
Excellant Mexican blog to follow

Santiago - 4-19-2014 at 08:12 AM

Right here.
Lots of new folks on the board these days so I thought I would point out that Ms Soulpatch writes an almost daily blog of the family's decision to chuck it all and move to Mexico.
Once a week I pour 2 or 3 fingers and catch up with the O'Gradys. I highly recommend it.
I wonder whatever happened to the tent?:coolup:

ehall - 4-19-2014 at 08:24 AM

Thanks for the link, very interesting. Looks like they will be alright.

BajaBlanca - 4-19-2014 at 06:04 PM

They have surely gone thru the good bad and the ugly part of moving around in Mexico. One of the most surprising things to me is that UNFURNISHED literally means there are no kitchen cabinets or sink or stove.

By now her kids are fluent in Spanish, I wonder how the parents are doing with espaniol?

Interesting blog and thanks for sharing again.

bajalearner - 4-19-2014 at 07:36 PM

I have a family member who sends boring stuff about his family at Christmas. I don't read his and this looks the same.

ehall - 4-19-2014 at 08:13 PM

Originally posted by bajalearner
I have a family member who sends boring stuff about his family at Christmas. I don't read his and this looks the same.

Don't read it then. No need to be an azzhat.

elgatoloco - 4-19-2014 at 09:07 PM

Originally posted by bajalearner
I have a family member who sends boring stuff about his family at Christmas. I don't read his and this looks the same.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

When you told family member their chit was boring did they stop sending it?

ZoeyR - 4-21-2014 at 03:46 PM

Thanks for this information, I love the blog!

What's a blog?

durrelllrobert - 4-21-2014 at 03:53 PM

I had to Google this:

A blog (in Spanish, 1 also digital blog, bitacora, cyber, cyber daily, or web blog 1) is a website in which one or several authors chronologically publish texts or articles, appearing first the most recent, where the author always retains freedom of leaving published what you think is relevant and where typically own readers to participate actively through reviews. A blog can be used to publish her own ideas and opinions on various topics.

chippy - 4-21-2014 at 04:30 PM

From one overpriced gringo enclave to another. Good luck with Mexico Lite. I´ll give em another year tops.

ehall - 4-28-2014 at 11:25 AM

Glad things are getting better. Looking forward to reading more of the blog. It's great that your kids are already fluent in Spanish. Why is it so much harder for us adults?

chippy - 4-28-2014 at 01:11 PM

Casting stones money where the mouth is ? I just call it as I see it. I´ve owned a place in SMA for 18 years. I have lotsa friends in San Pancho and Sayulita. My 12 year old daughter was born and raised here in Jalisco. I know of what I speak. Get over yourself. What you are doing maybe adventurous and exciting to you but boring and mundane to others. Blog on !

[Edited on 4-28-2014 by chippy]

Barry A. - 4-28-2014 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by bajalearner
I have a family member who sends boring stuff about his family at Christmas. I don't read his and this looks the same.

It's beyond me how FAMILY NEWS could possibly be "boring". FAMILY is EVERYTHING to us.

-----but to each his own. :rolleyes:


vandenberg - 4-28-2014 at 02:40 PM

I've been living in Loreto,Baja for 20 some years and, for what it's worth, enjoyed Soulpatch's and his wife's blogs.

Have a little different outlook on a few things, but that may have mainly to do with me being retired for the last 25 years and have no kids to worry about any longer.:bounce:

chippy - 4-28-2014 at 02:43 PM

Its not about ego?¿?¿:rolleyes: Then why the blog?:?: 1 year tops.

pauldavidmena - 4-28-2014 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Boy, I can't even imagine owning down here, just doesn't fit into the plans.
But, whatever blows your skirt up.
If you knew anything about me or us you would know we aren't about ego.
No worries, impressing you is not important.
But, it is nice to have input from such a wise person.
Thank you for your permission.
Will, do.;)

Good for you for shrugging your shoulders at a pair of people who are clearly baiting you. Making a life change like moving to Baja is all about the details, so I for one appreciate your letting us glimpse into your process.

chippy - 4-28-2014 at 03:22 PM

Moving to baja:o:no:

learning a new language- kids do it better

Whale-ista - 4-28-2014 at 03:47 PM

Here's why babies/kids soak up new languages like little sponges: they are wired that way!
Learning a new language

Originally posted by ehall
Glad things are getting better. Looking forward to reading more of the blog. It's great that your kids are already fluent in Spanish. Why is it so much harder for us adults?

Paula - 4-28-2014 at 04:30 PM

I love the blog! It's great to hear that your family is settling in so well, and handling the rough spots with such grace and calm, Frank!

I hope you and Katie, twins and dog have many happy years in San Miguel!

Bajahowodd - 4-29-2014 at 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
Originally posted by bajalearner
I have a family member who sends boring stuff about his family at Christmas. I don't read his and this looks the same.

It's beyond me how FAMILY NEWS could possibly be "boring". FAMILY is EVERYTHING to us.

