 'd you and you can ask me more there.

[Edited on 4-16-2014 by SkyMedBarbara]

Cathie - 4-16-2014 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by alacran
I am very close to purchase the SkyMed evacuation plan, however I have a few questions I would like an answerto:
The NATO plan still says " return to his or her US or Canadian home" my ONLY home is in BCS, Mexico?
It mentions to call 911, well there is NO 911 in Mexico.
Member must be more than 100 air mails from home, (what home, and what if the problem hapens in my home in Mexico)?
The attending physician approval must be in writing? (to whom, and sent how,
in an emergency)
Medical transportation on comercial air line to members home??
Specific six (6) months (how does apply if I live all year in Mexico)??
What does a it mean by "appropriate airport, with reputable maintenance and ground service"??
What is the 100 mile waiver (even in the NATO plan)??
what is the number for travel services.
What credit is acceptable for payment.

1-Home - on Nato is any "home" you choose in US or Canada, your "transport preference city". You can choose any city that you like & can even change it later on if your plans change, just not on the tarmac! Your Nato Ultimate plan also includes the SkyMed Nato Plus, which pays 2 return commercial tickets back to your home in Mexico, or if you choose the Nato basic plan, you can add that on (and/or any of the options that are included in the Ultimate) for a fee for each one, so you can pick and choose. The SkyMed Nato Plus also includes a round trip ticket for someone to fly to your home in Mexico and take care of your pets while you are gone. Or we will transport your pets to the US or Canada, whichever you choose.
2-Since most of our members live in US or Canada, the "Call 911" is what they wrote, but in Mexico, you should have access to Police - 066; Ambulance - 065; Fire - 068. "066" can be used as a general emergency number.
3-In our Nato plan, which is Mexico resident, the 100 miles from home is waived, so you are covered from your home city in Mexico, you don't have to be traveling to be covered. The 100 miles from home is also waived in all our ULTIMATE plans.
4-Attending physician approval in writing - FAX is the usual way.
5-Commercial airline transportation-about 20% of our transports are on commercial flights. I had a member in Todos Santos who fell in his cactus garden and got poked in the eye on a cactus. We flew him & his wife commercially to North Carolina as he didn't need an air ambulance, but the eye is an organ & that qualified.
6-Specific 6 months is only for our Traditional membership. Included in the Traditional membership is up to any 6 months of a person's choice in Mexico. Nato membership gives you year round coverage & you can come and go as you please.
7- Appropriate airport means the list I posted before, that are commercial, paved airports, as that is what the contracts with the air ambulance companies require.
8-100 mile waiver means that the criteria of being 100 miles from home is waived, and you are covered from your home city, wherever you live. It's included free in the Nato (Mexico resident) plan, all Traditional Ultimate memberships, and can be added for a fee on the basic memberships.
9-What is the phone number for travel services? For the SkyMed Travel Agency? The Mexico toll free number for all of SkyMed divisions is Mexico (Toll Free): 001-800-203-7779 or directly to SkyMed Travel Club 1-866-698-1013. That toll free number is also for all calls to SkyMed including emergency services or you can call collect to 480-946-5188.
10-We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover cards.
You can enroll at or send me your email address & I'll send you a simple enrollment form that also has all definitions on page 2 for your convenience.

alacran - 4-16-2014 at 02:10 PM

Thanks for the info.
I tried, there was nowhere to live my e mail.

alacran - 4-16-2014 at 02:10 PM

Thanks for the info.
I tried, there was nowhere to live my e mail.

alacran - 4-16-2014 at 02:11 PM

Thanks for the info.
I tried, there was nowhere to live my e mail.

alacran - 4-16-2014 at 02:11 PM

Thanks for the info.
I tried, there was nowhere to live my e mail.

alacran - 4-16-2014 at 02:11 PM

Thanks for the info.
I tried, there was nowhere to live my e mail.

alacran - 4-16-2014 at 02:11 PM

Thanks for the info.
I tried, there was nowhere to live my e mail.

Cathie - 4-16-2014 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by alacran
Thanks for the info.
I tried, there was nowhere to live my e mail.

Just send a regular email to me at or my personal email address

Alm - 4-17-2014 at 01:16 PM

The wording of SKyMed Nato service contract is not too transparent for sure. Not that I studied the contract too closely, - there are cheaper options at my age. But bookmarked it for future.

At the very beginning they state:

When traveling a member must be more than 100 air miles from home to be eligible for any SkyMed service unless the distance is otherwise designated.

Then they state that will transport a member to his/her "transport preference" city if there is a critical illness or injury

...that occurs to a MEMBER more than one hundred (100) air miles from the MEMBER’S TRANSPORT PREFERENCE that causes a MEMBER to be hospitalized.
(capitals not mine). Note that you do need to be hospitalized before requesting this service.

Then they state that "home" may or may not be the same as "transport preference".

As to the 100-mile waiver - yes, there is such a waiver, but this is only when you need a helicopter or ground ambulance:

When it is medically necessary to do so, SkyMed will provide the MEMBER Ground Ambulance and/or Helicopter transport to an emergency medical facility within a 100 mile radius of the MEMBER’S home.

Note that helicopter and ground ambulance are optional to the plan. Correct me if I'm wrong, this option has nothing to do with evacuation to "transport preference" hospital. This is simply an ambulance add-on, to take you to a hospital, and yes, it works no matter how close you are to your home.

