
Hey, La Paz, what's your weather like?

Hook - 7-8-2014 at 01:11 PM

It appears you have a significant line of thunderstorms out east of you over the Sea. They are pretty high topped and pretty sizable and are slowly moving in your direction. They are a gift from the mainland. ;D

The East Cape area could also be affected.

Keep us posted if you are, or have gotten, some significant weather. Just curious, as a weather watcher.

Bill Collector - 7-8-2014 at 02:00 PM

Lots of thunder and Rain in Buena Vista.

Water Spouts La Ventana, El Sargento, Los Planes Area

DaGreen - 7-8-2014 at 03:18 PM

It's taking too long for me to upload pics, I will post a link to a news site.

La Ventana/El Sargento

[Edited on 7-8-2014 by DaGreen]

blackwolfmt - 7-8-2014 at 03:58 PM

That water spout is too Cool!!

[Edited on 7-8-2014 by blackwolfmt]

tromba-marina (Medium).jpg - 49kB

weebray - 7-8-2014 at 04:15 PM

So far, it's a non-event here in La P. We had a major chabasco roll through yesterday with 45knt gusts. BIG rain in spots but dry two blocks away. So far no rain to speak of this year. It is awful early tho so there is hope.

Hook - 7-9-2014 at 06:19 AM

About two inches of rain for us, overnight, on the coast of Sonora.

The Sierra Madres are really kicking out the thunderstorms right now. More dangerous clouds out in the center of the Sea that look like they will make landfall anywhere from the East Cape to Loreto.

capitolkat - 7-9-2014 at 08:39 AM

lots of rain here - the streets in downtown were flooded on Monday, the road to Centenario where we live had huge ponds of standing water. I've had to drain my pool twice as the rain filled it above the skimmers.

Frogs ( actually red spotted toads) have come out in force. I've now relocated 11 to a more suitable spot as they are incredibly loud for little guys. This summer is totally different from the last 4 we have been here, as the humidity came early in June, and rain has actually fallen in significant quantities, the desert is really turning green.

willyAirstream - 7-10-2014 at 02:02 PM

Storm water snake in BCS SERGEANT, 35 minutes from La Paz BCS, a couple days ago

from by Francisco Javier Castolo Cortés