-----but to each his own. :rolleyes:


The mafia?:lol::lol::lol:

absinvestor - 5-2-2014 at 03:18 PM

Personally I wouldn't bet either way. My wife and I retired full time to Mexico in the mid 90's. I was 48 and my wife was 47. We were married young so our kids had graduated from college and were on their own. We weren't wealthy but could afford to live comfortably in Mexico. We lasted 2 years before returning to the US. We love Mexico (in fact returned full time for a second time for a another 2 years in 2007.) What seems to make many Mexico retirees return to the US is family. Brothers, sisters and aging parents etc. For EQUAL services Mexico is not that much cheaper and it is not inexpensive or convenient to make return trips back to the US. What happens to the blogger's children, as they become older, if they want to become part of the American dream? When life is going well Mexico is easy. However, as the blogger found when something goes wrong it is difficult to do anything about it. Let's face it-Mexico is less expensive for a reason. A US landlord would not dare to do what the Mexican landlord did anymore than a US restaurant would allow filthy bathrooms as is so common in much of Mexico. I wish the blogger luck and much happiness but would not wager one way or the other as to the length of time they will be permanent Mexico residents.

elgatoloco - 5-2-2014 at 04:31 PM

Haters gotta hate.

Keep on keeping on. We will look you guys up when we come down next spring.

Don't sweat the small stuff. :saint:

Osprey - 5-2-2014 at 06:57 PM

Frank, either you're confused or I am:

Your words "Tenant law here is strong and landlords regularly take it in the shorts".

In the same post: "I know plenty of Mexicanos and Americanos that (sic) (who) own property and got nailed significantly."

If you don't want to own, and you see legal disadvantages as a landlord and you have already had to sue to gain your private ends as a legal tenant, what's left for you in the tropics?

Stickers - 5-2-2014 at 10:09 PM

Great that you are finally comfortable.

That civil list in San Miguel is fantastic getting instant results from the expat folks. There is an attitude among them that I like a lot. Much different priorities then back home.

I think you will live well and prosper there ;D

absinvestor - 5-3-2014 at 03:28 PM

As I said I truly wish you happiness etc. After reading your response I recognize that our situation was different. Although my wife and I retired to Mexico our 2 children, who we are very close with, lived in Colorado. We travel with a dog so for us flying was not an option.-On our first "retirement" we thought the children would visit us frequently. We had a small but beautiful home directly on the Pacific Ocean-our front yard was the sandy beach. What we failed to realize was money was not the issue- it was time. Both had corporate jobs with two or three weeks of yearly vacation. During that two years our daughter visited once and our son twice. We traveled to Colorado 2 or 3 times a year and to the State of Washington where my parents live another two times a year. That travel was expensive, time consuming and winter travel ie Christmas a challenge. By the time we did our second retirement we had 5 grandchildren so we missed many additional birthdays, school plays, baseball games etc etc. Because we traveled so much to the US we had to carry US insurance in addition to Mexican insurance and buy Colorado tags. The medical insurance that we could get in Mexico was much cheaper but far inferior to what we had in the US. (During our second Mexico retirement we qualified for Medicare.) Maybe where you live medical is excellent but it wasn't where we lived. We had a neighbor that died of a heart attack (took over 2 hours for an ambulance to arrive) and another that severally cut his hand. I took the neighbor with the cut hand to the hospital where the Dr held his hand over a trash can to catch the blood while he attempted to clean the wound. I am not familiar with the strong Mexico tenant law that you refer to- we didn't have any big issues and the small ones we took care of ourselves. However, I have owned several rentals in the US and at least in Colorado landlords that let rentals deteriorate are severely dealt with. We were lucky in that our children both graduated from the Univ of Co Boulder where we paid in- state tuition. Had we been forced to pay out of State tuition I don't know how we or they could have afforded it. In summary, your situation is much different. I only wish the best for you and will enjoy reading your blog.

Paula - 5-4-2014 at 05:52 PM

Soulpatch, I think you and your family are surely living fully! While your bad rental story was a nightmare, and you've shown your grit in getting through it, you seem to be more happily settled into a good place now. You might have more ups and downs coming as you grow into life in Mexico, and while I don't buy into the "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" line of thinking, the rough patches do provide insight to how your new chosen home functions, and the adaptations you have to make in your ways of thinking and functioning here.

We find Mexico to be a great place to live in spite of or maybe beause of the differences. I can't imagine moving back, hope we never feel we have to.

It sounds like you guys are a good match here too, best of luck to you!

ehall - 5-4-2014 at 06:36 PM

Years from now you will be telling all your friends about the house from hell and getting a good laugh out of it. Take a deep breath and don't give up.

DianaT - 5-5-2014 at 10:31 AM

As soulpatch already knows, his wife's blog is one of my favorites. She writes from the heart and is so honest about the good and the not so good and the ugly.

Maybe it is because we have lived in a few different countries is one reason we enjoy it --- hearing all about what it is like for someone else. Maybe it is because we believe that life is all about change and relate in that way.