Cathie - 4-17-2014 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Alm
The wording of SKyMed Nato service contract is not too transparent for sure. Not that I studied the contract too closely, - there are cheaper options at my age. But bookmarked it for future.

There may be cheaper options at your age, but when you reach 75 & have developed a very serious medical condition, your cheaper options won't renew you & that very serious condition won't be acceptable to SkyMed, then you will have nothing.

At the very beginning they state:

When traveling a member must be more than 100 air miles from home to be eligible for any SkyMed service unless the distance is otherwise designated.

"Otherwise designated" would be that you have the 100 mile waiver.

Then they state that will transport a member to his/her "transport preference" city if there is a critical illness or injury

...that occurs to a MEMBER more than one hundred (100) air miles from the MEMBER’S TRANSPORT PREFERENCE that causes a MEMBER to be hospitalized.
(capitals not mine). Note that you do need to be hospitalized before requesting this service.

Of course you have to be hospitalized! You need to be treated to make sure to save your life, who would not want to go to a hospital right away in a serious medical emergency?

Then they state that "home" may or may not be the same as "transport preference".

Transport preference would be nearest big city with trauma center or good hospital, some people live in small towns, or live in Mexico, so the transport preference is one place and "home" is another place.

As to the 100-mile waiver - yes, there is such a waiver, but this is only when you need a helicopter or ground ambulance:

When it is medically necessary to do so, SkyMed will provide the MEMBER Ground Ambulance and/or Helicopter transport to an emergency medical facility within a 100 mile radius of the MEMBER’S home.

That is under the Ground Ambulance option. If you live in Mexico, SkyMed pays your ground ambulance TO the hospital, then you are evacuated to your transport preference city in the US or Canada.

Note that helicopter and ground ambulance are optional to the plan. Correct me if I'm wrong, this option has nothing to do with evacuation to "transport preference" hospital. This is simply an ambulance add-on, to take you to a hospital, and yes, it works no matter how close you are to your home.

Our Ultimate plans include everything. With the basic plans you can add on options as you wish.

Alm - 4-17-2014 at 04:05 PM

Ultimate plan you have to buy for 5 years, and in this case - yes, all the options are added at no additional cost. I don't see a link to a different service agreement, which means - same wording, only the options are covered.

Say, home is in Cabo, "preference" is San Diego - it doesn't have to be the same place, alright. If you are in Baja less than 100 miles from Cabo, even though you're more than 100 miles from SD, what will stop the company lawyer from proving that you're not eligible because one of conditions - distance from home - has not been met?

Yes, helicopter/ambulance option is from place of incident to emergency hospital, and it sounds like it has to be a hospital no farther than 100 miles from home - the agreement says: "Ground Ambulance and/or Helicopter transport to an emergency medical facility within a 100 mile radius of the member's home". Anyway... if you're not eligible for main coverage, how likely is that you'll be eligible for helicopter/ambulance option included with the contract?

alacran - 4-17-2014 at 06:05 PM

I just tried calling (from Mexico, with a mexican land line) 001-866-805-9624, and was told the call can NOT be completed as dialed (I am happy it was not an emergency),

dtbushpilot - 4-17-2014 at 06:56 PM

You can't dial toll free numbers from MX, call their direct collect line. There are ways to call toll free numbers from MX but regular international charges will apply.

Cathie - 4-17-2014 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by alacran
I just tried calling (from Mexico, with a mexican land line) 001-866-805-9624, and was told the call can NOT be completed as dialed (I am happy it was not an emergency),

You can't call that number from Mexico. We DO have a toll free number from Mexico. Our website under Contact Us gives our numbers:

US & Canada (Toll Free): 1-800-475-9633
Collect: 480-946-5188
Mexico (Toll Free): 001-800-203-7779

JZ - 4-17-2014 at 10:41 PM

Originally posted by alacran
I just tried calling (from Mexico, with a mexican land line) 001-866-805-9624, and was told the call can NOT be completed as dialed (I am happy it was not an emergency),

Dude, you don't seem smart enough to go to Mexico.

chuckie - 4-18-2014 at 05:34 AM

Uh.....I think thats right....He aint

Mula - 4-18-2014 at 06:08 AM

I've posted this information at least 2 times on this forum.
Here it is again.
I keep this information in my wallet.

First dial 00-1 and if dialing an 800 # you have to replace 800 with 880.

866 replace with 883
877 replace with 882
888 replace with 881

There will be a toll charge, but not much.

[Edited on 4-18-2014 by Mula]

SkyMedBarbara - 4-18-2014 at 06:26 AM

All numbers work on SKYPE at 2 cents a minute. If you have a computer which you do if you are a Baja Nomad Member why not use it? 800 numbers are free!

[Edited on 4-18-2014 by SkyMedBarbara]

Mula - 4-18-2014 at 07:06 AM

We are in Baja, have a computer and do not use SKYPE.

We have a magicJack.

And the 800 numbers do work also with that system.

But reception is usually clearer if we use our Mexico TelCel phone when in a town - since we live off the grid and have HughesNet satellite Internet.

But we HAVE used the magicJack from the off the grid locations and it works most of the time. Depending on weather systems.

alacran - 4-19-2014 at 05:50 PM

It amazes me that the ignorant, remain ignorant, because they are too stupid
to ask.