
Cuatro Papas

Whale-ista - 4-27-2014 at 01:12 AM

I'm curious: How many of you (or your Baja neighbors) are watching the ceremony at the Vatican right now (1 AM Northern Baja time)

It's a big deal for Catolicos. 2 living Popes in a ceremony for 2 other Popes' Canonization.

Just sayin', it's historic.

Pompano - 4-27-2014 at 07:23 AM

Personally, I was sound asleep and missed that report at 1 AM...but have seen a lot on the morning news today.

It certainly IS a big deal for the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. Naturally that includes a majority of the folks in Baja.

This newsworthy event is the first of its kind. Two popes have never been canonized together, not to mention the odd fact that two popes have never actually been alive together, making the event a sort of quadruple Pope-a-Palooza.

I have amigos in Rome who tell me that driving anywhere at this time is not something you would willingly do...and Rome is a demolition derby at the best of times. The Vatican has about a million folks attending the ceremony an area that fits about 1/4th that amount of people. Many believers walked all the way from Poland....and from other places some rode horses. Thousands have slept on the streets and sidewalks to be sure of getting a view of the ceremony. It's indeed a monumental time in history and I wish I could have been there...and I'm not even Catholic. ;)

I can imagine that most of Baja is watching this event on tv...and commenting. Seems like a prime target for non-believers to take aim

BajaBlanca - 4-27-2014 at 08:08 AM

Missed it. But they mentioned it at Mass today.

vgabndo - 4-27-2014 at 09:37 AM

I would most certainly hope that the front row of the protest of this celebration would be the TRUE BELIEVERS who have retained an adequate moral code to clearly see that the institutional protection and elevation of the perpetrators of serial sex crimes against children is nothing even remotely honorable. Even the irrational have been proven to hold enough personal decency to decry the raping of children. One of these "miracle makers" actually over-saw the bankrupting of the Boston and Los Angeles diocese caused by the payment of hush money to keep the rape victims testimony from becoming evidence in a criminal court. It should also be noted that in order to pull-off this publicity stunt this weekend, the rules for sainthood had to be changed. It seems that it is becoming more and more difficult to convince the masses that any of these guys EVER was responsible for having done anything miraculous after they were dead. So now, only one scientifically unsound claim has to be made part of the 'sainthood' application. If this sounds disrespectful, it is just the way I feel about sex criminals and those who have been proven to have protected them. I look forward to hearing the arguments from the point of view of people who think these men are worthy of the highest honor conferred by their church. I can't promise to follow this thread to off-topic! :lol:

Actually, I thought the thread was part of a soup recipe!

[Edited on 4-27-2014 by vgabndo]

Pompano - 4-27-2014 at 09:46 AM

Hah...darn, I should have taken the bet!! Atta boy, Perry. I just KNEW that you would be the first to have something anti-religious to add to this thread. I hesitated too long....maybe I'll start a different thread?

vgabndo - 4-27-2014 at 11:00 AM

WRONG WRONG WRONG Roger. Anti-child molester, anti-hypocrite, anti-miracle perhaps. But I think I was pretty clear that people who believe in this stuff have that right. ANY person with a moral code has the right to call them out when they decide to make "saints" out of the people who protected the criminals in their midst. Being anti-religious is a completely different thing than being pro-law enforcement. (most of the time)

Can I take from your comments that you approve of honoring these men who protected criminals? Or, is it that you disapprove of anyone who would remind you that they were anything but "saints" to the rest of us? Is it because I defended morality on a "holy" day? Sorry, it can't be otherwise. Every day is a holy day. Today is Saint Zita's day. She, who when dug up 318 years after she died, was (reputedly) just as fresh as the day she died! (evidence pending since the year 1580).

Pompano - 4-27-2014 at 02:18 PM

Hey Perry,

Sorry it took so long to respond...but I just picked up a nail on the behemoth behind me and had to do the tire change In The Rain up here in the northern Rockies!! Well...the wrecker guy did anyway.

I do recognize the history and uniqueness of this current event...and that is what interests me the most.

*edited to remove some poor humor.

[Edited on 4-28-2014 by Pompano]