
The Lost Dory – Traveling in Baja with my dad and his handmade boat

Ateo - 6-16-2014 at 04:41 PM

A story that I think many of you will find enjoyable....

Written by Joe Curren

"When I think of my dad, I think of roughing it in Baja and traveling up and down the peninsula in a rickety old VW Bug. For three straight years, between the ages of 13-15, my dad would pick me up in Santa Barbara and we’d make the 1,000-mile drive south to Cabo on Highway 1. We spent six weeks in summer and two weeks in winter mostly staying at my dad’s place on the East Cape, but we also camped, surfed, fished and dove along the way, and always with his handmade foam and fiberglass dory.

The trips are some of the best memories I have of my dad while growing up. Yes, we did rough it, but a bit of hardening was good for me. Traveling in Baja is a rite of passage for the Southern California surfer and getting dirty comes with the territory, especially once you venture south of Ensenada. Shipwrecks, Scorpion Bay, Seven Sisters; as a grom it was the waves that drew me in. Many hours, of course, were spent surfing. But my dad really made sure I experienced everything the land and water in Baja had to offer."

Much more here and photos:

[Edited on 6-16-2014 by Ateo]

BajaGeoff - 6-16-2014 at 05:12 PM

Great stuff!

David K - 6-16-2014 at 05:15 PM

Now that was a nice story... thanks to our dad's for giving us the knowledge about Baja!

Skipjack Joe - 6-16-2014 at 05:58 PM

What a neat story!

Half Moon Bay, where I live, was originally a portuguese community. Many of the schools, streets, and libraries were named after the early portuguese settlers. Back in the 80's it was not uncommon to see them launch their dories in the harbor. I was always absolutely amazed at how easily they could make those boats go so fast. They would row them out into the pacific and fish for rockfish. As I recall the guy would row standing. But he could cover 30 yard with two strokes from the oars. It was such a pleasure to watch.

Marc - 6-16-2014 at 06:05 PM

Thanks for this great story.

elgatoloco - 6-17-2014 at 11:00 AM

Nice story.

BajaBlanca - 6-17-2014 at 11:50 AM

great story and pics!

desertcpl - 6-17-2014 at 11:53 AM

yes great stuff,, I remember when my Dad first took me to Baja

it was San Felipe about 1953

ken san fliepe 53.gif - 39kB

Martyman - 6-17-2014 at 11:55 AM

Nice Ateo! I was feelin' it.

JohnMcfrog - 6-17-2014 at 01:58 PM

Thanks Ateo..

Mike Doyle's "Morning Glass" also had some great looks at Pat Curren. When I was a grom, we went to Carpenter's Hall and watched Pat surf Wiamea. (1958/59). Loved Mike Doyle's story about trying to find Curren's Wiamea shape and found it on the sidewalk in North County SD, in front of Pat's shop.

thanks again,


bajaandy - 6-17-2014 at 01:59 PM

Awesome story! Thanks for posting!

This reminds me so much of my dad. In '64 he and some friends built 3 Sabot sailboats. When I was old enough, I learned to sail in that boat, and kept it and fixed it up and sailed it for many years. And in '73 dad and his buddies drove to La Paz and caught the ferry to Topolobampo. His slides from that trip inspired me to seek adventure in Baja, and they still do to this day. I still have all those old slides. I need to get them digitized.

Whale-ista - 6-17-2014 at 03:04 PM

Great recollections and photos. Their "newer" VW reminds me of my first car: a 1968 Baja bug. Low on aesthetic value, high on versatility.

I drove it during the week and on many weekends it was towed out to camping adventures behind the family GMC frame-mounted camper. (The term "RV" had not been invented back then. It was pretty obvious you were driving those beasts for recreation- you didn't need to name the vehicle to explain its purpose.)

Good memories. Thank you for sharing the link.

wessongroup - 6-17-2014 at 05:42 PM

Thanks much ... :):)

Ateo - 6-17-2014 at 06:00 PM

Stoked you all enjoyed the article, that a friend of mine forwarded to me.

My first memories of Baja are going down with my Dad to Ensenada and launching our Avon inflatable from Estero Beach. Large waves that day and my Dad dumped the boat trying to make it up a wave, on his way out to SCUBA Todos Santos.

He's never been further south than Ensenada.

My goal is to take him back to Baja, deep south.

Maybe the whales this year.

wessongroup - 6-17-2014 at 06:02 PM

My dad used to take us kids down, in the 50's ... still remember the firecrackers :lol::lol:

For sure take your old man ... and lots of pictures

The story and desertcpl picture brought back a lot of great memories :):)

[Edited on 6-18-2014 by wessongroup]