But what ever the reason, I really enjoy it and it is not full of the major BS that often is written here about everything being rosy. Of course, just as people don't need to read her blog if they don't like it, I don't need to read the BS here, but I still do.

Whatever direction they choose to follow, they are giving those kids and themselves a lifetime of education and memories. And both soulpatch and Mrs. soulpatch write quite well.

As far as giving them one year, well if they decide to make a change, they will still be moving forward and won't be stuck in a life of molding brains.

[Edited on 5-5-2014 by DianaT]

chippy - 5-5-2014 at 01:59 PM

I must admit reading this blog is a hoot. "We are in a working-class true Mexican town where spanish is the dominant language" I thought you moved to San Miguel de Allende?¿?¿ Thanks for the morning laugh. Blog On!

chippy - 5-5-2014 at 02:13 PM

I guess the circles you move in has something to do with sending your kids to a Gringo school? Don´t try and bs a bser I know the owner and teachers at your circles you move in school. Remember I didn´t just discover SMA. I have history there:cool:

[Edited on 5-5-2014 by chippy]

chippy - 5-5-2014 at 03:00 PM

"a little less than half are gringo" but yours are the only white/gringo kids there:?: You are funny! I think this "deportiva school" musta been in San Francisco, Nayarit? are is present tense.

It isn´t the students I´m referring to it´s the SCHOOL=100% GRINGO.

[Edited on 5-5-2014 by chippy]

[Edited on 5-5-2014 by chippy]

chippy - 5-5-2014 at 03:25 PM

My comprehension problem is you said your kids are in deportiva. I would consider that a writing problem.

I guess you still believe you are the first gringos to discover Mexico? Sad and funny at the same time.

Do your homework and you will find out that SMA was discovered by gringos before you were born.

blog on:bounce::bounce:

chippy - 5-5-2014 at 04:17 PM

I have history in SMA but I would never school my kids there. The reference to gringos being there before you were born has nothing to do with Spaniards. My grandama was there in the 40s.

So soulpatch keep on blogging and believing you are the 1st gringo in Mexico. :rolleyes:

Kgryfon - 5-5-2014 at 04:32 PM

Why are you being so hostile and rude, Chippy? Don't like the blog, don't read it. Move on. You sould like you'd have more fun over in Off-topic where you can argue, nitpick, and criticise in circles all day long over nothing with a bunch of other people who like to do the same. :rolleyes:

willardguy - 5-5-2014 at 04:37 PM

no need to go all the way over to OT, just go to "10 richest mexicans", the BAJABLOWHARDS are having a field day over there!:lol:

Kgryfon - 5-5-2014 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by willardguy
no need to go all the way over to OT, just go to "10 richest mexicans", the BAJABLOWHARDS are having a field day over there!:lol:

Just took a look - yes, they are having a field day over there, aren't they!

bajacalifornication - 5-5-2014 at 10:26 PM

The problem Old chippy has. Is his grandma was there in the 40s he was there before soulpatch so his family knows SMA better than any other gringo. And also sounds to me as if
there is no history before his family arrived there. And no history after because
he has been there done that. Viejo rabo verde.

mtgoat666 - 5-5-2014 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Anyway, I am off to a class... where I am the only white guy and nobody speaks English other than myself.
Stupid me..... I thought there would be more white-folk to teach me... oh, that's right, the same subject I was taking in San Pancho I was the only white guy out of about 20 adults....

How do you identify "white" vs non-white in Mexico? You seem to be using a racial classification term where perhaps you meant to use an ethnic classification.

Osprey - 5-6-2014 at 10:58 AM

Katie, you decided the other Mexican kids were North Americans. Good for you. You're a teacher and you know how important words and impressions can be -- on forums and in the classroom.

BajaLuna - 7-3-2014 at 09:37 PM

I love reading your blogs, especially the one about the American Dream, we are on the same page there! Voluntary simplicity and conscious living with intention...hail hail!

I commend you for living outside the box and in return have more time with your children, they grow so fast!

Please keep writing, there are some of us out here that appreciate your experiences, insight and streams of consciousness!

luv2fish - 7-4-2014 at 04:48 AM

Please keep writing, there are some of us out here that appreciate your experiences, insight and streams of consciousness!



David K - 7-4-2014 at 09:46 AM

Thank you Frank for sharing and for posting about your wife's blog. If readers here on Nomad can't say anything nice or add something constructive, I don't understand their need to put down what you guys are doing. I think it is very brave indeed and considering how the California school system fails in so many ways to educate our kids, I don't see much harm in what Mexican schools will do for them. As parents, we try to fill in the blanks or teach responsibility and the things left out that we got when we went to school.
I still have the photo of the proud papa holding his twins when they were brand new, on My how time zips by!

BajaLuna - 7-4-2014 at 11:14 AM

life is about adventure and embracing the unknowns, that's what keeps it interesting, livin' in the moment!

All the best to you and your family and keep bloggin' on, Amigo!