
East Cape-I'm to going to go off on a rant

vseasport - 7-6-2014 at 11:49 AM

East Cape-I'm not going to go on a rant
Our week started out rockin' 'em until stormy weather arrived. A couple of days of rain and winds shut it right down. Anglers that are working hard are still scratching em out but not getting as many opportunities. The weather seems to be straightening out today so I'm confident the bite will bounce back.

I heard a few boats were getting sardines for bait and found it strange nobody was talking about it. Upon investigation what I found was the bait is being taken from Pulmo in the protected reserve area. Even worse, tuna have gone off in the reserve and several fleet boats have been poaching them. Some skippers are being pressured by anglers that don't care while other skippers are fishing in the park to get the count without making their anglers aware. I'm not going to go off on a rant on this but will tell you Jen Wren boats will not participate in illegal practices.

Trying to purchase Mexican fishing licenses has been a hot topic on internet forums lately. I can't talk about other areas of Mexico but will say buying a license on the East Cape is a no brainer and they are easy to find.

Party foul!

Sailfish are packed up. Double hookups are not uncommon

Stripers still providing action

Striper on the fly this week with guide Lance Pedersen

AFTCO owner Bill Shedd on the wire

Accurate Fishing Products Ben Secrest's daughters Summer and Kailey on a double hookup

Diego doing his best to keep Jen Wren anglers happy

Dog tooth snapper are surprising anglers looking for roosterfish

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

bajabuddha - 7-6-2014 at 11:59 AM

The "Diego doing his best to keep Jen Wren anglers happy" pic also looks like "Jen Wren anglers doing their best to keep Diego happy" TOO!!
:O :lol: :tumble: :rolleyes: :lol:

dtbushpilot - 7-6-2014 at 02:43 PM

Does Diego get paid to do this? I'll do it for free Mark....

WTF ??

captkw - 7-6-2014 at 02:57 PM

A banana on board !!! OMG !!!!