
Closure due to Crack in bridge southbound from S.Y.

noserider - 6-4-2014 at 06:06 PM

I read on another forum that there is a large crack in the bridge southbound out of San Ysidro border crossing to Tijuana, it happened a few days ago, has anybody gone south in the last few days and tried to get towards the toll road and seen what they have done to deal with the traffic, Im going south friday and would like to know if I should avoid that crossing .:?:

Ateo - 6-4-2014 at 06:08 PM

SlyOnce - 6-5-2014 at 07:06 AM

just to be super clear, the bridge out of Chaparral border crossing to Ave. International, that connects to the Cuota is NOT CLOSED. I drive this route every day.

noserider - 6-5-2014 at 08:33 AM

thanks for the info, Baja 500 here I come:bounce: