
New restaurant in Cantu near Ensenada and other exciting happenings

EnsenadaDr - 4-28-2014 at 07:32 AM

I know DENNIS will eat this one up literally, he is so tired of new restaurants. But from one person who likes to get out and check out the new and exciting south of the Border to another who could care less, El Faro restaurant is getting rave reviews. Remember Baja Mama's (now known as Sharkey's) restaurant? She had a delicious Mexican themed brunch once a month and the food was great. Her neighbor Paty next door made the food that day (NOT the same Paty as Paty's Place) and her chile rellenos are legendary. Now Paty and Carmen (Bob North's wife) who by the way is a very sweet lady and worked for Mama as well, have teamed up to open El Faro's right next door to Sharkey's. Haven't been there yet but knowing the great food Paty and Carmen prepared before I know it will be great. Will Lynch, an octagenarian and a very discerning food critic has assisted the ladies in opening the restaurant and has decided to promote his style of burgers at the Open Air Fair in Cantu on Friday mornings. Will is a retired electrical engineer that graduated from Stanford obviously many years back, but is so unpretentious, and unassuming as well as quiet at times you wouldn't know his background. But he will let out his roar when he feels strongly about something and don't step on his toes either. Sharkey's has been there a long time but before I ever stepped foot in the area it was just a bar, now the new owners, (DENNIS might know more about them) are Mexican and promote their food and even started whining on Facebook about how people were criticizing their food there. Anyways there are a lot of new and exciting things happening in Cantu, and if you like to frequent new restaurants (and meet new and exciting people) then go for it but if not well stay cooped up and live your life as a keyboard commando. I say enjoy both worlds equally!!