
Baja Chat Room Bar

Osprey - 6-8-2014 at 10:37 AM

Chat Board Bar

Got it. I just now got it --- I had parts of it all the time but now I really, really got it. I’m gonna open a bar down here in Baja Sur called The Chat Room. It would be a reality Chat Board; palapa roof, tropical décor, cold beer, grilled food, fun employees. The big difference between this particular venue and all others is that as you enter there is a big long table with plastic placards that you pick up, hang around your neck until you leave.

They display and announce your bar-chat affinity/leanings/interests: Travel, Fishing, Diving, Water Sports, Music, Entertainment, Literature, etc. etc. As your eyes adjust to the nice cool shade you begin to find bar stools, booth seats, table spaces filling with people who share your interests ----- when you join the ones you find the most interesting to your predilections, they’ll individually and as a group welcome you when they see your “Card”.

You won’t be bothered by the buck or two more per drink I have to charge when you realize I’ve saved you all the boring, banal and expensive encounters, the false steps with the enemy, with my clever card scheme ---- might have taken you two or three Margaritas to learn that the young fat thing in the pink coverall was not who you would ever want to converse with while on vacation.

My staff and I could change the tenor of the place at any moment (out of commercial need or just a whim) by adding more placards. Perhaps, at happy happy hour we fill up the end of the table with 30 more and different cards. The more adventurous could, if they so chose, wear a dozen or so cards announcing a staggering and attractive rainbow of interests their table mates might find intriguing. If caprice should overtake me I could produce and provide placards in stark electric colors or bold font to exaggerate the patron’s depth of knowledge, interest.

I couldn’t do all this without some backround in group-think. My many years on the Baja Nomad Chat Board has given me the insight for this venture. There, over the years, I have seen members wearing (by their many posts) the clear but invisible placards that explain how they think, what they like, what and who they hate, ad nauseum.

My staff will be trained to look for signals of rancor, sounds of violent disagreement late in the evening and we would collect the cards that are causing most of the problems. The very act will freeze the linebackers long enough that the clients will see it as real time evidence of things they feel strongly about that cause them serious social problems no matter where they go.

It will be exciting to watch some patrons discard some placards, other who steal some from their table mates and other Alphas who might stalk out (but not without paying the tab) complaining “This is not my kind of place”.

Udo - 6-8-2014 at 10:58 AM

Let me know if you need a business partner, Jorge!

BajaBlanca - 6-8-2014 at 11:05 AM


MMc - 6-8-2014 at 11:10 AM

This is too good. Osprey, do you ever get tired of hitting home runs?

Udo - 6-8-2014 at 11:53 AM

On Facebook, there is a sign (menu board) being held by a chef that says:


[Edited on 6-8-2014 by Udo]

danaeb - 6-8-2014 at 01:58 PM

It's a winner. I WANT A PLACARD IN ALL CAPS!!!!

Fernweh - 6-8-2014 at 02:10 PM

what happened to that young pink thing....?

bajalearner - 6-8-2014 at 02:20 PM

Ingenious. I get it. Chat board bar as opposed to a chat bored bar. I look forward to watching your IPO (initial public opening) big day.

mikeymarlin - 6-8-2014 at 03:37 PM

such a great idea----you will need multiple locations in different communities

I would like to offer my vast experience in the field franchising---

Whale-ista - 6-8-2014 at 03:59 PM

Just be sure to provide lots of dark corners for the lurkers to hang out...

David K - 6-8-2014 at 04:31 PM

Will there be an Off Topic Room? :lol::cool::light:

bazinga - 6-8-2014 at 06:40 PM

A bathroom with side by side crappers should handle the off topic crowd.

bajalearner - 6-8-2014 at 09:10 PM

Will you allow a placard of "Religion" or is that too much? Maybe if you just let the topic come around by evolution it will be accepted easier.

watizname - 6-8-2014 at 10:08 PM

I think the off topic "room" should be out back. A boxing ring surrounded by bleachers. Make em box blindfolded so all the haymakers would be greatly exaggerated.:biggrin:

mike odell - 6-8-2014 at 11:07 PM

Hey Osprey, I have a shaded palapa, and a wet bar, that I could
lease to you for you for your new venture, please send a large
deposit, as soon as you can, coin of the realm is profured, I told ya
last week, I cant spell fo chit. But I think your on to something!
Bring Udo and mikeymarlin! Do we need Corona girls, with signs too?
Nothin ventured nothin gained!!