
Reno to Bahia Asuncion

Bobvaso - 5-4-2014 at 09:04 PM

Very good trip. At the border they took apart my car and didnt find anything. Being from Nevada, I am one of Harry Reid's "domestic terrorists". Haha. The Route 1 detour wasnt too bad eventho I was tired by that time of night. I would not want to do it with a semi, like i used to do. Shari and Juan are well and their place is so beautiful! Yep kinda like Paradise to an old Manhattanite. One thing I wish Mexico would do is better signage. Distances, points of interest and some of the hazard spots, like Hector's Curve, for instance. Anyone traveling my route should easy does it. Reno to Ensenada/Punta Banda, then Catavina, then here. I usta coulda done it in two legs, and really speed burned it in one leg. The military checkpoints were all "hi, how are you"'s. Potholes. What potholes? And lastly the Pemex at Guerro Negro on the hiway was closed, caution tape on the pumps. Went into town for fuel. Best Regards all, and keep the shiny side up, Roger.

BajaBlanca - 5-4-2014 at 09:14 PM

Short and to the point! Any pics?

RenoJoe - 5-4-2014 at 10:14 PM

Bajablanca, Bob and I are'nt to too computer savy YET. I ask him for help and he asks me for help. No help yet.

BajaBlanca - 5-5-2014 at 05:33 AM

Send me the pics via email and I will post for ya. Remember now, it took me 2 years to learn myself!

TMW - 5-5-2014 at 04:49 PM

That PEMEX at GN has a reputation of cheating, I wonder if it caught up to them. Maybe they tried cheating PEMEX.