

honda1013 - 5-27-2014 at 09:16 AM

Which bank gives you the option to withdraw money with no currency 3% apart from bank of america and citibank?

weebray - 5-27-2014 at 10:05 AM

Charles Schwab is one. There have been Numerous discussions here. I've never had much luck with the search function on this site but you can try.

sancho - 5-27-2014 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by honda1013
Which bank gives you the option to withdraw money with no currency 3% apart from bank of america and citibank?

From many reports, the BofA, with no ATM fee for $ withdrawl is a thing of the past. Goggle ATM card
with no foreign transaction fee, there APPEAR to be
maybe 3 or so out there. Citibank has the no fee?

Bob and Susan - 5-27-2014 at 11:52 AM

no..Citibank has does b of a

J.P. - 5-27-2014 at 01:15 PM

I have never seen a ATM in Mexico that didn't charge a fee THATS HOW BANKS MAKE MONEY they don't keep your money just because you are a good guy. and why would a Mexican Bank be expected to transfer money for nothing. :?::?::?:

weebray - 5-27-2014 at 01:23 PM

This horse has been beat to death here on this forum. Charles Schwab bank offers free use of any atm anywhere in the world. Any fees incurred at any atm are refunded (read paid by) Charles Schwab. They also do not charge any foreign transaction fees. There may be others that offer this service but I only know about CS because I use my card mucho and have never paid a dime in fees of any kind.

DENNIS - 5-27-2014 at 01:49 PM

It's the local bank, the one that owns the Caja Rapida [that's ATM for you landlubbers], that you have to be concerned with. Their fees per transaction will range from 17 Ps to 85 Ps.

SFandH - 5-27-2014 at 02:02 PM

If you have a Bank of America account and use a Santander ATM you will not pay a fee to BofA for using a non-BofA ATM nor will you pay a fee to Santander for using its ATM. You will pay only a 3% international transaction fee to BofA.

About 1/2 way down the page.

gallesram - 5-27-2014 at 03:16 PM

The best deal I have found is BBVA. In the US, it's BBVA Compass (BBVA Banamex in Mexico). The only charge 1% which is do-able. If you're in the US you can open the account online & it's free of monthly fees. You can also transfer money into the account from a US bank for no fees. I used to enjoy the Santander/B of A alliance but that is long gone. I can live with 1% (BBVA) but 3% plus $5 for each withdrawal (Santander) is too much.

Whale-ista - 5-27-2014 at 03:36 PM

I prefer credit unions. Unless you need a savings deposit box or some other bank-only feature, in the US they have lower fees, and are locally organized.

When I travel, they offer good exchange rates and 1% for ATM/debit card use.

cliffh - 5-27-2014 at 04:01 PM

wells Fargo has no fee's depending on type off account you have.

bajagrouper - 5-27-2014 at 04:25 PM

Citibank Gold Account is fee free at any Banamex ATM, Schwab is fee free any where in the world and I believe Capotal One is also fee free......

weebray - 5-28-2014 at 06:38 AM

Originally posted by SFandH
If you have a Bank of America account and use a Santander ATM you will not pay a fee to BofA for using a non-BofA ATM nor will you pay a fee to Santander for using its ATM. You will pay only a 3% international transaction fee to BofA.

ONLY 3% I can't believe B of A can be so benevolent! I'll stick with CS thank you, what part of free don't you understand?

SFandH - 5-28-2014 at 06:50 AM

Originally posted by weebray
Originally posted by SFandH
If you have a Bank of America account and use a Santander ATM you will not pay a fee to BofA for using a non-BofA ATM nor will you pay a fee to Santander for using its ATM. You will pay only a 3% international transaction fee to BofA.

ONLY 3% I can't believe B of A can be so benevolent! I'll stick with CS thank you, what part of free don't you understand?

You understandably mistook my use of the word "only". I meant it as you pay "only" 1 of the 3 different types of fees banks charge at ATMS. I think the relatively new 3% international transaction fee is a total ripoff.

[Edited on 5-28-2014 by SFandH]

Bob H - 5-28-2014 at 06:58 AM

Fidelity Cash Management Account... Debit card, no fees whatsoever. If you do get charged a fee, they issue a credit for the fee charged.

weebray - 5-28-2014 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Bob H
Fidelity Cash Management Account... Debit card, no fees whatsoever. If you do get charged a fee, they issue a credit for the fee charged.

There you go, another great recommendation.

weebray - 5-28-2014 at 11:10 AM

You may want to check out this Wall St. journal article.

Bajahowodd - 5-28-2014 at 04:54 PM

This thread reminds me of the threads talking about gas prices. In my opinion, unless you live in Mexico full-time, or for a good part of the year, this is useless information. For those who travel frequently, I assume they are considered vacations. So, when on vacation, expect some things to cost you.

I cannot imagine anyone seeking to head SOB deciding to cancel their trip because Pemex prices are too high, or ATM fees are too.

SFandH - 5-28-2014 at 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
unless you live in Mexico full-time, or for a good part of the year, this is useless information.

That's true. Many here, "live in Mexico full-time, or for a good part of the year" so the information is useful.

BTW, I'm going to open a Fidelity account to avoid ATM fees. I didn't know about the Fidelity free ATM accounts until I read this thread.

[Edited on 5-29-2014 by SFandH]

Alm - 5-29-2014 at 01:53 PM

Originally posted by SFandH
Originally posted by Bajahowodd
unless you live in Mexico full-time, or for a good part of the year, this is useless information.

That's true. Many here, "live in Mexico full-time, or for a good part of the year" so the information is useful.

I don't think the OP, in his very 1st post at Nomads, was worrying about those living here full-time, and from his/her post it doesn't sound like they are full time either.

For a tourist this doesn't matter indeed. Any Mexican ATM will charge a few bucks withdrawal fee on a non-Mexican account. Don't know if you can avoid this by finding the ATM of Mex branch of exactly your bank - impossible to find in my case. So get over it. Or don't use ATM too often, bring some pesos.

On top of Mex ATM fee - and here is where this thread becomes confusing - there are other fees, like currency conversion fees, I believe it's 2% in my bank. I don't know if there are any banks waiving conversion fees, for sure not our Canadian banks and/or not in accounts where there are unlimited transactions and no monthly fees on low balances. Bank needs to make money this way or another.

On top of ATM fees and conversion fees, there are your bank transaction fees, and yes, many banks would waive those, but when they do, watch out for currency conversion fees.

[Edited on 5-29-2014 by Alm]